
Naval Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"It's no secret the United States and China are smack dab in the middle of one of history's largest naval arms races."
"The story of the voyage of the Damned is one of my favorite naval stories ever."
"As proven by the historical Battle of Samar, American destroy captains can and will do absolutely outrageous things in order to keep their charges safe."
"The word was passed to make ready to abandon ship because of the fires... they knew that if the fire did get into the magazines... the entire ship was just gonna go up."
"She had more efficient engines, superior armament, and impressive maneuverability for a ship of her size."
"She was truly an epic ship captained and crewed by some of the best the UNSC had to offer."
"The Griffin engine: a triumph of design, power, and naval engineering."
"Give me them juicy Gloriana class ship battles!"
"The United States has been policing the waterways since World War II essentially free of charge."
"From glass lantern slides to photographs, each holds a piece of our naval history."
"Anti-ship cruise missile employment is fundamentally a numbers game."
"The anti-ship cruise missile will surely remain the primary arm of navies across the world for decades to come."
"But why did arguably the most awesome ships ever to be created really go extinct in the first place, and why couldn't we have just kept upgrading them to remain viable through the missile age?"
"The Black Sea Fleet was able to carry out some very impressive amphibious operations."
"The Sovereign of the Seas, or as the Dutch called her, the golden devil."
"Ahhh, nothing quite like a high-seas adventure combining classic naval action with exploration."
"I think Smoker will become the next Fleet Admiral."
"Realistically, the most advanced I could get their naval technology to go to would probably be some form of possibly semi-armored cannon bronze gun-armed gal."
"This ship has the kind of speed associated with treaty era battleships for the most part."
"The Bismarck's hull was still intact, indicating that it was entirely flooded before it sank."
"Yi’s fleet attacked, engaging the Japanese at a distance and encircling them before opening fire with cannons and fire arrows to the beat of their admiral’s war drum."
"He had discarded the smaller ‘sea ear’ scout ships and replaced them with something altogether more formidable and far more famous - the kobukson, otherwise known as the turtle ship."
"The destruction of this ship is the greatest event at sea at the present time. No other target is comparable to it."
"The turtle ship was one of the first true warships in the world, an unbelievably powerful piece of advanced technology."
"German battleship Bismarck: terrorized Atlantic shipping lanes."
"The Essex class started life in 1939 building on the Yorktown class design."
"Budgetary restrictions in any case meant the Royal Navy didn't build anywhere near the number of arth users and leanders that they would actually have wanted to."
"Nelson was comforted by his naval colleague Hardy who kissed him to death."
"Admiral Horatio Nelson who commanded the British Fleet from this ship cornered the French Fleet at the Cape of Trafalgar off the coast of Spain."
"The Blue Ghost has yet to be sunk."
"The HL Hunley attacked and sank a Union ship called the Housatonic, becoming the first submersible to sink an enemy ship in human history."
"The Battle of Midway is considered the pivotal naval battle of World War II."
"But Shinano was no ordinary vessel; it was to become the largest aircraft carrier of its time, a behemoth displacing around 72,000 tons."
"U.S. carriers spend plenty of time cruising around the world's oceans."
"The most vulnerable part of the ship: the grand magazine, holding up to 35 tons of gunpowder in 184 barrels."
"During the summer of 1944, she found herself on an important mission, guiding convoy JW-59 across the icy waters of the Arctic Sea during the northern Lend-Lease operation."
"...because the force that was set up to trap Scharnhorst was specifically calibrated to be able to overwhelm at that particular ship because well they knew Tirpitz was out of action at that point."
"If this was occurring maybe in the early 20s when the Japanese had a bunch of pre-dreadnoughts and maybe their very very earliest dreadnoughts that they could try and bulge up as this kind of floating attack vessels then they might plausibly try."
"In second place, again decided by said coin toss, is HMS Jupiter, a British battle cruiser designed as an alternative to the sort of set repeat Invincibles."
"One of the reasons this particular ship tops in the winners of that particular category is, comparative to quite a number of super cruiser designs, its displacement is somewhat sane."
"The French battleships series by John Jordan and Phillip Caruana are superb resources."
"The 5-inch 38 caliber weighed significantly less than a 5-inch 51, which might well be the difference between being able to about four guns or five guns."
"Say what you will about Captain Graham, but the man has timing."
"The disappearance of the USS Cyclops was undoubtedly a huge tragedy."
"For all the bad news out there, the Battleship Texas is in Dry Dock being repaired for 35 million. Let's go. The [__] last American Dreadnought is getting repaired."
"For all naval enthusiasts, these frigates served the crown for a long time, they were true warriors and unforgettable legends."
"The Leander class, the proud of the crown."
"Nothing comes close to the Kirov. They are actually similar in size to the great dreadnought battleships of the two world wars."
"The Kirov's mission was expanded, to attack high-value surface targets, like aircraft carriers."
"It's a great surprise tactic ship."
"Look at that, a lot of these naval yearbooks, vintage yearbooks, they go big."
"In 655, Konstans personally gathered his fleet together and then set out to engage the Arab fleet."
"By achieving these capabilities, the Chinese Navy has become unambiguously a blue water navy."
"These Yorktown class carriers were just... they were great ships, you know, just so well built."
"The construction project of the Vikrant aims to boost the domestic naval industry in India, which will make it easier for India to build warships in the future."
"This will help India to build larger warships of increasing capabilities in the future."
"He was of the same aggressive type as John Paul Jones, David Farragut, and George Dewey."
"Victory never before in Naval History had an armed Merchant vessel defeated a cruiser in open battle."
"The mighty navies of Rome and Carthage go head-to-head in an epic battle."
"Since the boat was lost outside of the line of duty but still under your command, you're obliged to pay for it."
"The Battle of Memphis, although a small scale naval battle, is a major victory for the Union Navy and the Northern war effort."
"The sea seemed a sheet of polished obsidian on which the warships seemed to have been dropped and been immobilized, centered amid concentric circles like shock waves that form around a stone dropped in mud."
"Nelson's Stockyard is the world's only surviving Georgian Naval dockyard built by enslaved Africans."
"I am glad to have the opportunity of welcoming you aboard my ship," said Captain Keane formally.
"Most grave and revered señor, I bear the compliments of Sir Edward Pellew, who humbly solicits your gravity's attentions at dinner at eight bells in the afternoon watch."
"The end of the era of the battleship is history that deserves to be remembered."
"The main objective of the ship currently on the active shift was to constantly observe the movement of German ships on the route leading to East Prussia."
"As the first new class of American aircraft carriers in over four decades, this behemoth symbolizes a bold new era in maritime supremacy."
"These floating fortresses embody the United States' crowning achievement in naval dominance."
"On my ship, every officer is on duty 24 hours a day."
"Yes indeed, such ships did in exist and surprisingly, whilst they're not the majority, they are more common than you might think."
"The Nova rosis was originally the Italian dreadnought battleship Julio Cesare."
"...let's take a look aboard the largest museum carrier in the world."
"...if you like Naval history books it's definitely somewhere to go."
"The Nagato class battleships could have been arguably the best warships in the world during the interwar period."
"The Japanese ships would be qualitatively superior and have better speed and long-range shells."
"These guns can slew side to side so they can account for the ship pitching and rolling."
"That's what a naval officer should be."
"The awe-inspiring new weapon now at the Forefront of the Navy's unparalleled Arsenal is the USS Gerald R Ford."
"This colossal vessel is the epitome of American Naval Supremacy, signaling a shift in the tides of Naval Warfare."
"What makes the ship a battleship?"
"The war of Jenkins' Ear included several British attempts to take Spanish colonies in New Granada but it was really most notable for the huge number of ships that were taken by privateers."
"The building process of Laramioni was an extraordinary undertaking that aimed to reconstruct a French frigate from the 18th century using traditional techniques while incorporating modern technical considerations."
"Achieving the largest naval victory in history without firing a single shot."
"The prime role of the modern aircraft carrier is to keep aircraft at sea for a prolonged period to enable air operations against other ships and submarines or against land targets."
"I can almost imagine out there on the river, Henry V's big ship, the Jesus, waiting to take his troops off to France."
"On behalf of the 38th president of the United States, and as your ship's sponsor, I am honored to give the command: officers and crew of the United States Gerald R. Ford, man our ship and bring her to life."
"So along comes this idea of a Q-ship, a top-secret project in which we take the hull of a merchant vessel, outfit it with armor, radio antennas, and guns hidden inside little compartments."
"The USS Abraham Lincoln holds a significant place in naval history as the first carrier to fully integrate female personnel."
"Submarines fundamentally changed commerce raiding."
"The USS Carl Vinson showcased its versatility by becoming the extraordinary stage for the NCAA basketball game."
"We have Naval bases that are going to be underwater in 10 to 20 years."
"Submarines are the stealthiest ships in the sea - so stealthy in fact that in 2009 two British and French nuclear submarines collided with one another because they couldn't detect each other."
"British submarines fly the Jolly Rogers to honor submarine tradition."
"This is the union ironclad which had the famous battle with the southern ironclad."
"I love naval aviation, all aspects of it so much, and the patriotism, the camaraderie."
"Welcome to the Battleship New Jersey, the world's greatest battleship."
"The idea of a battleship's hydrodynamic form underwater was a relatively advanced science by the 1930s 1940s."
"Admiral Hart... was probably one of the most aggressive and had one of the best plans."
"She is in many ways kind of a starting point for that big first-rate capital ship designed for gunfighting."
"Most of his naval involvement came before he was monarch, so he was a monarch with considerable naval experience."
"Galleys are an unusual but actually relatively dangerous source of potential fire hazards for warships in general."
"The USS Sylvania is a Mars class combat store ship, and in this photo, she's actually still fitting out."
"Because of its modularity and flexibility, the Type 26 will be able to participate in a full range of operations."
"Until now, there is no other single class of ship that can conduct such a wide range of missions."
"Lexington can put far more shells downrange far more accurately."
"Unlike the army and air force, the Soviet navy was expecting war."
"Hayreddin Barbarossa was considered to be one of the most feared and dreaded men on the water during the first half of the 16th century."
"Collingwood's life and career was pretty solid; he had a reputation as one of the best captains and admirals in the Royal Navy."
"I'm effectively just building a future-proofed fleet."
"The best overall anti-aircraft gun fit in any navy has to go to the US Navy."
"The subsequent Battle of Leyte Gulf from the 23rd to the 26th of October was one of the largest naval engagements in history."
"The Independence class light carrier is fast, reasonably well-armed without being overgunned, and carries about the right size of air group."
"She's the best ship in the fleet."
"To walk her decks and feel the ship roll and pitch is to experience history itself."
"The English invented a whole new way of fighting at sea."
"A magnificent vessel sank in only 18 short, shocking minutes after being struck by a single primitive torpedo."
"The nation that ruled the waves ruled the world."
"It was all true, and it was about a great Navy that was no more."
"The carriers are capable of operating continuously for over 20 years without refueling and are predicted to have a service life of over 50 years."
"These vessels redefined American naval capability."
"A ship is only as good as the people who serve on it, and the American sailor is the best anywhere in the world."
"These massive ships are like floating airports, complete with fighter jets, helicopters, and all the supplies necessary to run a small city."
"This is the actual anchor from the USS Hartford, which would have been Admiral Farragut's flagship during the Battle of Mobile Bay."
"Real teamwork and a spirited core in the ship's company is something you should be especially proud of."
"The Chinese PLA Navy is the second largest naval force in the world."
"For some, China is without a doubt a great naval power, with world-leading technology, warships and submarines."
"The Zumwalt class destroyer... designed as a multi-mission stealth ship with a focus on land attack."
"The vessel's distinctive appearance results from the design requirement for a low radar cross-section."
"The HMS Hood and Prince of Wales plow toward the Bismarck and destiny."
"The FREMM class is a surface combatant that combines all French and Italian naval architecture experiences."
"We keep building our carriers as if they're impenetrable islands, unsinkable."
"The Perry class is undoubtedly the most successful frigate in U.S. naval history."
"The story of the Franklin can best be told by glancing through the pages of her log."
"The Franklin's crew was writing a magnificent page in the history book of naval disaster."
"The Des Moines-class cruisers have probably the greatest naval gun ever developed."
"The landing craft sways back and forth in the heavy waves."
"The fine folks who manage the Battleship Texas had invited me to come and take a look at the ship."
"Iran's Naval History spans across many centuries of seafaring tradition."
"Horatio Nelson... rose to the rank of Vice Admiral while confounding and taking apart the French and Spanish navies sent against him."
"He was now Viscount Nelson of the Nile and considered the country's foremost naval hero."
"We need naval leaders who can live by an ethical code."
"The rule of thumb is if you're building a battleship with 16-inch guns like New Jersey, you armor it against 16-inch guns."
"Arizona was designed to operate as a member of a battle line, one ship in a squadron."
"India has over 250 naval units, 11 of which are destroyers."
"This humble subject still has 12 ships; however small the number may be, I solemnly swear I will be able to defend the sea."
"Britain prided themselves in naval superiority."
"If we're going to present the ship to the public, we want to do it in a way that honors the men that served on this ship."
"This is the only active ship in the Navy that's been commissioned by a United States President."
"USS Yorktown CV-5 is a carrier that lives in legend."
"Yorktown is a ship that could tell many stories if she could talk, I think."
"Grab a drink and hopefully sit down to learn about an underappreciated carrier."
"Unsinkable Yorktown has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
"She's the largest ship ever sunk by a submarine."
"Landing aboard an aircraft carrier... it's a mark of excellence that not everybody has the opportunity to explore."
"The Thetis was salvaged, repaired, and recommissioned as HMS Thunderbolt."
"However, the HMS Thunderbolt met its end when it was sunk off Sicily with all hands lost."
"With the amount of space that's set aside for engines and machinery... you'd quite happily have ships motoring along at that point in the high twenties, if not without changing all that much."
"Michael the Ruyter, one of the greatest admirals in history."
"A frigate... was more designed for speed and maneuverability."
"The great ships are designed for durability and firepower, whereas the frigates are designed for speed."
"Frigates on the other hand were built to be a balance between speed, armament, and sea keeping ability, with an emphasis on speed."
"The Lord of the waters he styles himself, this one has real warships, monstrous large."
"The Roosevelt conducted more missions than any other carrier."
"This was the first known firing of a rocket missile with a nuclear warhead from a naval vessel."
"Wow, this is a banner for a naval admiral; that's a very rare banner."
"In the long and sorted story of Naval History, there are so many almost comedically terrible own goals."
"Mary Rose generally was not actually a terrible vessel, in fact, she was one of the most successful large warships of her period in northern Europe."
"Fast and agile, and indeed assessed as the fastest and most agile of all the remaining English great ships."
"The short encounter would leave five Union sailors dead and mark the preamble of a new stage in naval warfare."
"We've been involved in a continuous shaking down of this ship for 15 months, the toughest and hardest work under the toughest conditions."
"The ship's company must be ready to defend against potential aggressors."
"A column of flame was seen to reach the height of the gaff on the main mast, destroying the ensign."
"The effects of stripes cause the wearer to become highly visible, which was important while attending the duties on a ship and perhaps most importantly if one were to fall overboard."
"The Des Moines offered an awful lot of firepower and weren't too manpower intensive."
"Once quick-firing technology reached things like six-inch gun level, it was thought, 'Well, we might get a broadside off with our big guns and then it's going to be a fight between smaller guns for a long time until we can get the big guns reloaded again.'"
"Nelson was already well on his way to becoming one of Britain's great naval heroes."
"She was a beautiful ship back in her day, a little bit more of a 19th century Dreadnought than a 20th century Battleship."
"Glenn Curtis is considered the father of Naval Aviation."
"The ability of this vessel, the Deutschland at a Bremen, it was able to submerge entirely in 90 seconds."
"The Baden-Württemberg clearly has plenty of intelligent design concepts going into it."
"How does one of the Navy's biggest fuel ships carrying 309 passengers just disappear without any debris or anything left behind?"
"We were attacked and rammed by British warships."
"It's got such a rich naval history."
"Dreadnought could consistently outspeed her rivals and maintain that advantage, allowing her to dictate the rules of engagement."
"When you walk out on the deck in the mornings, it's quiet, it's peaceful, and you start to pre-flight. You can feel the ship starting to wake up."
"That is a lot of ships, and many have very interesting service careers."
"The Fletcher class destroyer will turn out to be the staple of U.S. destroyers in the Second World War and slightly after."
"When we go to sea, we go to battle."
"This was one of Spain's most powerful ships of the line back in the day."
"The Kursk was quite literally Russia's best ship... constructed out of this very specialized, highly reinforced steel."
"The remains are of a ship that sank during a dramatic battle between the Romans and the Carthaginians."
"Like haughty leviathans, the great golden battle barges swam through the wreckage of the Riva Fleet."
"The largest wooden warship by displacement to enter service was this ship HMS Victoria."
"That's about as big as the wooden warships actually get for rated ships of the line."
"Everyone was modernizing their battleships several times during the interwar period."
"We owe a great debt to those sailors and those naval aviators who had the courage to go out there over the open ocean to give battle to the Japanese."
"Spanning the last 27 years, a select group of naval aviators have had the opportunity to demonstrate the precision techniques of naval aviation to the public."
"Admiral Yi Sun Shin's naval exploits are some of the largest reasons behind Japan's defeat in the war."
"She leaves the yard almost as a brand new ship and serves throughout the end of the war."