
Race Issues Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"I actually think it's good that Cardi B uses her platform to bring awareness to race-related issues and important issues in America to help create change."
"If you're gonna deal with race, deal with it."
"Why every movie coming out of Hollywood is showing alpha masculine black males in a negative light?"
"Race is not a political weapon... Nowhere do we need more common ground than on the issue of race."
"Rox News was telling everybody this wasn't racist at all."
"The media wrote article after article attacking me... simply because I was black."
"I am a cranky liberal democrat... it's just that our sense of race went way left."
"There is a critical mass of black people who are trying to think about things... and yes, I am talking about me as being one of them."
"The media has a dual narrative when it comes to mass shootings: one, it's guns' fault; two, it's whiteness' fault."
"The Democratic Party is an absolute frigging train wreck on race."
"They really try to twist everything into a race thing."
"The principle is that race actually does not matter, and the people who do make race matter are making an error."
"De-racializing some of these issues would allow us to say okay as a matter of public policy."
"I'm wealthy and I'm famous but I'd be wealthier and more famous if I were white."
"So no there's no such thing as white pride in part because there is no white culture."
"Black people can't be racist... racism describes a system of disadvantage based on race."
"White people trying to solve racism is funny, isn't it?"
"In societies where race is super important being mixed race is sometimes a very important category and it comes with its own unique challenges."
"When you only have the race card and you can't really defend yourself with any real arguments, any substance, that's what you do."
"Changing the color of skin is an unnecessary act... we shouldn't change their race to appease others."
"Discriminating based on race, if they think the cause is righteous and just, is a good thing. And I think it is a terrible thing in America to discriminate on race, period."
"The white race deems itself to be the dominant race in this country...our constitution is colorblind."
"It's unfair to tell a child that they're a victim because of the color of their skin."
"The Five Bloods: a daring, devastating document of the black experience."
"Race-neutral does not exist when we are fighting in an arena."
"We're just living in a time where when it comes to race and honest public discourse, there's virtually none of it."
"My six-year-old came home and said, 'Am I evil because I have white skin?'"
"Race is a very difficult question to figure out."
"Do you agree that it's funny how they're cool with people changing genders but when it comes to race that's where the buck stops?"
"The Oscar for Best Picture went to a hollow but comforting fantasy about how all that we need to do to end racism is to awkwardly talk to each other about race and fried chicken."
"We're seeing race-based disparities all across every aspect of this virus: higher infection rates, lower access to testing, higher mortality rates."
"Being tough on the border does not mean that you're a white supremacist... Nothing about this has to do with race."
"If NASCAR blew up the story as a way where they could then showcase how accepting and how willing to fight against racism they were, which is what they did the next day, right? Like all the people rolled him out and the whole crowd is going crazy."
"Nobody wants race-based preferential COVID treatments. It's wrong."
"I'm a part of the problem. I'm raising white children. Like, I'm not standing for this. And I'm going to hold other white people accountable because it bangs differently coming from them than it does from any of us."
"We might all be able to approach the current political discourse about race and police with a little more kindness and empathy."
"The best way to end discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
"White conservatives hunting non-white progressives."
"All this tinkering with the race and the obsession with representation... all of that is a gimmick."
"The first legal slave owner in history was a black man."
"Black women are defending biracial women more than biracial women defend biracial women."
"What I'm getting at is Vic was punished by the court of public opinion as much for his crimes as for what those crimes are associated with as a black."
"We need white people to stand up... say what it is, it's racism and say racism is whack."
"The white man has a God complex, killing us in the streets, oppressing us. He thinks he can take our life when he wants."
"Every element of western cultural traditions and heritage has to be racist because it's western."
"Three-quarters of British school children have heard radical gender and race concepts in school."
"Are you saying catering to black people is dangerous in hospitality?"
"This is 111 ways to gaslight black Americans into thinking that we need to be dependent on a system of handouts in order to be successful."
"Race may never completely lose its social meaning, but it needs to lose its social power for sure."
"We should change that and make people think before they repeat disparaging negative sentiments about white people."
"I wasn't actually attacking her, I was really talking about white supremacy."
"So if they wanna talk about identification being racist, well, let's flip it right back on them."
"Race is socially created and we don't have to keep creating it."
"A smart satire on race and the modern day workplace that will keep you guessing until the very last twist."
"It's not an accident that the intersex athletes who get singled out are women of color."
"Dating preferences: is love colorblind or a reflection of societal issues?"
"Not only did Harper's Bazaar claim Lynch is playing double-oh-seven but they also claim that her role in the film is to confront stereotypes around race and gender that have persisted for far too long."
"Every time you see white women do something... I wonder what would happen if that was a black man who said and did the same thing."
"If you reduce race to a problem, there's never been a race problem in America. There been catastrophes visited upon black people."
"Maybe this race thing didn't get us anywhere."
"True race can provide a basis of compatibility but race itself cannot solely sustain a relationship."
"Race issues were not as intense and as prevalent 10 years ago due in part to social media."
"He was so comfortable just talking about the issues of race."