
Poetic Expression Quotes

There are 262 quotes

"I won't say goodbye, instead, I'll say I'll see you in the stars."
"Our developers are very poetic when they create these examples."
"Always loft; always loft; always loved; always loved."
"Well said Jack. It's very very poetic beautiful."
"I am destined to become an ocean, I'm destined to become a memory."
"All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Smell the flowers while you can."
"It is enough to forget, it is enough to borrow from the dead a voice to sing through to survive the season."
"Titles transcend the work itself, becoming a poem within an artwork."
"I watch sea beams glitter in the dark, neither 10 house or gate. All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."
"When the gravity's too strong I break apart into smaller clouds, each cloud is a star's beginning, in which I am very proud."
"Tupac was passionate and poetic with his words, he knew how to inspire people especially communities of color."
"'I hold it true whate'er befall, I feel it when I sorrow most, 'Tis better to have loved and lost, than ever to have loved at all.'"
"The moon reveals to me my own likeness. Okay, so the Moon is a reflection of who you are, it's showing you your persona, is that what you're trying to say, you doppelganger, you pale companion, why do you mimic my love sickness?"
"But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to know that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice."
"Ed his knife see rustic, we're ready slight friends."
"Milton imagined that his own verse was to be read and experienced something like a body."
"Best Larry message which avant-garde amira some olive oil achilles didn't go to a dramatic loss nah nah no emboss not done yet didn't our city wish me to."
"Morrison's words came as no surprise to fans of the group many of whom grew accustomed to his mix of poetic and literary ideas."
"The seas forever, oh why why? The winds for wind, dude. I've got chills, that was sick."
"Our praise is not for them but the ones who bloom in bitter snow."
"Roses are large, the sky is big. Mix them together and you'll know where to dig."
"My thoughts do twine and bird about thee as wild vines about a tree."
"The way that Ocean Vuong can sort of just rip your heart to shreds in a few sentences... it's so beautiful."
"This book is essentially a young man writing a letter to his mother... it's very poetical."
"History doesn't always repeat itself but it does tend to rhyme."
"When we fall away from the sun or tilt away from the sun, know that things will soon be done. Winter solstice."
"Funny how honey ain't sweet like sugar ain't [ __ ] sweet."
"You are an exquisite flower in the heavenly garden."
"Spring has come, crawling now, wake up my friend."
"A photo like a poem, capturing moments and emotions."
"Your darkness is more enchanting than the night sky"
"Dying on these heavens is a very real thing."
"He tastes my tears before I can feel them. Where there would be tears, his kiss."
"I have one desire and the silence of the night, let me die at the edge of the sea." - Eminescu's poem
"Poets give expression to what lies deep inside the audience."
"Your hair is winter fire, January embers. My heart burns there too."
"Time is the enemy, the past threatens, the fastest weapon. You wouldn't make it past a second, and that's the question."
"Save your breath for a cleric, confessor death is a lesson that life is attending professor."
"The love that moves the Sun and the other stars."
"It was kind of pretty to be honest, like romantic pictures. It was like very poetic, it was like kinda scary in the right way."
"Falling ain't got no swag, falling is easy off tongue."
"You'd hear the flowers speak if you'd only listen."
"Failure up da mansion today we're poor even though when this how could inner clown the great down world."
"We are no longer alone, I was her Moon and she was my stars."
"Leaves drift down, but they won't heal the sentence of the mountain."
"Tears become Springs and summon the clouds from heaven."
"Times are dire, we are about to be gathered again into the arms of the mother."
"There's nothing more beautiful than the woman's body. You got New York City there."
"Not all who wander are lost, and may the wings of Liberty never lose a feather."
"Ultima Thule, a more apt name couldn't have been given, a distant unknown region, the extreme limit of travel and discovery."
"It's like poetry, the fact that Rainer has been trying to show off a little bit and absolutely destroyed."
"There's wonders in this world beyond our wandering. Wonders in this world beyond our wandering."
"History doesn't always repeat itself but it can rhyme."
"I give you the stars, I give you the gold engine."
"If that's not poetry then I don't know what is."
"Your love is like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day."
"Your beauty reflected by the Stars; your essence is the air that I breathe."
"This Arc is so thematically dense and poetic, and it has so much going on. It reminds me as a tandem with Skypeia because Skypeia is to me the most thematically potent poetic Arc."
"The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice, the darker the flesh, the deeper the roots."
"You can write your own story so to speak, so if you are a poet in terms of either how you wish life could play out, you know that's a type of poetry."
"You must have the blood of the Sun in the consciousness of the cosmos."
"Welcome to StarTalk radio! I'm your host Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and director of New York City's Hayden Planetarium."
"Peace in the chaos. It's kind of like poetic, you know?"
"Purple is the noblest shroud." - Worth repeating.
"Beneath the tides of sleep and time, strange fish are moving."
"From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire."
"Your days will become brighter, the skies will be bluer, and the grass greener, and your [__] pinker."
"The fault must partly have been in me, the bird was not to blame for his key, and of course there must be something wrong in wanting to silence any song."
"There's a poet inside of me that's always looking for a metaphor."
"In moments of distress we often find that time is of the essence. The psalmist here captures the urgency that fills our hearts when we are desperate for divine intervention. He does not waste time; his words are direct and they cut to the chase."
"All those moments will be lost like tears in rain."
"He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater." - Annie Johnston Flint
"I was moved so much by this stupendous effort of human ingenuity human cooperation multinational and I expressed my attempted to express my poetic um fascination and and interest."
"Wherever you are, light it up and I'll find you."
"It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country."
"Pledging yourself to me. Yes, please. The final words ever spoken by humankind will come from your fairy mouth and echo into oblivion."
"Her voice, a blend of journalistic integrity and poetic grace."
"Rise like lions after slumber in unvanquishable number."
"It's like a tone poem happening with its environment."
"It's a poetic message that's sure to resonate with a lot of people."
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."
"Art is also the stoic residue of humankind’s unstoppable urge to create, to--forgive another poetry reference--rage against the dying of the light."
"I looked up at the sky and I said my god what did you do because this is poetry of terrible beauty."
"I met a traveler from an antique land who said, 'Two vast and trunkless legs of Stone Stand in the desert...'"
"1988's Tender Prey... one of the most brilliant bleak depressingly poetic songs I've ever heard."
"Let me be mad, mad with the madness of absence, the wildest, most luxurious madness in the world."
"The longest breath of love is the shortest distance to heaven."
"I catch lightning in the bottle, my rhymes are like a message in the ocean."
"It's just amazing. And it's just-- it's beautiful. It's poetry."
"Those who live their days unaware, the rapture will be a frightening affair. As evil abounds all around, the tribulation nears without a sound." - Stephen M
"When the sun dips below the horizon, that's when your eyelids flicker."
"The Doors released 'Waiting for the Sun', it was to have a whole side dedicated to Morrison's extended poem 'The Celebration of the Lizard'."
"Wash my soul in the ocean, in the tears of God, I let it go." - A poetic invitation to release and cleanse oneself.
"A lover cries out to my name when heaven falls in kingdom come, all no limbo will be done."
"You can be so close to someone that you can't touch them sometimes, and isn't that beautiful or tragic?"
"My voice is not the liquid way perfect rings round a heron's flu. My voice is straight rotting wire stolen."
"Flowers are white and you are bright to my eyes, thank you."
"I will have poetry in my life and adventure and love... love above all."
"Trust no one, only trust yourself. This is poetic."
"And violating vices voracious and vanquishes himself with a valor."
"Roses are red, violets are blue, December 18th Tommy Fury, you will be on the canvas kissing my shoe."
"Love Is in the Air: April showers bring May lovers."
"Time will say nothing but I told you so. Time only knows the price we have to pay. If I could tell you, I would let you know."
"From the multi-layered meanings of each track to the poem that continues to unfold."
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
"Among all of God's creatures, it is only men who kill with the venom strong enough to melt the fool upon the hill."
"Markkula beanidea clavicle, that's Chicano notes, it is like a caramel a patina beam on the boundary."
"The city, however, does not tell its past, but contains it like the lines of a hand."
"The heart is stronger and brighter than a thousand suns."
"The poet's heart has to feel all of the feelings."
"I dreamed the dream and now that dream has gone from me."
"The sky take an axe to the prison wall escape walk out like someone suddenly born into color."
"Just speak to what's in your heart, the best poetry is the simplest stuff."
"Love is everything you have Love is War knowing that you got my back he has your back he got everybody's back and we're going to fight to the death that's love too the whole world love whether you know it or not yes can't exist without it no."
"People of Orphalese, the wind bids me leave you."
"And until then, bye for now! Meow, bum bum bum bum."
"You will hear thunder and remember me, And think: she wanted storms."
"Not one note in the song of heaven has been missed."
"Rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west. We will rise."
"Nothing can separate our love, neither death nor life, nor angels nor the ruling spirits, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers from above nor powers from below, nothing in the entire created world can separate us."
"Bow character Kay, it's like poetry, it rhymes."
"A rose under any name still smells as sweet."
"There are many paths to tread, through shadow, to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight."
"A moment's joy, sand through the hourglass, yet time could stand still. A moment lasts forever in the bliss of the heart's will."
"I always viewed it if it's immovable but if that would be uh kind of poetic in some way yeah."
"Someday I knew I'd find the right words, but until then, the flowers were hope. I just hadn't counted on how convincing a hope they'd be."
"One whose words drip from his lips like honey from a comb and never did poison taste so sweet."
"A butterfly goes wherever it pleases and pleases wherever it goes."
"Hello butterfly, hello flower, goodness how pretty you are."
"When it comes to atoms, language can only be used as poetry."
"Welcome to the room of people who have rooms of people that they loved one day, docked away."
"To have the dream but have the commitment to work to achieve the dream I have a dream."
"Everything is a song, everything has a cadence, everything has a rhythm to it."
"Let the run down street lights be your stars let them know who we are let them shine for you."
"Your bones will litter the space between moments."
"Neil understands the Poetry of reality and can articulate it with a poet's voice."
"Breath of the wild is great. It's a truly poetic game that says so much by saying so little."
"Love is a beautiful thing. When you find it, the whole world taste like Daffodil Daydream."
"In exchange for one smile of yours, take my earth, take my sky."
"To feel the wild of your soul subdued, the restlessness of your mind put to singularity in a single glance."
"The clouds scatter bits of those dreams that man shall not live without rumor of old strange secrets and wonders."
"There's this to say for blood and breath, they give a man a taste for death."
"Shine bright and dream on, pirates and cacti alike. The silvery moon casts its gleam, why the poem poetic justice?"
"It is, the very rope which the hangman used for all the victims of the Judge’s judicial rancour!"
"I feel like your soulmate is very poetic, pile number two. I feel like they're really good with expressing their words. They might be into writing or something like that. They're very affectionate and they're not afraid to express their love through their words."
"We were blessed with some of the most amazing songwriters in the world. I think some of the last true poets in this country."
"In a world full of thunder, the words ain't full of Jason's girl."
"We're broken hands and weathered souls emancipated for all, yo."
"I've been through hell, but I still smell like heaven."
"For she is more moving than any motion."
"As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame."
"Oh, carry mine, you can see I yielded and written myself into wild desire."
"Love, love is a verb, love is a doing word, fearless on my breath."
"It's a thing of beauty, it's a joy forever."
"My heart expands; it is grown a bulge in it, inspired by your beauty effulgent."
"I will die in Paris on a rainy day, on some day I can already remember."
"Certain words beautifully expressed bumped into everything around us and caused a reaction."
"Did that taste sweet just like Bee's heart? Oh, that's poetic."
"Let misty autumn be our part; the twilight of the year is sweet."
"It's a poetry of sadness and longing, as you would expect, but Michelangelo had the distinction of being an artist, a sculptor, and a poet."
"It turns her lips into two blushing pilgrims standing ready to smooth a rough heart with a tender kiss."
"Songs are like hugs that mouths give to ears."
"Could we with ink the ocean fill, and were the skies of parchment made, to write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry."
"Writing a good song is about really making that point and making it very simply and very poetically."
"Love is a place, and in this place 'less place of love, move with brightness of peace all places. Yes is a world, and in this world of yes, live skillfully curled all worlds."
"Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths..."
"Love is a sickness full of woes, all remedies refusing."
"Woe is me, once I was a simple breeze."
"The light in the dark, the brightest stars, my beginning."
"Last night, out of love and desire, I was begging the cupbearer for wine."
"The poet is always trying to describe what cannot be said."
"Only the use of the medium of poetry to express the causes and forces which are the same in all men, in the struggle from darkness towards some measure of light."
"This magic that is happening here in these three lines is exactly what is happening."
"All of that stuff is just so poetic, all of it is so pure."
"The streets of town were paved with stars; it was such a romantic affair."
"Look how the floor of heaven is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold; there's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st but in his motion like an angel sings."
"You're so beautiful but you can't see, the way you move is music to me."
"Faith of my soul, thou shalt crowned be in Colin's stead now this song I read; for never thing on earth so pleased me, as to hear that's him to hear or matter of his deed."
"Memory guards its sun or shower, love keeps it blooming."
"We might not be able to walk among the clouds, but that doesn't mean that clouds can't walk among us."
"There's more that rises in the morning than the sun, more that shines in the night than just the moon."
"This world with broken toes from my missteps and towards your souls."
"I'm inspired by it; it stirs the poet in me."
"Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken, I've even forgotten my name."
"...when pain and anguish seize my soul..."
"Starlight, starbright, my star you make my world, alight."
"Susie was a shy but creative type, apparently she was known to jump out of the shower midwash to write down a poem before she forgot it."
"Where are you going, stream? Far, far away. Take me with you."
"The grounding of mind in the whitened earth is the poetic basis of consciousness."
"Our hearts, though stout and brave, still, like muffled drums, are beating funeral marches to the grave."
"I'm experiencing what the poet called a long dark night of the soul."
"From your lips she drew the Hallelujah."
"Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, rage against the dying of the light."
"I don't need snowflakes as long as I have January."
"And when we return to our native Olympus... we shall walk, crowned with gold, through the temples of the skies and with the harp's soft accompaniment we shall sing sweet songs to which the stars shall echo and the vault of heaven from pole to pole."
"I think it's extremely very poetic and very beautiful, they did a really good job."
"Some said fire when the fire was ice."
"I'm getting very poetic now, but I really love it."
"So beautiful it invites one to die."
"I swear by the winds that carry dust clouds."