
Veterinary Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"It's a cool opportunity. There's lots of times where we can't fix animals because whatever... it's awesome to be able to say yes."
"One of the most difficult things about being a veterinarian is not the medical part, it's not the animal part, it is, for me, it is for sure kind of the people."
"I would not be fulfilling my obligation as an animal health care professional if I chose to ignore the scientific evidence."
"His beautiful gingerbread fur was soaked in blood and coyote bites, and he not only threw up onto me but he just started pooping and peeing all over uncontrollably."
"Being a vet tech doesn't mean playing with animals all day; it's administering those medications and cleaning up a lot of their messes. It's a lot of hard work."
"In the vet tech line of work, there are pretty much two routes for your college degree that you can take in order to qualify yourself for one of these physicians."
"We're the only profession who has a professional mandate to prevent animal suffering."
"It's all about giving the animals in our lives the best, most comfortable life possible."
"So what I think we do need to empower young veterinarians to speak up and to follow their conscience and follow their ethics."
"I think it's particularly important for veterinarians to be involved because of the credibility that you bring in the authority and specialized knowledge that you bring to this kind of activism."
"Veterinarians are unique because we rely on feelings of altruism in our clients."
"The instinct to help animals drives the existence of the veterinary profession."
"Being euthanized like their pets at the Veterinary Clinic, it's really a harsh reality."
"Being able to provide proper vet care for any animal you own is very important."
"Being a vet really helps, having that experience."
"The breeder did say make sure you get one that you can open at the top and on the front because it's just easier when you take them to the vets."
"We have to treat them with antibiotics, dispose of the dead animals."
"Not all veterinarians will help you with this so call first."
"Consider an annual blood test in your middle-aged animal to help us pick up disease early."
"They're beautiful, intelligent, loyal companions, but they're also knife tornadoes who can force you to question your own mortality as you spend a fortune on vet bills."
"I felt like I had a lot more passion for that than I would have being a vet."
"If you cannot afford the vet, you cannot afford the pet."
"I took my dog to the vet and my life was changed."
"Being a veterinarian is so much fun. I love helping animals and their families too."
"An increase in eosinophils or an eosinophilia is often seen with animals that have really bad allergies or a hypersensitivity reaction."
"...an aquatic veterinarian is basically just like a normal veterinarian to where you are taking animals as your patients and you are assessing them for different injuries and their general state of well-being."
"The good news, your dog did amazing."
"You got plenty of sample all over here about a year and a half all right so what we're going to do shake it inside try to get an x-ray and then we're going to set up our fecal flotation you're gonna follow mama you can follow mommy probably not."
"I am the greatest you know yeah yeah yeah yeah I am the greatest budget I'm gonna give you a prize too what's that you get to check the fecal sound that's too much love that's just for you bro thanks man."
"It's been 15 cows and is pulled out of that okay. I'm just hoping that this one goes justice well."
"But doc always gets it done. Thank you. Honestly. The Incredible Dr. Pol."
"There was something just a bit dashing and gallant in the picture of the dedicated young vet with his magic potions on his back, battling against the odds to succor a helpless animal."
"I got hired as a veterinary assistant at an animal shelter, which was a huge accomplishment for me."
"Vet school is definitely not for everyone, but it's definitely worth it if you really, truly want it."
"We have a lot of empathy, so it's kind of natural to feel sorry and upset when an animal is in pain."
"When she was little, she wanted to be a veterinarian to help animals."
"It's a really good anesthetic agent to induce an animal under anesthetic and then transfer them."
"We're going to be taking them to the vet to get a full health check."
"Gas colic can turn into other things if you leave it going."
"With precision and care, they opted for an endoscopic procedure."
"Go to the cheapest vet school you can get accepted into, it will not matter for your income afterwards, I promise."
"I'm a medic, I help any creature who's hurt or sick."
"She wants to study a combination of beast keeping and healing; she wants to be a magic vet."
"I'm so happy that I can bring you guys along through my vet school journey."
"I want to open my own veterinary clinic for mythical pets."
"I'm just thankful for everything Dr. Nancy's done here to help the animals at our shelter."
"Raina's real dream in life was to become a veterinarian, which is why her part-time job at the local animal clinic was far and away her favorite."
"I am super relieved when we finally get this dog off the table."
"A huge part of the gift of veterinary medicine is to alleviate that pain and suffering."
"I really love delivering animals, pulling a life gap or delivering live puppies, it's always a lot of fun."
"The healing power of nature, something no veterinary surgeon can compete with when he decides to act."
"I always wanted to be a veterinarian because I wanted to be around animals all day and help animals."
"She wants to be a vet... I'd like to see her reach for the stars."
"If a cow has milk fever and you catch it early, there's very very good chances of recovery and everything being fine."
"A veterinarian is an animal doctor."
"Always remember, a vet is the most qualified provider to diagnose the problem."
"She's doing better, she was really good with the vet tech today."
"It's amazing what the vets have done for him and given him a second chance at life."
"He loved animals and he wanted to be a vet when he was older."
"I'd heard it said that sooner or later every large animal man had to scream for help from Granville Bennett, and now it was my turn."
"The vet gave me a clean bill of health, so we can go home now."
"Suggesting or recommending or asking your vet to please do a vaccine titer is a really nice compromise."
"Being a veterinarian means I get to be happy. It means I get to enjoy what I do every day."
"Stay tuned, shortly we will be sharing abdominal FAST exam best practices that save lives in canine and feline emergencies."
"These techniques now provide a great extension of the physical examination for emergency and critical care veterinary applications."
"I passed my veterinary license exam, it was amazing."
"If being a vet is something you really want to do, set your mind to it, and it might be a hard journey, but it is so worth it in the end."
"One of the top five questions I get asked all the time is what courses you should be taking in undergrad to get into vet school."
"Honestly, like many people out there who are going into vet, it's all I've ever wanted to do."
"Show them why you want to be a vet, show them your passions, show them your love for this."
"We took Lexi to her first vet appointment together at this veterinarian clinic."
"If the animals under your care are kept in good health, then you're doing a great job in my opinion."
"Chemotherapy in dogs and cats is not chemotherapy in people. Luckily, dogs and cats tolerate chemotherapy so much better than people."
"Every pet is an individual. We have a much more preventative approach."
"As a vet, you're always taught that when you see those hemorrhages appearing on the skin, think about one condition: DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation."
"Lucy is a great patient, she's so easy to handle, she's so lovely, she loves cuddles."
"Every animal that we treat is loved by their owners."
"I'm going to be thinking about her a lot today, but I know she's in very good hands."
"I haven't found any cancer or tumor cells, yeah it is brilliant."
"Around the clock, a team of dedicated veterinary heroes fight to save lives."
"Welcome to Bondi Vet, a new destination for pet health and wellbeing."
"Animals need to give blood for the same reasons that humans give blood: to provide life-saving medical therapies with blood products to patients that need them."
"One of the best parts about being a vet is you never know what is going to walk through that door in the morning."
"The duty that I have is to relieve suffering."
"We're really pleased with the progress; it's by no means over, and I don't think it's going to be an easy road, but we're really hoping that he's going to have a full recovery."
"You become a vet to help animals, but you also become a vet because sometimes you help people as well."
"Hi, I'm Dr. Danny Dusek, if you love our show and want to see more amazing stories from the Bondi Vet team, just hit the subscribe button."
"Being a vet isn't just about treating animals; it's also being aware of the people holding the lead or carrying in the cat carrier."
"We could prevent and actually cure diseases in animals with nutritional formulas."
"The popularity of point-of-care ultrasound has grown dramatically in veterinary medicine for its ability to support rapid and accurate diagnosis."
"It is a real privilege today to be the vet for these dogs."
"Cranial cruciate ligament rupture should be assumed to be the cause of hind limb lameness in any dog until proven otherwise."
"He hoped to become a veterinarian one day."
"Happy visits can help combat the notion that the vet is always a scary, terrible place to go."
"I'm hoping that there isn't too much of an issue with him and that it is just going to be an easy fix at the vets."
"25 percent of vets have treated a drunken pet."
"Lead with compassion and from a place of understanding the other roles in a veterinary hospital or clinic."
"The working life of a vet in England can send a shiver down your spine and grab you in ways you never expected."
"Moments like this are what I live for as a vet."
"It can be really tough as an emergency vet, but seeing patients like Boston go home today, it's so worthwhile. This is why we do it."
"Becoming a vet meant I could do that for my own animals and in the Veterinary Clinic, I understand what they're going through because I've been there."
"I'm going to give this little guy a shot, we're going to get you to a vet."
"That's the best vet, the whole city."
"Taking an ear swab is one of the most economic, cheap, affordable, easy to do, easy to look at tests that we can do in-house for our patients."
"It's super common in-house, super quick results can often start treatments immediately depending on what's found on the ear swab."
"One of the first things we look at from a vet point of view is just their general demeanor."
"We also discussed how to safely take a body temperature of a horse."
"Veterinarians... get to work with animals and on top of it, you'll be making about 99,000 a year."
"Veterinary technicians are essentially the backbone of any Veterinary practice."
"My dog's vet calls to check on him after he has his annual shots, just to make sure he's okay."
"Not all hemangiosarcomas are the same, and there are some options and some things that we can do to help these dogs."
"I'm super excited to be here and hopefully answer questions about a really tough cancer that we see in dogs."
"Becoming a vet meant I could do that for my own animals."
"If one of them is in trouble, it makes sense that with no other vets on the island, I help it out."
"Animal hospital? The animals are the patients."
"Having a vet in a pocket is definitely a great service."
"I want to go work with animals, like a traveling vet."
"We're talking to the CEO of a company that's developing drugs to extend the lives of dogs."
"This is a wonderful opportunity for the vet students to get hands-on with horses."
"It's important to have a vet and utilize them."
"Interestingly, veterinarians occasionally perform blood transfusions to animals."
"Rescues and vets working together is a magical thing."
"Whenever as vets we see lumps in the mouth, it can either be something completely benign or really something quite horrifically malignant. There really is never any middle ground."
"We're going to get you fixed tomorrow, buddy, okay? I love you."
"I think that the best part of being a vet is being able to just change an animal's life, even in just a really small way."
"Bumblefoot is a condition where a bird... develops an abscess on their foot from like an infected cut or something like that."
"I have developed a pretty standard protocol for how I treat bumblefoot."
"The easiest way to soak a duck's foot is to put it in a bucket and cut a hole in the lid of that bucket."
"When I'm older, I want to become a vet just because I want to help as many animals as I possibly can."
"Being a vet can become your dream."
"Megan has done a lot for the veterinary, even before she met Harry."