
Political Preference Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Would you rather be a Democrat right now or a Republican?"
"Joe Rogan was asked by Barry Weiss who he would be likely to vote for in the California primaries."
"It's a terrible idea... but I like it. Yeah, I'd vote Trump Tate."
"I'll take the orange man over the people who want me to hate people based on the color of their skin."
"I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I voted for him in 2020. I'll vote for him again... we're trying to convince people, you know if Elon Musk is now on the side of free speech, we've got to keep the pressure up."
"58 percent say they would prefer someone other than Biden as their nominee in 2024."
"I'm going to take democracy every single time."
"We don't want a president that works for Monsanto. We want farmers that can make a great living producing healthy food."
"I'm starting to lean more and more towards voting for Ron DeSantis in 2024."
"I support AOC more than any other politician right now."
"I'm gonna shock them and say if I had to choose, it would be AOC."
"A large plurality of Republicans want someone other than Donald Trump to run in 2024."
"Think about how bad people have to view the level of corruption in the Democratic Party to think of Donald Trump as a remotely preferable alternative."
"I'm leaning more towards Trump now because of how he performed."
"Ultimately, I do question his character but when it boils down to it, I really trust him on policy more than I trust Biden."
"If we have to have this lot in, I'd rather have Rishi than anyone else because I do think he's very talented and very bright."
"The fact that there's a bit of a freak out over it is actually positive because one of the things that you might expect is that, you know, BB would prefer Trump to be in office."
"I want a president who's competent whether I agree with his policies or not."
"That audience tonight would not miss Trump for a day."
"Enough. I will vote Republican if it means the Democrats are gone."
"I would rather vote for a right-leaning candidate than a left-leaning candidate."
"I'd rather vote for Kanye West than anybody else... sorry I love your name though."
"Liberals would rather support far-right populism than genuine radical leftist movements."
"Taiwanese identify as Taiwanese, not as Chinese, so while they're comfortable with the status quo, they would prefer independence by a very large margin."
"What Republicans want, what Main Street Republicans want, what Independents want, is a pro-business Republican."
"We all like My Pillow's politics, but even if it was a communist country, I would still support My Pillow." - Michael Knowles
"They understand he's a narcissist, but they figure at least he is not Bernie Sanders."
"I would ultimately choose democracy over political issues even though I probably align more with him on a lot of the issues."
"To be a centrist... obviously I'll take that over everybody to the right of centrism."
"Health Care's yes, I would vote for somebody."
"I'm thankful more people support democracy than a demented cult leader."
"No matter the past, a pro-life candidate beats a radical pro-abortion politician any day."
"Suburban voters were looking for calm, steady leadership."
"We were doing better under Trump than we are right now."
"I want Trump back, and every day that goes by, more people are thinking opposite of you."
"I would significantly prefer to see Michael Bloomberg as the Democratic nominee than Bernie Sanders."
"Do us all a favor in texas pack your stores up and move to liberal fairyland because we have enough liberals as it is moving here trying to turn this state blue then we can handle right now."
"I'll take a democracy over a dictatorship any day."
"I love China's one-party state because of what it's done."
"I would vote for a black party that's why in the power nomics book... delivers the most to black people in america."
"I'll take a Bidenism any day over a half a second of Trump pushing people out of the way."
"The majority of Democrats left right and center want electability over any form of accountability within the party."
"The fastest way to lose my vote is to lie to me."
"I'm not a Democrat because I love the donkey logo or I just think the Democrats a great team."
"I guarantee you he would thousand times rather have a dinner with Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham than two progressives that are actual voters."
"85 percent of Americans like the word socialism."
"It's just so alarming that people don't see that...if she was the nominee, it would be better for the country."
"I want to leave, alright? I want to leave. But if that is off the table, I'd much rather an extension than signing up for this treaty."
"A lot of people would like to see Trump off the ballot in the Republican governance."
"Bernie had a humor, he had a lightness... Bernie is the choice, clearly."
"I am a one-issue voter: if crypto is in the conversation, I'm with whoever is more Pro crypto."
"A Biden administration with people like Yang and Tulsi is preferable to Trump."
"Red policies, conservative policies, seem to work better."
"If it's Trump versus Biden, I'll vote for Trump."
"We're not doing it. Do you think a lot of other states wish their governor was more like Ron DeSantis? No, they do."
"Never in my life did I think I would like to see a dictator, but if there's going to be one, I want it to be Trump."
"Elizabeth Warren appears to be the best choice based on the data."
"I still like Trump more than Biden because Trump, although he bullsh*tted everybody for two years, at crunch time he's still better than you guys."
"Despite one's issues with Joe Biden, he is the best option for black Americans."
"39% of young people aged 18 to 24 were going to vote for Marine Le Pen."
"Returning that mandate back to the people is certainly better than the alternative." - Alex
"Democratic socialism is probably the flavor that I want to move into now."
"Obviously liberal voters like what Tulsi has to say."
"Donald Trump is the only one worth voting for."
"He might not even be best for us, but he's better for us than who's in the office."
"Trump I do favor him for a lot of reasons and I don't think there's anyone else who I'd vote for."
"Direct democracy or tyranny? I'll definitely take the direct democracy no problem."
"Would you rather have trump be president or be a browns fan?"
"Most Democrats are moderate and want more moderate policy."
"I'm doing my job. Joe Biden is better than Donald Trump. We need a president."
"Regardless of whether they're crossing the aisle completely and checking the box for Trump."
"At the end of the day, Republican voters like Donald Trump."
"I like Hillary better over Trump; not only was she intellectually superior to him, but I saw his blatant narcissism from a mile away."
"It's not necessarily about the party but the leader."