
Gaming Freedom Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"People praised Zelda: Breath of the Wild for its open world nature and the ability to fight Ganon whenever you felt ready. Well, Chrono Trigger not only let you take on the final boss whenever you like but also has 14 different endings depending on when and how you do this."
"The freedom to play how you want is something Di RISE does well."
"There's just a level of freedom you rarely see in a game that is on this scale."
"League of Legends gave you something no other competitive experience did: complete Freedom of Choice."
"It's the freedom we give the players, like there's no right way to play the game."
"The freedom the system gives you allows you to level and to your heart's content."
"The freedom to play the game how you want is important."
"I love how you can play this game, no matter what way, whatever way you want. You can play it. I love that."
"Dishonored gives you a huge amount of freedom."
"Play like a true pirate, command the high seas, and do whatever the hell you want."
"I felt like I had freedom no matter what map it was on, no matter how big or small."
"There is no single video game I have ever played where I have felt like I've had more freedom to fight explore and solve puzzles however I chose to then tears of the Kingdom."
"Mabinogi allows players to play the game how they want to."
"PC gaming allows you to play games how they're meant to be played, and how games are meant to be played is however the [expletive] you want them to be played."
"I recognize that's probably scary for some players of the game to have that much freedom to mess your class up."
"Let people play the characters they want to play."
"Play Animal Crossing however the hell you want to and don't be a [__] cop."
"Nobody has any business telling other people what games to play."
"The freedom in this game allows you to travel anywhere you want."
"We want to give people the freedom to try to solve these little combat challenges the way they want to."
"Total freedom with Halo 3 forge, and that's what we have here folks."
"Being that you scale to the worlds around you, you can basically go wherever you want and do whatever you want whenever you want."
"Someone finally took the guard rails off my console."
"It's just one of those games that I can do whatever I want to."
"Let us play our game how we want to play our game."
"Games are more fun when you can play how you want to."
"The freedom that the players have around the table is extraordinary."
"The game doesn't reprimand you or anything for doing anything wrong because there's pretty much no wrong way to do anything in the game."
"That freedom is always there, and the game's feedback from your choices is a lot of fun."
"The sheer fact that the game just let me do it."
"We like to support as much play styles and freedoms as possible, keeping the sand in the sandbox."
"I can go and I can join the Crimson Fleet and I can do this whole questline that's really cool and really dope and kind of and I can make my own Outpost and do whatever the I want in the way that I want."
"That's awesome! The first time Nintendo hasn't limited us to something."
"You're now completely free to do anything you want, main quest, side quests, anything, anywhere."
"You can literally see strong name, yeah thank you. You can literally kill every single character no matter what and I think that's really good as well."
"Games have been and should be able to do whatever they want however they want."
"Manhunt proved you could do all that without scolding your audience for playing the game that you sold them." - Reviewer
"Any game that gives people the creative space to exercise their inner sociopath is just fine by me."
"It's honestly one of the most limitless games I've ever played."
"The freedom here was its most potent strength, and I was lost for hours on end exploring and seeing what trouble I could get myself into."
"The amount of freedom you have in this game is just a joy to experiment with."
"Let people play the game for what they want to play the game for. Don't try to make people do a bunch of [__] that doesn't matter."
"My favorite part of the game by far is the freedom to play however I want, to go wherever I want."
"It's nice when a game doesn't slap our hands when we're trying to find creative ways of breaking it."
"So long story short, play the game however you want to, all right? There's no judgment from me."
"You're free to kill whoever you want if that's what you desire."
"In Dark Souls, the game lets you do things how you want to do things."
"This game just gives you such an amazing feeling of freedom."
"Creating characters in Pathfinder feels like an almost limitless playground."
"It just rewards you for just doing what you want to do and just exploring and feeling the game out."
"Sometimes you may just want to grapple straight upward for no other reason than to see if you can."
"You can play the game however you like to play the game."
"A more open Pokemon with more choices for the player would be a lot more fun."
"Us trying to have fun isn't ruining it for the community. If you want to play all your games, go for it. You bought FIFA 21, you're well within your right."
"We can escape and finally be free from this game."
"Video games give you the opportunity to be anything. And the weapons you carry around can be ridiculous." - Falcon
"This is exactly what I was hoping for, like I wanted more freedom you know what I mean, like a little bit like just some extra things to do rather than just being the story but it looks like we get the best of both worlds."
"I think everybody who focuses on how Minecraft devs want you to play the game is that the devs made a Sandbox game there is no right way to play Minecraft and that's the best part about this game is that there is no right and wrong way to play."
"It's good to have more choice and with this you have the freedom to play your PC games wherever you also have the freedom to play it however you want."
"You are free to build the character that you like."
"The entire map is open from minute like right when you start the game you can go anywhere in the map."
"You can be a mage or a warrior or a wookie or a warlock or a Jedi. It doesn't matter. You're going to have some kind of personality to your character, assumedly."
"One nice thing about it is... you don't have to feel like blizzard is telling you what you have to do."
"God Hand is a game I highly recommend... gives the player a lot of freedom in creating their own setups."
"If you want to play a hurricane Druid that uses lightning bolt and shifts into a Werebear and then uses petrify then [__] do it, it is your game."
"Play the game however the [__] you want, you're a busy person, enjoy stuff the way that you want to because you spent the money for it."
"The essence of a sandbox game like Hitman is freedom of approach."
"You could be what you want; you don't pick a class, you do what you want."