
Incomparability Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"There is no one like God, and no one to whom God can be compared."
"It's honestly the best thing it nothing compares to it."
"Legacy wise it's second to none and I just don't know that it's comparable to anybody else's."
"The Quran itself will be a sui generous text, nothing holds a candle to the Quran."
"Nothing can be compared to you, nobody can be compared to you."
"Nothing compares to it, nothing is comparable to this."
"...it was like it screamed, roared, yelled, and growled all at once... there is nothing I have ever heard on this Earth that I can compare it to."
"Secretariat could not be duplicated."
"There really is nothing out there like this...it's in a class of its own."
"There's nothing that compares to it. There's nothing that compares."
"World nothing like in in the world of"
"There's nothing out there that can equal this."
"There's nothing like him in any shape, form, or fashion."
"The Holocaust is unique. It stands alone. Nothing can be compared with it."
"It's completely and totally unmatched."
"It's not even comparable to anything else. You can't compare it. In fact, comparing it would do it a disservice."
"Nothing will ever compare to that."
"Nothing can compare, nothing at all."
"There is literally no competition when it comes to you."
"His work ethic is you can't compare it to anyone."
"There's no one like you, nobody, no way."
"Nothing compares, nothing compares to you."
"The satisfaction that those moments bring, nothing can compare to that."
"Say: He is God, the One. God, the Eternal. Beget not, no one, nor was He begotten. None is comparable to Him."
"For me, human beings and figures cannot be compared."
"There's nothing that can compete or compare to this."
"There's nothing even comparable to Him."
"There is nothing like Him; nothing comparable."
"Love at first sight... nobody, no human, no man, nothing like that could ever compare to the feeling."
"You are the Everlasting; there is nothing and no one that compares."
"There's nothing comparable to God."
"The love of God, there is nothing to compare."
"It's so different, there's nothing I can compare it to."
"And there is no one who is equal, rival, or even comparable or close to Him in any sense, in any way."
"He is not born, and none is born from Him, and there's nothing comparable to Him."
"Jesus will be an incomparable human being; he will be an incomparable Messiah, and he will announce an incomparable Kingdom."
"Nothing I have ever experienced on the planet comes close to knowing the love of God."
"We cannot compare Heath Ledger and Mr. Phoenix."
"The blessing of Almighty God is nothing that can match."
"There is nothing like unto Him, there is nothing comparable to Him."
"The unity of a creator, the eternality of the Creator, the Creator does not engage in any kind of exchange with human beings or beget like human beings do, and there is nothing like the Creator."
"He doesn't give birth and He wasn't born and there's nothing comparable to Him."
"Love is never a math or financial question. How can you use income to calculate its value?"
"Of course you cannot compare God to a man."
"You are so different, no one or nothing compares to you."
"The type of love that cannot be matched, it cannot be compared."
"God, you're worthy, none can compare to you."