
Cheese Quotes

There are 550 quotes

"You tell me you don't want to eat a bowl of melted cheese. Look at that."
"In the family of smelly cheeses, there are probably only a few that will really make you go 'oh well, I have no doubt', for me, Stinking Bishop beats them all, crowned the smelliest cheese in the UK."
"Is it moldy? Yes. But is that blue cheese finally aged, delicious? Is it a high-quality product?"
"The sharper cheddar you go, the worse it is melting."
"Cheese is one of the most important joys in life and I think we should treasure it more than we do right now."
"A lumpy piece of cheese estimated to be over 3,300 years old has recently been uncovered inside a tomb in Egypt."
"Cheese goes viral, always. This is hot, a cheese video like cheese."
"I love buying Cheese at Costco you get a good bang for your buck."
"Gruyere, full grain mustard, and cornichons: a delicious trio."
"Havarti: the world's ultimate snacking cheese."
"Goat Tome: earthy rind, perfect with bread and salami."
"Manchego: a waxed cheese with a distinctive basket pattern."
"Brie: creamy, buttery, and delicious with strawberries and honey."
"Camembert: gooey, buttery, and pairs wonderfully with pears and pecans."
"Gorgonzola: recognizable for its blue veins, perfect with honeycomb and walnuts."
"Roquefort has an absolutely irresistible buttery texture, the flavors imparted by the blue mold include kind of creamy fruity peppery and earthy flavors that just combine to make this cheese absolutely unique and incredible."
"It's the perfect vessel for all this melted cheese."
"In the world of cheese, we would call these bloomie rind cheeses."
"The longer you age them, the sharper they get."
"There's such a fine line between gross cheese goo and pleasant cheese goo."
"If you know anything about me, you'll know that one of my favorite things on this planet, is stinky, runny cheese."
"Oozy cheese is a trend that just keeps on going."
"It's like eating baked brie but with a little bit of sweetness to the actual cheese."
"Starting off with 400 G of Massacre a pony cheese."
"You know your girl got to get her own pizza out, ooh, mine has that extra cheese on it, yes."
"Parmesan is aged for so long that it's a great cheese to have."
"I think freshly shredded cheddar cheese tastes better anyway, right?"
"I love cheese. I have an obsession with cheese, and it's kind of sad."
"Alkmaar has the world’s biggest, most-visited and best cheese market."
"The best part of the French onion soup is spooning into the molten cheesy layer. I dare declare that this cheesy layer is going to make every other cheese topping look like a sad battered withered ripped apart surrender flag just lying in the dirt."
"I love cheese. Y'all let me know if you love cheese too."
"The more cheese the better pasta shape is very important because that's what's going to make the sauce adhere to the actual pasta."
"I'm literally Santa, spreading the joy of cheese."
"Both of those cheeses are two of the most intense cheeses you'll ever taste in your life."
"Wish we could stay in the cheese land forever."
"We're trying to get like a really crispy bottom on this, we're trying to get really like lacy cheese edges."
"Friendly bacteria build up amino acids; that's where the flavor of the cheese comes from."
"Spinach and cheese sauce, just amazing."
"We should have more cheese, is what I'm trying to say."
"I was today years old when I learned the serrated edges of crackers are used to cut cheese."
"Are you kidding me? This is amazing. This is good cheese right?"
"Guys, this is really cool so while that's doing that, I'm going to start dying my cheese because I need cheese."
"It's no secret that we love cheese here at DFB."
"Extra cheese takes two seconds and you get a happy customer."
"Aren't y'all glad that cheese is keto? Like, what would we do without cheese?"
"Cheese cannot be measured in volume alone. It's an enduring obsession, a seductive pleasure."
"Cheese was an integral part of Roman centurions' diet."
"Quick, what's the most popular cheese in the United States? Cheddar? American? Guess again."
"Cheese will also continue to be shaped by the land, and the animals from which it came."
"That's what my cat sounds like when I don't give it cheese."
"I'm hooked... everything with cheese, everything."
"We are really happy that you would drop by for a wide-ranging conversation. Now let's have some cheese."
"I love this cheese. That is everything I want in a blue. It is creamy, it is rich, it tastes musty. It's got that cave-like feel. It's got... this is a great cheese!"
"My God, this is delicious! Holy crap, I don't know if this is a Brie, it's sort of like a Brie. If you ever have a chance to buy St. Andre for a party, dude, this is a phenomenal triple cream cheese!"
"This is my favorite cheese from Trader Joe's, it's the caramelized onion cheddar."
"American cheese is just the right cheese."
"It's got a lot of cheese, look at all the cheese. It is a lot of cheese, but it's really good."
"Turophile: someone obsessed with cheese."
"Everyone knows like strawberries and cheese are great together."
"The cheese really makes a difference."
"Are you too good for your home, cheese? Oh, this is so fun, I love watching the cheese, it's like little people."
"I love putting all the cheese toward the top because as it bakes in the oven it just drips down into the cracks and makes it so gooey."
"That cheese is really what makes a difference on this burger. You don't have that oily mess that comes with melting cheddar cheese."
"Basically cheese is milk that's gone bad effectively they reckon that the cheese was very first discovered not invented going back via pre-roman times in the Greek area."
"I'm a cheese consultant I work in cheese healthy helping open choose businesses so if I was living in south of Wales I'm going to be into different cheeses from if I was a Geordie or something you'd probably go to the jordy's Garden."
"Blessed are the cheese makers for they shall inhibit their girl."
"It's very labor saving when the dinner party comes you leave it on the table and it eats up all the what is the smelliest cheese that you know limberger Munster stinking Bishop there is one made in Sardinia and they actually have maggots in in the cheese."
"Just recently there was the world cheese Awards okay in Wales they're every year they're yeah it's like it's like the world cup of cheese but they hold them every year a different country."
"Winners: lovers of cheese or just plain love. Love is all we need."
"There's no such thing as too much cheese."
"Put as much as you want. I'm sure some of you are going to say, 'Oh, I want to put more cheese.' Well, you go ahead and put more cheese in yours."
"You can never have too much cheese."
"Last thing Andrew was absolutely right a little bit of shredded cheese on top."
"Whatever the question is, the answer is cheese."
"So much cheese in this slice, oh my God, so much cheese, this is definitely very American style."
"Snacks on hand, especially like cheese is something that I used to crave all the time."
"Can you imagine going to, like, the world cheese competition and just supposed to be eating cheese? So down for that."
"Cave cheese, this guy here looks like he's walking on water, a cave Jesus if you will."
"You can't have a good slider without cheese. That is the law."
"Clearly, cheese is the energy bar of the Tour du Mont Blanc."
"Gooey cheese makes almost any food better."
"Quesadillas are a delicious cheese dish to make any time of day."
"Cheese is the most frequently shoplifted food item in the world, which surprised me."
"The beauty of pizza is it's bread, it's tomatoes, and it's cheese."
"The holes in Swiss cheese are called what? Eyes, correct."
"...cheddar is the perfect cheese for a breakfast sandwich."
"Is it Brandy or what's the... Whatever you want because the cheese is going to melt it."
"I always love this cheese aisle we never get this fancy cheese but oh man like goat cheese."
"It's literally exploding with cheese."
"The medium-high heat is not only perfect to give a nice crust, but also warms up the cheese so that it can melt nicely."
"I love cheese, I'm big on cheese and my favorite thing is just a plain cheese quesadilla, just very basic, you know, I grew up on those."
"Always put too much cheese on your pizza because cheese is the secret to making many meals taste incredibly delicious."
"While fondue parties might be a thing of the past, the concept of melted cheese for dipping remains a delicious option, just with a little more focus on individual portions these days."
"That cheese is so rich and flavorful has like a saltiness to it the kick from the red pepper flake so creamy and cheesy and rich tastes like cheese yup."
"Cheese is what holds this together and it is what's happening."
"You can never go wrong with too much cheese."
"They say the inspectors and The Regulators can't kill us; these cheeses are the collective memory of France."
"Cheese is one of the primary symbols of Mankind's passage into civilization."
"The secret ingredient for the sauce is using a Laughing Cow cheese, which I honestly never really had before."
"This should be mandatory to buy this with cheese okay trust me don't miss out on the cheese because they need the two together and it's worth the 7.50."
"This was a special occasion. We love cheese!"
"This is the best cheese pulls I've got in a while. Oh!"
"I believe this is a goat Gouda, creamy, so creamy, it slices like an aged cheddar."
"I love sing with me cheese, I love cheese, we love cheese."
"It's much more pungent than your standard mozzarella and it's a very rich cheese as well leading to a very satisfying bite."
"We're putting cheese into mac and cheese."
"American cheese contains emulsifying salts, making cheese melt smoothly by stabilizing the emulsion of fat and protein."
"The versatility of cheese is wonderful."
"I love Rob Schneider, I'm like one knee, like he's proposing one cheese."
"...with Wisconsin being the number one producer of cheese in the U.S."
"You're going to have an amazing journey making this cheese and an amazing result."
"I love smelling cheese, and I like eating cheese even more."
"Anything with melted cheese on it is kind of a win in my books."
"I've never tried this before, it's a cranberry cheese goat cheese that's actually aged inside the goat's skin. Wow, that is potent."
"I like to do two different cheeses. I only need a cup of cheese, and if I don't have enough, I will add some more. There we go."
"How cute does this look? You can put it back in the oven if you want the cheese to melt a little bit, but the residual heat made the mozzarella a little bit gooey and delicious."
"Look at that cheese pull right there, wow."
"Wensleydale, actually. Wallace and Gromit's favorite, of course."
"The cheese is gouda, like, literally gouda."
"So eat it like this, I'm telling you, this nice glass of wine, some fresh cheese, a little bit of bread, you're good to go. You don't need anything else."
"It's not a grilled cheese without melty cheese."
"Wow, I totally was just cutting up this cheese and I wasn't even recording. Good job Alyssa!"
"Look at that cheese. Damn, that looks so good."
"There's cheddar inside of here, aging in caves."
"Every good cheese was invented by someone messing up a process."
"I can make my cheese last literally months in my refrigerator if I vacuum seal it."
"You can never overdo cheese, well, I agree."
"Eggs with cheese is a gosh darn genius."
"Everybody loves cheese man and I get it maybe like um some families grow glow grow more closer than others maybe he has a really close relationship with his sister and if it's his little sister then even more you know I understand."
"If you're a cheese lover, then you'll love this."
"I lost consciousness while chasing a three-kilogram cheese down a hill, but it was worth it."
"Cheese is the most stolen food item in the world."
"Name me one food, a single food, that isn't improved by a partnership with cheese."
"Why in the world would I make cheese? I don't want to make cheese in my kitchen."
"Cheesecake and he's pretty much got cheese on every course."
"What do they eat my little furry or mice okay I got the cheese I'll put that down right now look at we'll get them to go down oh yeah just stay still can you stand still yeah."
"Aged cheeses are much easier to tolerate and digest for lactose intolerant people."
"Wisconsin, the cheese is fierce, the beer is fierce, the Packers are fierce."
"The cheese is saying it all, the cheese is talking."
"Handy Snacks, a popular snack from the 1990s that many people miss today, came in packs with crackers and cheese dip."
"Pressurized cheese is absolutely rank."
"a major uh breakthrough for geneticists as they create the world's first human cheese crater"
"I put mine in the oven to melt the cheese."
"Every time you see one of these holes in Swiss cheese, you can imagine that there was a profound bacterium growing there, not a mouse. So glad I cleared that up."
"Every single cheese is like a wonderful universe that we are just starting to understand."
"The guilty pleasure of a throw together plate of cheese and crackers is simple, but when you turn it into a cheese course, rather than cheese board, especially in France, it's the course that comes before dessert."
"Y'all, this cheese sauce, oh my goodness, it's scrumptious."
"Favorite food? Anything with cheese. Cheese me. If there's cheese in it, I'll put it into my mouth."
"Delicious. Look at that. This is the four cheese pasta. There's chicken in there as well."
"They're really good though, the cheese is really cheesy."
"It’s like when you spawn a fuckload of cheese down a mountain in Skyrim until the game lags and crashes."
"There is no bad thing that happens when you add cheese."
"I was under such a tight schedule: 1:00 white bread done, 2:00 brown bread, 3:00 s 4:00 cheese bread."
"$12.98 if Original's not doing it for you white cheddar might be the path to take."
"Did you know that gouda has been made in the Netherlands since 1184, making it the world's oldest category of cheese that is still made using the same recipe? No shit, I didn't know that."
"Now I will say two blocks of feta might have been too much cheese just a little like just a little but it still slaps it's still good I still like it and I'm gonna rate it a 10 out of freaking 10."
"...the cheese needs to stay in nice little clumps because then what happens is those little clumps of cheese melt in the cooking and it's just wonderful when you come to eat it."
"The reason they colored cheeses back in the old days is to indicate to the buyer that it is high in fat."
"When the cheeses are at least 90 percent covered with white mold, it's time to wrap them in a breathable cheese paper."
"With the sheep milk, the Shepherds make a type of cheese that dates back to the Middle Ages."
"Once it has rested and been hand pressed, the cheese is molded, salted, then smoked."
"That was like one of the best goats cheese of if not the best goats cheese I've ever had."
"You know what the best part about it is? Vegan cheese. You guys know how much you love vegan cheese."
"Do you know what's America's favorite cheese? Big hint: it's mozzarella because of all the pizza that we eat as well as all the baked ziti and casseroles we eat."
"Being on a dairy farm and making cheese from that milk... you're eating what you make."
"I had a heaping hunk of melted cheese saganaki it was glorious."
"It's like the spreadable cheese you guys brought over"
"Cheese. The UK has better cheese than the USA, full stop."
"I realized that I love cheese and cheese and wine kind of go together."
"This cheese is boring. A brie should be luxurious, should be creamy. It should feel like you put something in your mouth that belongs in your mouth."
"It's just like eating a cloud that tastes like cheese."
"That's the way to our hearts, the cheese. The cheese, please. Oh man, yep, good stuff."
"Now we're gonna add in our cheese and I'm going in with about a half cup each of high temp cheddar and high temp mozzarella."
"These are very, very, very good mozzarella sticks honestly."
"More cheese means more deliciousness."
"The combination is fantastic the combination with the cream tortillas and the cheese it is insane"
"I think this is probably one of the best cheddars I've made in a very long time."
"Cheese makes it taste better, so don't forget the cheese."
"Everybody loves cheese people are making cheese cheese curds all the things right?"
"Choose low sodium cheeses such as Swiss cheese and mozzarella."
"They're delicious, you can taste the tanginess of the cheese just a little bit in it"
"It's so good, especially with a little parmesan reggiano."
"They're really good, these creamy Gouda slices for like grilled cheese or something."
"Much better to shred your own, tastes better, melts better, perfect for recipes."
"The Maltese make some distinctive cheeses from cow's milk called Gbejniet."
"People have been eating cheese since before recorded history."
"We love any kind of meal where cheese is the main character."
"A day without cheese in France is just inconceivable, it just doesn't happen."
"Gouda cheese, which is, I found out today, one of the oldest cheeses in the world, it goes back to the 12th century."
"Sweet dreams are made of cheese, who am I to dis a cheese?"
"Yes, we can do your part, eat more cheese, we can do this."
"The cheese is rich, nice stewed down onion flavor."
"The French have a wonderful phrase they use about eating cheese, and they call cheese, wine, and bread the Trinity of the table."
"Cheese probably is one of the greatest gifts of all in food and something that we should have a real reverence for."
"The key to a good grilled cheese sandwich is low and slow, making sure you get the cheese melted and the bread crispy."
"I think between the funkiness and the super super creaminess of the mozzarella cheese, this is gonna be one really good grilled cheese sandwich."
"Powerful, powerful, so this is Mountain cheese from the cow."
"I love mozzarella; anything with mozzarella is really good."
"I love parmesan cheese, absolutely love it. I would have it on everything if I possibly could."
"To top your pizza, pick up our winner, it's the Palio whole milk mozzarella cheese."