
Cultural Experiences Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"People make fun of me for getting Swedish food at IKEA, but dude, there's not that many other avenues for it here."
"Florence is a walking city. I lost 15 pounds in Florence, and all I did was eat pasta and pizza."
"It's hilarious because as I was coming down, there were some locals and they thought it was funny that I cared about the fireflies. Coming from Southern California though, you never see anything like this when you're hiking."
"From millennia human beings have looked skyward and experienced a total solar eclipse."
"So excited to see what the Pakistan trains are all about."
"Living for moments...appreciating art and literature and music."
"Cancun isn't just drinking tequila all day long and hitting the beach. You can get culture in it too."
"I'm like, I want to assume a delay with city laces like to those like I'd like again what it's like the hot spots of Manila."
"Beer Garden at Epcot is a Germany Buffet filled with laughter and music and the sound of glasses toasting together."
"If you're in the Grand Bazaar, don't forget to bargain."
"Like with most things in Japan, the terror factor is really overrated."
"Go and explore different regions... You'll get a very different feel."
"If a tribesman hands you a drink and you have no idea what's in it, probably the last thing you want to say is 'Ah, screw it' and then chug that down like a college freshman at a frat party doing a keg stand."
"Our time in Porto (Oporto) was spent sipping on Port wine, soaking in the views across the Douro River, wandering through the hilly streets, and marvelling at buildings covered in blue tiles."
"It was a really big growing experience for me I never had that before taking care of myself."
"It was a blessing in disguise, we've seen the whole other side of India."
"Looking at actual Western nations and how they experience these things."
"Big thank you to Nunoy and his family and the uncles for taking us around for taking us foraging."
"Oh man, this is the type of place I just want to stand around and eat dosas all night long."
"Wash that down with Us She Got Green Tea grown near Mount Hakone. Hot or cold, it's some of the best drink you can put in your body."
"Living in the Philippines has taught me patience."
"The most exciting thing about moving to the U.S. is the food."
"When you come to Japan, you have to 100% check out all these convenience stores."
"Just as in Cambodia, it's the simple food and the casual dining experiences that are often the most satisfying."
"Egypt after going this summer like I suggest that's one place like Egypt is crazy like the vibe everybody's out having a great time the music riding camels sitting the pyramids is unbelievable."
"If you thought this was the most quintessential Italian ride, let us know."
"This place, if you love history, is going to be a real treat for y'all."
"I love travel. It opens your mind to new people, new experiences."
"Travel opens your mind, opens your brain, you meet so many people, and you just see the world in a different way."
"It does, however, according to a lot of people, have the best food of any ballpark."
"If you are ever in this country you want some affordable food that tastes absolutely amazing, Picard's the way to go."
"Dark rooms in clubs: a culture shock I wasn't prepared for."
"As I indulge in Indonesian delights, I'm reminded that travel is as much about the people you meet as the places you visit."
"Ethnicity is about how you look and the experiences you have."
"I miss flying to Toronto and having Jamaican food."
"Unexpected moments: dancing to Jamaican music in the rain with newfound friends."
"Travel's actually really big to me. I like to go different places and experience different cultures and foods."
"This was from my very first trip to New York ever and this is the second Broadway show I ever saw."
"Festival o my Festival better than KFC Festival that is it dude it looks it looks epic."
"One of the professors was doing a reading of John Dun's Easter sermon and so I headed to a chapel in Oxford to listen to that with some friends from my course."
"So the longtail took us around the corner to a private beach where the resort is based and it is absolutely gorgeous."
"I've loved it here. There's been so many cool cultural experiences. So many things that have made me think."
"I just really love how you can bring in these sort of elements. This really looks a lot like I remember when we were in the Louvre and we were in the ancient Greece section."
"Everybody has been so nice to us. So friendly, they really are. So willing to help, so willing to just sit down and chat. I love it."
"London is a one-hour train away, and I'm the first black person you've met."
"We were embraced by this city and certainly embraced by the food and everything else we enjoyed here."
"It is so different to how it is in England and actually mostly any country that I've been to, Philippines is fast becoming one of my favorite countries."
"Interactions like those at a shelter from the rain were also the essence of traveling."
"...after being down there and being enriched in that culture and hearing all the sightings and encounters, it just proved to me right then and there that maybe monsters really do exist."
"It's like if you took a long trip to India and Morocco and ate different foods, so when you come back home and eat macaroni and cheese, it doesn't mean you're back to your old ways, it means you've come back to something you understand."
"Wow! Oh, just saying, there's one thing we haven't yet tried in the Philippines. He hasn't stopped banging on about, either. Don't mention it. Was that you tell me J? Jolly Bee! Never had one. Not even in the UK and there wasn't one here in..."
"We're gonna see cherry blossoms here because we're not gonna be in Japan this year."
"Always excited to check out a new state fair to see the sights, the sounds, of course, the smells."
"But if you're looking to go off the beaten path and discover breathtaking valleys, mysterious whirlpools, experience farm stays, medieval castles, historic temples, and incredible food, you have to look to the island of Shikoku."
"For me, it's really about the people and the culture and the life experiences that come along with that."
"I've had some of the most fun and culturally enriching experiences that I will truly cherish for a lifetime."
"He was a big fan of rhythm and blues music and occasionally got to the clubs for blacks down in South."
"Meeting new people is rather fun I've found, especially when you're in other countries."
"Just how in the different countries we've been, how welcoming people are, we've had fantastic experiences with people and yeah, that's blown us away."
"It's that being in mainland Europe where I've been able to travel a lot has been quite special."
"We got to go to Cuba and the VIS and back through the Bahamas and spear fishing with friends and barbecues on the beach."
"We're going to sleep together, swim together, visit ancient tribes, spot dolphins, and go through some of the most beautiful islands in the world."
"Prosperity just all around, especially through knowledge, through travel, through being cultured."
"I'm past due and people have told me that here in Sri Lanka, you guys give amazing haircuts."
"I want to live like 50 different lifetimes in my one, and the way that I can do that is by traveling to different countries and experiencing different cultures."
"The first time I've won a vuvuzela blow-off."
"I'd love to know if there's another country in the entire world where you can see sights like this on a bus on the way to work."
"We went to the original Blue Hole, Calypso rafting, a coffee tour in the Blue Mountain, we did the Bob Marley Museum."
"The best way to get perspective on life is to travel the world and see different cultures."
"Every time I go to a different country, I learn things."
"I've been to almost 29 different countries... and the overwhelming thing that I have found is people are nice."
"I'm just very big on like if I go somewhere new, I don't want to eat McDonald's that I got back at home."
"Making moves and I'm destined to improve, travel to museums, y'all might catch me at the Louvre."
"People here are incredibly nice, you can't pay for anything, this is just classic C."
"Amsterdam is great, there's so many museums, there's so much to eat, just don't eat American food."
"The best part about going on holiday to a foreign country is actually going around the supermarket and seeing what they have to offer."
"It really is incredible, you know, when you do travel around different cities around Thailand."