
Indonesia Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"All religions were worthy of respect and in this way, he reflected the spirit of religious tolerance that is enshrined in Indonesia's Constitution."
"Few could have anticipated the remarkable story of Indonesia over these last four decades."
"Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those Indonesians who are affected by the recent tsunami and the volcanic eruptions."
"Indonesia is defined by more than its Muslim population."
"Indonesia tsunami wave crashes into concert by local pop band."
"The island is in Eastern Indonesia, southeastern Indonesia."
"Kawa Ijen Lake, Indonesia: a spectacular turquoise-colored crater lake... caused by sulfuric fumes emitted into the lake by a magma chamber under the volcano."
"Bali is not a country, it is a province of Indonesia."
"Central Java is the center of Javanese culture and people."
"Lombok is known as the tobacco-producing island while Sumbawa is like the money-maker of this province."
"East Nusa Tenggara is Indonesia's southernmost province."
"This province roughly follows the customary region of Anima, it is the least populated province of Indonesia with only about half a million people."
"Indonesia offers an affordable lifestyle that's especially appealing outside its main tourist hubs."
"Just showing us what we already were feeling every time we get videos requested to us from Indonesia. That's what that's what we see is just that beauty."
"Football is such an enormous part of tens of millions of Indonesians' lives."
"In the middle of nowhere in East Java, Indonesia, there is a mysterious volcano that contains a lake of almost pure acid within its bowl."
"My proudest accomplishment? Two years ago I built a school for 195 kids in Bali, Indonesia."
"Indonesian prisons were not known for luxuries."
"Welcome to Indonesia, home of delicious food, wonderful people, and the Yali tribe."
"Forest fires have been ravaging certain areas in Indonesia and turning up rare creatures in the process."
"Winner for the ninth time in 2023: Vander Patama from Indonesia takes the top step."
"Indonesia is using its own resources to benefit its own people not multinational corporations"
"Staying here for 10 days so I got like a small weekly discount and it came out to 1 million nine hundred and sixty-nine thousand about 1.97 million Indonesian rupiah which comes out to about 130 US dollars."
"Stories of the small human-like creature have drifted out of Indonesia with the island of Sumatra at the epicenter."
"Indonesia offers an extremely affordable cost of living with the possibility for two people to live on about $500 per month."
"Independent Indonesia can only be achieved by die Nippon."
"The goal of this initiative is to put Indonesia as the number one Tech Hub in the world."
"There's a little bit of something for everyone in Indonesia."
"Lombok, the hidden gem of Indonesia."
"The Indonesian rainforest is home to one-fifth of all plant and animal life."
"Komodo dragons, and they live on this one island in Indonesia called Komodo Island."
"So, we have just arrived here to our next country of Indonesia. We are so, so excited to be here."
"Nasi Goreng, which means fried rice, is one of the most popular of all street foods in Indonesia. It's easy, it's fast, it tastes delicious."
"In 2019, the current leader of Indonesia, President Joko Widodo, made a bold announcement to move the capital city away from Jakarta for the first time."
"Indonesia is relocating their capital city away from Jakarta and moving it more than one thousand kilometers away to a completely different island."
"Indonesia boasts more than 270 million people."
"For such a large country, however, Indonesia is rather unique because it's really about 17,000 totally separate islands all scattered apart from each other."
"On the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, an international group of biologists discovered a toothless shrew rat."
"In Indonesia, small-time fishermen are being paid as part-time ocean cleanup crew. Love it, yeah. So, the Ministry of Fisheries announced that they had stashed around 70,000 or 1 billion rupiah to pay the fishermen for any plastic trash they recovered from the oceans."
"Casting a vote in Indonesia is a festive experience, transforming polling stations into celebrations adorned with colorful decorations."
"Indonesia's cultural fabric reflects a captivating blend of ancient customs and contemporary living."
"Indonesia's predominantly Muslim population shapes its stance on marriage and family."
"Love seeing the progression of the drift scene in Indonesia over the years."
"Indonesia is a country that beckons exploration and Discovery."
"Indonesia, a visual Feast for the wust in all of us."
"Imagine the potential, the talent, and the dynamism that Indonesia's Young population brings to the table."
"Bali is one of the Lesser Sunda Islands and a province of Indonesia."
"Welcome to the vibrant world of Indonesian food."
"We're heading back to Indonesia, basically to lay low for a while."
"Indonesia is the largest archipelago nation in the world and has over 17,500 islands."
"Indonesia has more species of mammals than any other country in the world."
"Been really nice to see all the smiles we got as we were driving around, definitely some of the friendliest people we've met in Indonesia."
"Beautiful and what I like also about Indonesia is that though it's a majority Muslim, it's an Islam that is more open."
"Here Indonesia it feels like it's genuine."
"Indonesia's economy is rising fast."
"I want to see the horses in Indonesia that run free across the beach."
"The look for this entire season is actually inspired from Indonesia."
"Good morning, guys, from Bali, Indonesia."
"This small island in Indonesia called Java is home to more people than the entire country of Russia."
"The world's most populous Islamic country is Indonesia with nearly 267 million people."
"The largest Islamic country today is Indonesia."
"I'm not gonna let that immigration experience ruin my first impression here of Indonesia."
"Which country is known as the Emerald of the Equator?"
"The battle Valley megaliths in Indonesia are some of the most mysterious and misunderstood archaeological structures in the world."
"I was born in a refugee camp on an island in Indonesia."
"These are some of the best waterfalls I have seen in all of Indonesia."
"This is the largest Buddhist temple in the world and one of the most iconic and ancient destinations in all of Indonesia."
"Being able to go between Bandung and Jakarta in less than 45 minutes is just insane."
"Who brought me deep into the Indonesian culture and countless stories with Time Magazine and National Geographic."
"Indonesia is both a leisure seeker's dream and an adventurous playground."
"The future of Indonesian football looks so good."
"Get ready to discover the best of what Indonesia has to offer."
"I've enjoyed learning a little bit about Indonesia."
"I love Indonesia. It's my favorite place that I've ever been to."
"We've been exploring around Indonesia, this amazing country, for the last six months."
"Indonesia is the world's third largest democracy."
"Home to Jakarta, what is the most populous island in the world?"
"Mission accomplished. That's one of my favorite things about being here in Indonesia."
"Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago nation."
"This is really a terrible as well as interesting incidence which I experienced in Indonesia."
"Indonesia got blessed with the flourishing abundance of flora and fauna, the second highest concentration in the world after Brazil."
"Hello everyone, today, I'm in Indonesia!"
"Cloves have a fascinating history, dating back thousands of years, originating from the Maluku Islands in Indonesia."
"Java, an island in Indonesia, has over 145 million people."
"It's very important symbol of the unity in Indonesia."
"Indonesia's actual size placed over the United States is greater than the distance across the entire continental US."
"The Republic of Indonesia is the most globally influential nation that the average Westerner knows almost nothing about."
"Home to over 275 million people, it is the fourth most highly populated country in the world and the largest majority Muslim country on the planet."
"Jakarta, Indonesia's capital city, is located on one of the big five Islands."
"There's a world beyond Bali in Indonesia that's just waiting to be explored."
"Indonesia is the only place in the world to see Komodo dragons in the wild."
"Indonesia is experiencing rapid growth over these last few years; it is a G20 summit country, one of the only ones in Asia."
"Indonesia is set to actually overcome that Gap and... is on track to be the fourth largest economy in the world by as soon as 2045."
"Indonesia is a true archipelago country... there are over 6,000 permanently populated islands."
"Lombok, Indonesia, a beautiful island located right next to Bali, filled with pristine beaches and unforgettable landscapes."
"Come to Indonesia, learn about the culture, have a great time on the beautiful beaches, on the beautiful mountains, try all the delicious food, just remember that you're a visitor."
"That's Indonesia's pride and joy right there."
"Indonesia is going to have an incredibly special place in my heart."
"Terima kasih Indonesia from the bottom of my heart."
"We got a long way to go, and I'm hoping to be a part of that big reason why a lot of people going forward know exactly where Indonesia is on a map."
"I already wanted to go to Indonesia before, but now I really want to go just to try the food."
"Democracy is good for Indonesia, but we know that in order for this democratic system to deliver a good thing, there are so many things that need to be built."
"I feel like I'm a prince of Indonesia."
"If you look at present-day Indonesia, overwhelmingly Muslim, the stories are all drawn from the Puranic literature of India."
"All stories have to start somewhere, and mine starts here in Indonesia."
"A human Hobbit ancestor of modern humans may very well be hiding out in the jungles of Indonesia."
"Hi everyone, much love from Indonesia."
"We'll be able to perform live in Indonesia this coming October 21, so excited!"
"This is now my favorite restaurant in Indonesia."
"Everything will be perfect for the first year in Indonesia in a couple of weeks."
"Thank you. My trip to Indonesia has finally begun."
"The ruins on the Indonesian mountain appear to represent the largest megalithic site in Southeast Asia."
"Do you know how affordable it is to fly into Indonesia?"
"I'm dying to go to Bali, Indonesia."
"How incredible is it to see the ingenuity that's going on here in Indonesia."
"Let's just get a few things out of the way: I am back in Indonesia."
"Indonesia is a fascinating one because this is a country that literally had no industry prior to the 1970s."
"Indonesia has a lot of islands, right? So basically, because we have so many islands, each city has their own little thing, their own street food."
"Komodo dragons are found only on a few Indonesian Islands."
"Indonesia is home to the longest snake in the world, that's right, the reticulated python."
"Indonesia is amazing, and reticulated pythons are incredible."
"There's over 17,000 islands that comprise Indonesia."
"Isn't it weird that Indonesia is not only home to the largest snake in the world but also the largest lizard in the world, the Komodo dragon?"
"You can get so much for your money in Indonesia."
"Welcome to the hustle and bustle of Jakarta, Indonesia's biggest city and the country's political capital."
"Indonesia is emerging as a major global player."
"Indonesia is ethnically diverse with 300 local languages spoken across the country."
"It has 250 million people of which 80% are Muslim, making Indonesia the largest Muslim country in the world."
"Indonesia's GDP is close to 900 billion U.S. dollars, making it the 16th largest economy in the world."
"Indonesia has more species of plants and animals than almost any other area on the planet."
"The forests of Indonesia are home to a large variety of iconic species like elephants and orangutans."
"I came to Indonesia to save Gibbons, and I stayed because I fell in love with Indonesia."
"Indonesia is a big country with a total population of 250 million people."
"Investors still see Indonesia as the best investment destination."
"Java is effectively the core of the Indonesian republic."
"It's going to take me the rest of my life to finish touring Indonesia."
"Majapahit did something that no other native government did until the 20th century: it brought the Indonesian archipelago under one rule."
"It is my hope that this visit can further enhance the relations between Indonesia and the cooperation between Indonesia and the United States in the future."
"After more than one attempt, it is wonderful to finally be back in Indonesia."
"We're building on Indonesia's inspiring transition from dictatorship to democracy."
"Horrible to wake up this morning and see and hear the story that came out from Indonesia."
"Thoughts and prayers with the Indonesian nation and the football family."