
Character Progression Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Your choices really make a difference both in the story as well as in how you progress your character in the gameplay."
"World of Warcraft was designed to have such a high number of levels at the time where classes had between 51 and 71 talent points, meaning the players would get a new talent point for every level they achieved and that created a constant sense of character progression."
"We need more than just new gear and smashing enemies with larger numbers. MMORPGs need a compelling and visceral progression to your character's visual identity."
"They need to start innovating in the visual and cosmetic direction if they want people to feel their characters progress."
"There's a very real sense of progress to building up a character in New Vegas because perks add genuinely unique things."
"Mythic Plus has completely revolutionized the way our characters gear up."
"Our girl is leveling up. It's an important moment."
"Imagine you give Ash a Charmander and he ends up with a Charizard."
"Character growth will not carry over – levels, experience, skills, photons, techniques, these don't carry over."
"They generate clear potentials for progressions and promises."
"The extra options give you more control and satisfaction in character progression."
"In Fallout 4, there are so many perks where there are four or five tiers that you have to take just to be able to fight on a solid footing with enemies at later levels."
"The level 70 to 80 jump for characters is going to make dispatch and other content like that so much more easy and so much easier to tackle."
"Movement speed and curse every ten levels with a max of twenty percent."
"I mean she's been doing something like in gym three Steven isn't the champion anymore Wallace got promoted to be the champion."
"Unlocking all the characters in the smash games has always been so fun."
"Your character grows in power with level ups like in most RPGs."
"Moving on, your third and fifth constellation increase your talent levels."
"By the end of the game, you'll be pretty godlike in whatever style you're using."
"There's meaningful ways to progress your character in Path of Exile."
"This is the stuff that we've so desperately wandered for a long time and it's here and it actually fits into the progression of your character."
"The primary drive of the gameplay was to collect loot, power up your guys, and ultimately become a nearly unstoppable killing machine."
"Are we as an audience at risk of leaving Rick behind just like his family?"
"Venom... every couple of months, man, he just gets better and better."
"Goten and Trunks got Super Saiyan at a really young age with Goten being the youngest to ever get Super Saiyan."
"He officially declares Cain as the Viscount of Doral."
"Like dominoes falling over one after the other, smiles follow Pinkie Pie's progress through the town."
"It's a game that very quickly gets you in, gets your character to a place where they're just blowing up everything on the screen."
"Kelvin checks in with Leo at the guild who promotes him to a rank for defeating Victor."
"You have leveled up and are more powerful than ever."
"The GCD feels slow initially, though it improves with alacrity."
"The whole gameplay loop of an MMO is based around working to gear and progress your character... Legendary's were a really interesting idea but ultimately failed with the player base because..."
"The trade-off to this was that the monk was pathetically fragile at the start."
"Five to seven business days, that's how long it takes for a character arc to come to completion."
"Even without a specific job, Cross was progressing remarkably well."
"He enters the Soul Society at around lieutenant level after attaining Shikai, meaning he has become 5 times stronger than when he fought against the Menos Grande for the first time or Renji."
"I see X Drake reporting what happened, he's definitely going to get a promotion."
"Finally, when she reached the age of 15, she arrived at the Royal Magic Academy."
"A wide variety of actives, passives, weapons... it all levels up your character."
"Your protagonists' relative lack of power means you never feel out of place during the smaller quests."
"Raising a characteristic will raise its associated skills as the skills are derived from the characteristics."
"Which of these Two-Face stories do you prefer as his character's natural progression and which one would you like to see animated the most?"
"At Bard six is the promised land because yes as a lard that means we get magical secrets and that lets us take two spells from other spellcaster classes."
"I love this build a lot it comes online so early and is just so fun to play in game."
"The character progression of its leads, the intricacies of its power system, the way it approaches each story arc and flips every convention on its head."
"This is true character progression as you watch this man lose pretty much anything and anyone that's important to him."
"The player and their character get steadily stronger throughout the game, but the enemies they face are always slightly ahead."
"...there's something to be said for playing a character who feels like they legitimately and significantly get more and more powerful as the game goes on."
"Your character is gaining new abilities or gear, but so is the player getting better at playing the game."
"The writing, the character progression, the subtlety, the understanding of implication by emotion stuff, it's amazing how much superior that cartoon is on a writing standpoint."
"Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan is introduced, highlighting his progression since the time skip."
"I'm so excited to see the progression of their relationship."
"With agency, you want to be sure that your character is making active choices in the story to propel things forward."
"There's so many characters that have gone through such a similar nuanced progression where they really do feel like real people."
"Little goals like this and ambitions help guide what skills you progress in, what gear you buy, and ultimately how you pilot your character."
"The progression from enemies to lovers has been very well done."
"I climbed up the ranks with Yoshimitsu."
"The game deals with symbiosis between man and machine, where the main character has to maintain the machine in order to progress her story."