
Movie Impact Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"It's nuts to me that she was 14 when they started filming and she carries this movie."
"This movie provides an incredible experience."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home made me believe I would have loved it as much at age eight as I'm gonna love it at 88."
"I cried the first time I saw it. It's so good."
"That's the movie that made me hate dolls, like legit hate dolls."
"There's something about the way the aliens are depicted in Signs that is still horrifying to me."
"It's been a long time since I felt that way and I thought they brought back to a real menacing scary imposing point again."
"Forrest Gump, for sure. That's one of the ones that struck me hard."
"Parasite is one of those movies that you won't be able to stop thinking about after your first viewing."
"You just feel everybody's feeling the absence of T'Challa. It's so good."
"It's [ __ ] possible - touches me in my heart someone said that this ending there this movie was like very steel bur good message you're saying."
"I feel like there's no such thing as a scary movie for me until I saw 'Hereditary'."
"Hopefully they'll take something positive from the experience of The Breakfast Club."
"The movie will make you laugh and cry; it's full of emotions."
"I consider sinister... one of the scariest horror movies out there."
"Out of all the Disney villain deaths, this one leaves a pretty damn big impact."
"For me, the movie that defined my childhood was definitely The Iron Giant."
"The presence of the ring wraiths...gave the viewer some of the movie's most tension-fueled moments."
"Hereditary is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen."
"That's the beauty of movies right there. Some can hit you so hard you feel kind of offended when someone says they don't love them the same way."
"This movie needed to reestablish Star Wars, and it did."
"This movie really does punch above its weight."
"If you were not crying in the first eight minutes of 'Up,' you simply have no soul."
"When Crocodile Dundee premiered that was the first we knew about as a family."
"A victory of the little guy against the goliath that is comic book movies."
"We need widespread ubiquitous testing contact tracing while we open society up."
"This was the movie that the world needed right now and I loved it."
"Following Avengers end game, this line is huge for many reasons."
"Movies don't create psychos, they may make psychos more creative."
"Wanda is going to be the most dangerous person in this entire movie."
"Trust me, after this movie, everybody's gonna know her name."
"I thought Suicide Squad was gonna change my life... it was a very embarrassing August for me."
"It feels a lot like this movie came right from the heart."
"I think what happens is when you leave a big action blockbuster, what sticks into your mind is the finale."
"The king of that for me this year was everything everywhere because I didn't know what to think of that movie until I saw it and then it was my favorite movie of the year."
"People bag on Titanic these days but I recall Titanic fever when that came out."
"I was absolutely floored when that movie ended."
"Unintentionally, this is one of the most pro-life movies ever."
"When you walk away from a movie and it sticks with you, that's good. That's a good sign."
"Hereditary is the scariest movie I have ever seen."
"Rarely happens where I'm just scared to go to sleep."
"Soul to me, what if it resonates the way say up does... I think Soul is going to be one of the better movie-going experiences of 2020."
"I think this movie is going to have wider-reaching consequences in the Marvel Cinematic Universe than any other MCU movie before."
"One of the most important awareness efforts, however, was an actual Hollywood production - the movie Wind River."
"What a [] movie what a [] movie that's all I can say what a [__] movie."
"Everyone watched 'The Greatest Showman' and was like, man PT Barnum sure was sweet."
"There were moments in this movie even today with the audience, a jaded bunch of genre pundits, even they were Ghibli too."
"Die Hard is a movie that you could watch today for the very first time and be just as impacted by it as somebody who watched it for the first time thirty years ago."
"That movie was awesome and I will admit I was wrong."
"Restore the Snyder verse, man. When I tell you this movie hit different!"
"With a legendary performance by Heath Ledger, you have the makings of one of the best comic book films of all time."
"This movie's got me speechless, man. I can't even get my words out."
"The first spider-verse movie blew everybody away...it peeled all of our wigs back."
"I know everybody lost their mind for Tom Cruise when like Top Gun came out like the first movie."
"Tier one is the strangers, and that is one scary movie that feels like it's like the one movie that feels like it could actually happen in real life."
"I was just absolutely knocked out and mesmerized by this opening scene. I'll tell you what, I, the first time I walked out of 'Gladiator,' the first time I saw it, I remember, it was at this little movie theater..."
"Hopefully what I really like is that anyone you know these people will still the audience will still think about the movie even after they go."
"I had less than zero expectations going into this movie and it just wowed me."
"You understand how much this movie meant to Black people."
"I thought this can't be real, and then by the end of the movie I thought this can't be faked."
"The impact that Eternals will have on the MCU will be nothing less than redefining the cinematic universe entirely."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home... the ultimate butterfly effect of being a comic book movie fan."
"Does it actually change the message of the movie if there's a slight variation on some of these or a different study showing a slightly different number?"
"Trusting that if you do the right thing that things are going to work out for you."
"The first 10 minutes of this movie it's gonna be cry time across the theater."
"Just watch the movie for yourself and you should leave feeling more inspired."
"This is the movie that Marvel needed right now."
"What an impactful ending to an already impactful movie."
"That movie is so good, it ended up being my third favorite movie of the year."
"for anyone that cried during that Tony Stark scene you know what I'm talking about"
"Avatar 2 may be long, but when I kept my six-year-old son who has ADHD glued to the screen in the theater, I knew it was pure Magic."
"Every single thing about this movie is iconic."
"I was blown away by how funny the movie was and how great Gene Wilder was in that."
"I feel like right now I would say this is without a doubt one of the coolest movies that has ever existed in terms of it, yes the vibe and everything."
"The ramifications of this movie are bigger than what we think they're gonna be."
"For something that came out in 2003 and I'm making movies about it and it still gets those kind of numbers I'm happy with it."
"It's fine if we don't like the same movies; it's about the impact they have on us."
"Somebody told me a story about how somebody was walking out of the Black Panther... and he says to his buddy, 'So this is what white people feel like everyday.'"
"This movie brings families together through laughter."
"Some movies have moved me, for sure, and you know, I get it, and some movies you step away from, you're like, 'Damn, that was a good movie,' and others you're like, 'Well, it was all right.'"
"The movie that reenergized me to the cape Crusader and made me want to be Batman."
"Honestly, that was the last movie that hit me. Honestly, Tick Tick Boom, that hit me man."
"This is not a movie that I care to re-watch very often, but it's always stuck with me."
"When Simba realizes Mufasa is dead, no matter how many times you see it, you still just feel it."
"Has anyone else been utterly destroyed by Infinity War? Can we talk about Infinity War, please?"
"You're gonna cry, you're gonna laugh."
"Saw kicked ass when I first saw it, it blew me away with a twist."
"Movies when you're a kid are so powerful."
"In 1986, the movie Top Gun was released, Tom Cruise wearing a pair of Ray-Bans, Ray-Bans reported that their sales shot up by 40 percent."
"It kind of all started when, you know, 'Parasite' came out in 2019. I got so obsessed with 'Parasite' it literally launched itself into one of my top favorite movies of all time."
"That was a great time, I felt things too, surprising it has a lot of heart."
"I thought it was going to be a quirky, fun little movie. I had no idea how it would resonate."
"This movie is shaping up to be the game-changer."
"I never tear up during a movie like ever, but this movie made me actually like tear up."
"We have a significant main effect for movie, and location has an impact on satisfaction."
"If Superman Legacy slaps, that would set up good impressions for fans to think, 'Oh, I'm actually really excited for the future now.'"
"I absolutely cried, yeah, three times. Happy joy."