
Perception Management Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"People began to get the message that he was going to act and that he cared about control of the media."
"The NFL is an entertainment business, and they want you to believe that it's all governed by a higher power."
"They were in fact employing a wide range of different methods to trick the eye into perceiving a very specific body ideal."
"Psychological warfare is changing the way people perceive information."
"People really need to take off the rose-tinted glasses from time to time."
"For a man to respect you, you must appear hard to get."
"If you can learn how to be yourself, you can learn how to not let people's perceptions label you."
"Controlled perception is not denial of reality, but it is the control of your response to reality."
"Intimidation is about perception. The perception of hurting someone."
"They might actually think you're from an English-speaking country, that you are a native speaker. That is the end result when you use all of these techniques daily with a lot of energy, with a lot of fun. It works."
"When you try to influence someone's perception of you, you give away the control dynamic that you embody."
"Give the impression she doesn't want our pity. She'd rather make us hate her."
"Nothing's perfect, but if you actively look for the good things, then you just start seeing good stuff everywhere."
"Thought leadership improves perception of a company and affects how much they trust an organization."
"It's just right there. I know that sounds crazy but look, it's the narrative they're already creating for us now."
"They're making you believe that you are a victim."
"It's very different to accuse someone and attack someone versus saying, 'This is how I received it.'"
"Stop listening to the chatter and look at the actions."
"Every single Bank on the planet is kind of a confidence game."
"Transparent and trustworthy, perception is reality."
"Make it look like you had it planned that way all along."
"They don't want to look mean in front of the jury or whatever."
"The reality is so powerful and challenging that we easily scale it down to something we can fit into the way our minds already work."
"Intent-based branding: controlling how someone thinks or feels about you."
"Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves."
"Perception management is absolutely the linchpin in the whole system."
"We don't want you to focus on that. Look over here, don't look over here. That's pretty."
"Branding is what you do to make people think of you in a certain light."
"You're setting the precedent of what you want people to think."
"Find strength in what others perceive as weakness."
"Should you view the Disney parks through rose-colored glasses? No. But does every park change need to make you sweat? Also, no."
"Complete control over how women see you and the relationship you have with her."
"You can't control how other people perceive you."
"Rather, it is about convincing Moscow that Kyiv’s perception about the war’s outcome is the correct one."
"Once he made the apology video, it made sense to a degree."
"It doesn't bloody matter what we think what matters is what they think."
"I think when somebody's trying to make sure other people know they're having a great time."
"You get control of what people see and what people don't see."
"How do you fight this underlying predisposition for people to believe the worst about your chosen enemy?"
"But last night, the White House lawn looked like the coronavirus does not exist, and maybe projecting normalcy makes people feel like there's light at the end of the tunnel."
"Was this a publicity stunt intended to cast a more positive light?"
"Being okay with people thinking you're stupid because you're always open to learning something new."
"Your purpose is more important than anyone's perception of who you are and what you are capable of."
"Focus on the good... don't focus on the bad because then you're only going to see the bad."
"The design hides the size of this vehicle quite well."
"The United States government is in the business of lying to the American people. They shape perceptions and dominate what the American people think is real."
"Perception is your weapon. That's why we wear the mask."
"I think it's a reasonable thing for people to do to receive interactions with the world and then make assumptions based on them."
"You can actually transform something from being bad to good by changing what people pay attention to."
"Don't ever let them catch you saying that they ran away."
"We've learned to gamify and make it seem like it's not that big of a deal."
"The media has the power to make the guilty innocent and the innocent guilty."
"What can Robinhood do to change the overall connotation and perception?" - seeking ways to rebuild trust and confidence.
"The mainstream media has such a powerful influence in its image-making ability. It can make a criminal look innocent and make the innocent look like a criminal."
"Language controls perception and perception controls reality. Watch what you say to the masses cuz sometimes different people can perceive different things based off the words you select to give them."
"Sometimes the only difference between victory and defeat is framing."
"The media shift perceptions and how people think."
"I'm never going to be a prisoner to anybody's perception of me."
"There's been quite a dangerous liaison between politicians' desire to make themselves look good and the desire of public health bodies to not panic the public."
"Perception management if we can manage how people perceive things then they move forward in a manner that they want."
"The most important thing you can do is surrender your notions behind what is good or bad marketing."
"I don't give a damn about losing, I'm gonna make it sound like I won."
"You've tricked everybody into thinking you're a genius. That is genius."
"Any energy I put into trying to change their perception of me is a complete waste of my time."
"Let them lie, it'll make them look silly in the end."
"Control how you communicate with bosses, or you'll be seen as dictating to them."
"Your mind is literally designed to pay attention to the things that you notice."
"Don't waste your energy trying to change someone else's perception when you could take that energy and reinvest it back into yourself."
"I am not here to people please, betray myself, or manage people's perceptions."
"This whole day is like one long poker game; everyone's putting up things for show, but they're not telling you anything. They're just showing you what they want you to see."
"Central banks live on borrowed time; they live on perception. You don't want to mess with that perception because if you lose it, then you essentially lost all control over the process."
"Managing perceptions is a very important part of what we do in organizations."