
Armament Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"For humanity, the situation doesn't look good. All countries that have nuclear weapons either increase their supply or leave it as it is."
"Their mission is basically arming every American that they can, given the budgets that not everybody has."
"In the game of geopolitics, you must have weapons."
"Those who knew Radigan said he was heavily armed, well trained and paranoid."
"One thing I enjoy about this tank is that you have enough ammunition to take a variety of rounds."
"Despite their huge inventory of new weapons, the US military keeps on creating more."
"Simpson and Sufi were wearing body armor and were equipped with three assault rifles."
"I think it needs more guns so that if it became necessary to have a second American revolution, the average American would stand a chance."
"The root of all fear in this post-apocalyptic world is insufficient firepower."
"The idea that I could wear a sidearm to the grocery store does strange things to me."
"Armed with four .303 machine guns and four 20 millimeter cannons, Mosquito packs a powerful punch."
"The B17 boasted four turret placements with paired Browning M2 50 caliber machine guns."
"The Tiger 2 or Panzer 6 was the tank equivalent of the 88 millimeter gun which served as its main armament."
"East and west do not mistrust each other because we are armed, we are armed because we mistrust each other."
"This fighter jet is armed with six A10C AMRAM air-to-air missiles with a range of 120 km and two A9M Sidewinder short-range missiles with a range of up to 35 km or 22 miles."
"Absolutely arm the police, save more lives and save the taxpayer money from putting them in overcrowded prisons."
"Actually a really underestimated and under appreciated level of armament."
"For millions of men and women are under arms, tens of thousands of ships sent into one direction with the one goal, the utter destruction of everything that stands in their way."
"It makes a lot more sense to have your main guns as something that could be used both for anti-surface and air threat."
"The 5-inch 38 caliber weighed significantly less than a 5-inch 51, which might well be the difference between being able to about four guns or five guns."
"The F-16 Fighting Falcon is incredibly agile and heavily armed, the perfect combination for a dogfighter."
"The armaments on the Mamba make it a versatile aircraft."
"Liberal ideas, great. But then he's not afraid of liberal ideas; he's afraid of liberal ideas armed."
"Every man doesn't just have the right to have a gun but is required to have a gun and ammo and must train to use it."
"The balance of power is still with the government because it does have more of the really heavy weapons than any other group can possibly muster."
"This weaponry made her one of the most powerfully armed warships in the world."
"Albania is the poorest country in Europe, three million people, they probably got six million guns."
"Armed with a new 14-inch 45 caliber gun, she was more powerfully armed than any preceding battleship in USN service."
"The Polycarpov I-185 is one of the foremost 'what if' aircraft: fast, agile, and heavily armed."
"This shows a standard Iowa class Battleship... re-armed with three-inch 50 caliber guns instead of the 40 millimeter guns they carry during this time period."
"You can't expect weapons to bring peace to the world of mankind; the whole world will be destroyed."
"Philip from his stay in Thebes had learnt this important lesson about needing superb discipline and superb weaponry."
"We will arm the Russian officers; for this much, we can't so we did, and they were very pleased at that."
"The Leopard 2 is armed with a 120 millimeter Smooth Bore gun that has a famous stabilization system."
"This is Punisher after all, so he has to come with firearms. Luckily, he does."
"How many of them were armed? Not all of them could even have hatched machetes."
"By 1918, he's awash in hand grenades, heavy machine guns, light machine guns, supported by an incredibly sophisticated and powerful artillery."
"Each with their weapons, looks awesome."
"Syracusan hoplites, like their Greek counterparts, were heavily armed infantry using a large round shield called a hoplon, a spear, and a short sword."
"If you're going deep into the forest... you should be heavily armed, absolutely, in my opinion."
"Iron Man's suit is a weapon of war, whereas Batman's more about like peacekeeping, right? Vigilante justice."