
Cognitive Flexibility Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The ability to operate in multiple mindsets is super important."
"If there's no point having a mind if you never change it."
"Being able to hold these two contrasting opinions in your mind at the same time... is an important thing to do."
"People's brains are now to the point where they can take in new information and change what they think. That's insane."
"You're often going back and forth between these two different modes."
"Can you hold two perspectives in your mind simultaneously?"
"The brain is far more malleable than we think it is."
"It's our ability to adapt and to think more broadly."
"A strong mind is capable of tending an idea without believing it or disbelieving it, just allowing it to exist and considering it."
"You're learning how to hold different ways of viewing the world at the exact same time. It's not black or white. It's not physical or energy. It's all of it."
"Kata are practice routines that help us make it easier to adopt new ways of thinking and acting."
"The first seven years are when our minds are in a more malleable state."
"You can hold two things to be true at the same time or multiple things and I think we can still have fun."
"When reality does not match what you think about reality, you should change your mind."
"I think you can hold the two things in your head at one time."
"People change their opinions when they're exposed to new information."
"It's more important to unlearn than it is to relearn."
"Resilient people are more adaptable, they have more cognitive flexibility."
"Cognitive flexibility is when we allow ourselves to be able to see what we're doing, how we're thinking about something, and then being able to observe it and be flexible with what's coming up."
"The source of the signal is almost immaterial; the brain will figure out how to use it."
"The beauty of linguistic diversity is that it reveals to us just how ingenious and how flexible the human mind is."
"Look for people who, when presented with facts, when presented with truth and presented with evidence, are able to then wow it changed their mind."
"Non-binary thinking is the premise of not polarizing yourself to any extreme."
"Everyone should throw their points of view away as much as you can."
"It takes a great mind to entertain an idea without accepting it."
"Changing our mind on something... is difficult, but it's important."
"We're adults here, we can hold more than one thought in our head."
"It's very possible for people to care about two things at once."
"Choosing a different thought is a learned behavior."
"The second we catch ourselves saying 'if only' or 'just,' we know that we are beginning to enter a cognitively rigid state."
"Broad-mindedness means open to new ideas as well as the ability to organize various kinds of ideas at the same time without mixing them up."
"The people who are actually good learners are the people whose brains reconfigure really swiftly."
"Learning to think differently is the real key."
"Psychedelics reopen these critical periods of plasticity or just generally open windows of plasticity."
"Cognitive flexibility may be a potential therapeutic target of psychedelic drugs."
"Young people integrate complex data more easily than adults."
"A human being is a creature that has high potential for succeeding across a very wide range of potential human dominance hierarchies."
"Mindfulness operates through attentional scaling and can increase your cognitive flexibility, your capacity for insight."
"...to truly tap into creativity you have to be able to hold two competing ideas in your heads."
"This flexibility of thought helps subtraction in general."
"Be ready for anything that needs to be revealed to help you see past your usual way of thinking."
"Our sound categories in our brain have a certain amount of wiggle room where we're able to perceive two things as the same sound even if they're not exactly acoustically the same."
"Code switching... is actually a sign of great skill, it requires cognitive flexibility."
"It's just crazy how the brain adapts so quickly."
"As you change your mind, you can change your brain."
"It's important to learn how to think differently."
"The more flexible your thinking is, the quicker you can find the solution."
"I ought to start reading again too, maybe not all day, but a little here and there, just to keep my own brains flexible."