
Sacrificial Love Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Being radical for Jesus is laying down your life for the brethren, loving and learning to love."
"Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection was more than sufficient to pay the debt of sins."
"Jesus loved us with everything, pouring out His very life for us."
"Jesus was the only world revolutionary and religious leader who said, 'I came to die for you.'"
"Jesus was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterwards."
"He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all."
"There's a strong mandate over your life to restore what it looks like to love a woman and to love a woman sacrificially."
"Jesus loves you, in fact, He went to the cross for you."
"When you become love, love pays the price, love is enough."
"Love is not love. God is love and God is sacrifice."
"No greater love does one have but to lay down their lives for a friend." - Jesus
"No greater love can anyone demonstrate than to lay down their life for their friends."
"God's love is so great that he even sacrificed himself and died on the cross for us."
"God's character is just and loving, demonstrated through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross."
"God Himself being perfect, holy, and dwelling among us, gave us an example of love through sacrifice."
"Jesus died for you as though you were the only one for whom he died."
"There has to be someone that pays with their life and that Jesus, peace be upon him, this is what you believe."
"Yes, Jesus laid down his life to accomplish a high and holy purpose, he did not lay down his life to enable bad behavior to continue."
"The goddess he loved died saving him from harm."
"Jesus, the good shepherd, lays down his life for the sheep."
"Love after all is a choice; it's a thing you do; it's an act of sacrifice."
"There is no greater love than to lay your life down for a friend."
"Tell her that my life was given so she could live hers. And my memory lives in her eyes."
"This is our chance to offer our own hearts united with the heart of the Son of God."
"He loves you that much. He's the Lion of Judah protecting you and the Lamb of God always there to give in sacrificial love."
"Love your wives sacrificially, like Christ loved the church."
"Jesus died for the sins of the entire world."
"God so values you that he literally gave himself for you."
"Christ died not for the battles that we can win, but for every single time that we've been knocked down."
"The love of Christ for the believer is a Divine love, even unto death."
"Jesus teaches us that he died for our sins on the cross. That's love, the greatest love."
"When you love somebody, when you'll give your last for them, it's exactly what God did for us."
"Your value is so great that God himself would die on a cross for your sin."
"Love dies for another person. The perfect example of Love Is Christ."
"We're called to live a love that seems impossible, but Christ has modeled sacrificial love for us."
"Find a woman to whom you can give your life and all your abilities and all your powers and all your energies in the way Christ did for the church, a love that knows no tyranny, it only knows sacrifice."
"You love as Christ loved the church. He gave himself up."
"Love in a way that makes you willing to lay down your life for your friends."
"This idea of sacrificial love and suffering for the good of others is something that in many cases is uniquely Catholic."
"Take Jesus's love to me as a sacrificial love. It's what it means to Love Like Jesus, to experience pain, to experience loss, to experience hard things for the benefit of somebody else."
"Jesus laid his life down freely as an act of sacrificial love for his sheep."
"This is how we know what love is, that Christ laid down his life for us, and we in our turn must lay down our lives for each other."
"...human love wants to ascend yes but God's love wants to descend and did descend."
"...that pursuing love that wants to step down and lose his life to save somebody else."
"You belong to God, and He died for you."
"He's becoming her shepherd, and a shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."
"Love was God nailed to bleed and die to reach and love such a one as I."
"Here is how we know love, that He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."
"He died for us so that, awake or sleep, we might live in company with him."
"Now the heart of the gospel is sacrificial love seen first in Mary, then in Christ in its most perfect form."
"God sent His son Jesus to help us, that's a lot of love."
"All of these verses for husbands and for wives emphasize sacrificial and selfless love."
"Every human being deserves my highest respect and most sincere esteem as one for whom Jesus Christ laid down His life in love."
"Christ has purchased the church with his own blood and therefore this congregation that the elders are leading should be cherished."
"God forgive their sin, but if You won't, count me as guilty and send me to hell—friends, that's love."
"Herein is love, even while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
"The love ethic that got Jesus killed is the love ethic that he was willing to die for."
"The Eucharist is a prayer of unity in and through Christ, the celebration of a sacrificial love for us."
"He shall see his seed... these are they whose sins he has borne, these are they for whom he has died to redeem them from their transgressions."
"Paul encourages Christians to imitate the sacrificial love of Christ."
"The Father's arms are open wide; forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ."
"Agape is a readiness to die for another, and when he who died rose from the dead, we can say, 'I'm guilty, I'm a sinner, I deserve death, look, he's alive, I demand to be free.'"
"It is good news if Christ died for everyone."
"There is no greater love than the love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who laid down His life for a friend."
"What proves that God loves us is that Christ died for us while we were still sinners."
"We participate in His life and His death and His resurrection in a life that's filled with sacrificial love that makes us feel even more alive than before we consumed Him."