
Musical Equipment Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"The Analog Man King of Tone just really is such a good circuit, and Mike did such great mods to that circuit to make it what it is."
"Headstrong is a one-man operation that's been hand-building guitar amps for 19 years in the U.S., just like they were done in the 1950s."
"It's the Les Paul...the guitar that I need primarily to make my sound."
"Original pickups are just fantastic. I was shocked how much I like them."
"Do you really need a pedal board at this point I mean it depends if you're going to do stuff live you can do it without it."
"This synth may need a few extra knobs... but there's just something about it that oozes soul."
"It's amazing how different, you know, you bring up the bass channel, you bring up the treble channel, you drop the bass channel, you dime both of them, you know, and then the tone stack is real, real sensitive."
"The sound of those amplifiers was as much a part of the sound as the guitar."
"Despite the cons, there's no analog synth familiar with that can go where Tiger does especially combining multiple great sounding oscillators with a natural sounding percussive low-pass gate circuit."
"In terms of a standalone synth, there are no analog alternatives that compete with Tiger at this price point or even higher."
"You don't even need to put an overdrive pedal in front of it."
"Tube rectifier described as saggy or flabbier, solid-state rectifiers as tighter and punchier."
"These pedals themselves actually have, like, a Neve transformer in collaboration with Rupert Neve."
"But at 350 bucks it sounds pretty good, pretty natural, especially on cleans."
"It's just another overdrive pedal really isn't it?"
"It had multimode filters, effects, and an arpeggiator."
"They're kind of ugly but they work in context with this guitar."
"It's hard to find a pedal company more responsible for the success and calming boom of the pedal industry through the 80s, 90s, and 2000s as the brand MXR."
"It aims to bring the sound of the Fender Precision Bass guitar to your home studio."
"I wanted pickups it sounded really good and they're noiseless and then I wanted some kind of incremental boost on the guitar itself and that kind of checked that box for me."
"If you're looking for a compact and lightweight synthesizer with a wide variety of performance and production features, Phantom O is just the thing."
"Coming in at number one is what the Neural DSP Fortin Nameless, it's a game monster, I love it."
"The quad cortex is better and it could be used also by guitarists who are also singers."
"Having the right amp for you and your style of playing and your setup is one of the best things you can do as a guitar player."
"Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, and it's even better than I expected. One of founders' crowning glories: the 1966 Blackface Super Reverb."
"This then is going to be, I guess you could say, a Deluxe Reverb on steroids."
"Well, my massive shipment of new electrolytics arrived from Antique Electronic Supply, so it's time to recap the mighty Super Reverb."
"It's got deep bass if you want it but also squelchy and sharp tones if you need them."
"Carlton said, 'I wanted to get a guitar that could cover a lot of bags and this one covers most of the bags.'"
"This King a tone pedal I mean when the guy named it king of tone he was not lying I mean this is one of the greatest overdrive pedals ever built."
"The Squire Bullitt Mustang is the best sub $200 guitar I've ever played, let alone own."
"One of the coolest ways to change up your drum sound is triggers."
"That pedal just does it for me, I love that pedal."
"I like amps that retain really strong bottom-end integrity of tone."
"Fresh heads tuned well makes a huge difference."
"So, what's the big deal about the K2 or MS-20? What makes them worth putting up with all the voltage quirks I just mentioned? That reason is the filters."
"The form factor and size make this a much better piece of gear to gig and travel with."
"On the modulation side... connected through these knobs... pre routed throughout the synth."
"I am spoilt with pedals... but I've never... had the big pedal switcher."
"I always loved the fact that Malcolm played that Gretch with the one pickup."
"He spruced it up by painting it light blue and fitting a univox high flyer phase 3 humbucker in the bridge position and a single coil pickup in the neck position."
"Like most lasting innovations in the music industry, the Klon Centaur grew out of a musician's frustrations with the tools available at the time."
"My amps are probably worth more now than they've ever been, and one I could probably sell for 300 bucks and the other I could probably sell for like 600 on a really good day."
"My vintage Fender Super Reverb, a legendary tone machine with a history all its own."
"Invaluable and irreplaceable: my beloved Super Reverb, the heart of my sound."
"Unmatched in their tone, build quality, and feature set."
"I think when Andy Osling had the idea for a dual filter pedal, none of us really imagined how wild and wonderful it could become."
"I'm no expert on anything, especially pickups, but what attracts me to the gold foil pickup is the design."
"The vintage diamond one is a little bit bassier, a little bit fuller sounding and not quite as clear. The one I made is a little kind of more cutting and clear but a little bit less volume and a little less warmth obviously."
"...there is no one best amp as different players have different tastes and needs."
"They're just fun, it's almost like a really great amp with a clone built in already in front of it ready to go."
"Now another thing this pedal excels at is being stacked. So fantastic pedal all around."
"It's a Sonic copy of my 50 watt Plexi with a couple bells and whistles that are extra."
"The pickups are the star of the show."
"This thing is awesome, actually. This thing through the Whammy pedal, the active down, is a great bass sound."
"The tremolo on the Boss pedals, to me, is the only really effect that lands itself into the boutique pedals."
"The TR-8S actually goes so far as to include a tape echo emulation."
"That's number two: Use an extension cab, use the amp as a head, it's really awesome."
"The more common one is that EQ pedal, is it? Because aside from actually just using the EQ to push different frequencies and works the same as any other boost you've also got a level control, exactly, exactly."
"There's been a lot of hype about this box and that hype is all justified. It does an incredible amount. In fact, it basically serves as tone central for a guitarist, for bassist."
"What I've seen on talk bass is a lot of people saying that the PV Cirrus can get you damn close to a Ken Smith sound and it is from what I've read is because the pickup placement is in around about the same place as a Ken Smith."
"The tones that just come straight out of this thing are incredible."
"I think every guitar should have a Telecaster in their collection."
"This thing absolutely rips for thrash metal tones."
"The cure, I used something that Fender used in their higher wattage circuits."
"I'm just a Fender guy. I'm going to keep playing through my Deluxe Reverb and my Harvard."
"The AC-10 was that middle ground between the AC4 and the AC-15."
"Two Rock amps are really known for how they feel, they're very fast."
"This is one of my favorite amps of all time."
"This amp is very, very cool, the divided by 13 RSA 23."
"Make any bass drum pedal feel more high-end and expensive by optimizing a few key adjustment points."
"Buy those two pedals and you are just sorted out."
"Insane amplifier. This is a Mesa Boogie Mark III. No stripe, I'm sorry, it's a purple stripe."
"The best sounding Marshall amp that I've ever owned in my personal opinion."
"One of the best amps on the market in my personal opinion."
"When it comes to adjustability, the Pearl Eliminator is unmatched."
"If you just want like the best that Roland has to offer in 90 of the categories this drum set hits all of those marks."
"The high hat, for not being a two-piece high hat, is probably, in my opinion, the best."
"If I had one of these, I'd be quite happy to get one of these for going gigging with."
"I think this is probably the most badass synth that you can get for what it is."
"I really want a Sustainiac, not only to have it to check it out, to do it, but also share it with you guys on the channel."
"It's one of the best sounding, like, it has replaced the entire Abbey Road drums collection from Native Instruments."
"Sometimes you find pedals and they're cool ones, and then you don't use them that much, but this one, I have a feeling that it resonates with me and I really like it."
"I'm happy to finally have an oscillator where I can show you all three and have all three as a choice when I'm playing."
"The Korg Kronos was certainly the king of the ring in terms of power."
"Is the Kronos still relevant, let alone king, or is it a relic of yesteryear?"
"The Korg Kronos is almost 10 years old, but let's take a look at what it has to offer."
"The Korg Kronos today is not obsolete; it is not so old that it's obsolete."
"If you could only have one mid-priced keyboard to take to a desert island, this would be the one."
"Pyramid is one of the most feature-packed sequencers I've ever seen."
"You've got things like the Mutable Instruments Clouds which is just gorgeous and an amazing device."
"It's insanely inspiring, super fun to play, and the $400 price tag can be justified because of all the different effects this thing gives you."
"The Quad Cortex has more than 70 effects distributed in 32 blocks."
"This is a beautiful looking kit and for its auditory qualities because I bet it's going to sound great."
"Our pedals, especially our overdrives, are really designed to make our amp sing, not the other way around."
"I really, really enjoy these amplifiers a lot; I think they're really cool, I think they're definitely underappreciated."
"I think the tape delay on the El Cap is one of the best in the world."
"The highs are nice and bright; the lows aren't too boomy."
"I start off not liking this pedal, the Woodrow, but by the end of the video I love it."
"I'm changing all my rants. This pedal, even with all its warts, even with all the flaws it has, I'm actually loving this pedal now."
"This is a good pedal; it's hard to use, and that's why you don't see anyone using it."
"In my line of bass amps, do I have any favorite? More than likely it's probably the C9, it's our latest generation of drivers."
"I went to the dark side, as most people call it, yeah, I use a Kemper for some shows."
"This guitar almost has it all, it has premium hardware, one of the best necks I've ever felt, strong pickups, stainless steel frets."
"It's a lot, it does a lot already, and Hughes & Kettner stuff sounds great as it is."
"This was one of the best overdrive pedals ever made and was worthy of going in front of what is now considered the best amp that's ever been made."
"They excel at doing the cleaner stuff, but I think they really take drive well."
"Amps that are capable of producing all the classic tones in a small and lightweight package but with no compromise when it comes to tone and features."
"It's easy, it's quick, it has a really good tone."
"I can honestly tell you it sounds really good and more importantly, the feel is there."
"Channel two having the two of the drive modes on top of the initial one and the bright switch gives that channel loads of scope."
"The sounds in this Roland TD-1 kit are quite impressive."
"There's always something unique about every vintage kit you come across, and there's always a sweet spot."
"Looks nice, sounds great, I think they did a great job on this Vibra Champ Reverb Amp '68 Custom, I believe."
"It's got tons of gain on tap, but if you want to do lower gain stuff, it can do it all day long."
"It's really, really flexible and the things that make it cheaper are slightly smaller key bed, it's still a Fatar key bed, still a nice key bed."
"I do not see this as a low-cost instrument, I do not see this as something a beginner would be interested in; this to me is certainly a premium product for people who want something that sounds and feels professional."
"To me, that's always a sign of a well-designed synth."
"For singing, that is my favorite use case for this microphone."
"Despite its size and the fact that it may seem to have relatively few controls, it still packs a few original ideas and extensive modulation and expression-based controls."
"What are my ideals for a Looper? Well, they are that it has plenty of tracks, not just overdubs."
"Is the Eros the best Looper out there? Well, I can only answer for me."
"It's a really well thought out synth; I think it sounds great."
"It's like four or five keyboards all in one unit, like vintage keyboards all in one unit right here."
"If you're somebody who wants the absolute best in flexibility and tone and feel, then I think the Axe-Fx 3 is still the best in the pack."
"But if you really want to get the best, I think the Axe-Fx 3 is still best in show."
"The guitar plus the pedals are everything that I want in music: a little bit doomy, a little folky, lots of like an inappropriate amount of Reverb."
"Active EMG pickups are bright and offer more control over your tone when compared to passive pickups."
"The sound quality is very pleasing; it sounds darker and more analog than the Big Sky."
"This thing currently is the best bang for buck out there; it does really almost everything you could want from a floor-based modeler for 999 quid."
"It's basically like having eight delay pedals at once."
"It's got all the feel and all the tone of a fully fledged full-size valve amplifier."
"That sounded beautiful to my ears, and I guess that it proves that this amplifier is capable of so much more than just modern metal tones."
"This thing takes pedals like a dream, and you can make it sound like a big fuzz ball or about everything in between."
"I've never had 57 Classics sound this good; there's something special going on here."
"This Lowry Palladium organ... has this really cool roll top desk cover which I will roll up just like so to reveal the inside of the organ."
"...the gear that I use, I really want it to sound awesome."
"It leaves me with a great sounding pedal that is made better than any other device I've probably ever reviewed. It's that good. It's superb."
"This thing has so much going for it, it's an absolutely incredible drum module."
"The best part about this Roland bass drum pedal is it already comes preassembled."
"The Nord Stage Four is probably my best investment."
"The music desk is a lot more solid and also looks quite nice."
"I really like the logical layout of the panel of the ES520."
"The tuner is the most important piece of gear that any guitar player could own."
"The power section of that amp is a kind of must-have in order to make the sound like that amp."
"I hope that it's been helpful and informative for those of you looking to install a Mastery Bridge of your very own."
"This pedal is designed to accommodate personal preferences and that in of itself is a feature."
"These are really really killer in that sort of mid gain, you know JCM800 single channel gain area."
"The ability to layer either user samples or multiple stock sounds brings us a lot closer to that Roland flagship sound than you might expect."
"The SP12 is deserving of its reputation."
"I recently picked up a Headstrong Little King, and it's a Princeton clone."
"These vintage alnico pickups are phenomenal."
"Kemper owners, if they can squeeze it, if they can afford it, you should think about adding this unit to their repertoire."
"It just brought out the inherent characteristics of the guitar, which is what you want in any amp."
"It's a really versatile two-channel overdrive pedal, all just top-notch studio-grade componentry."
"Fantastic pedal, really really really superb."
"If we take advantage of the two effects loops on the GT1000, we can achieve exactly what we're aiming for."
"What makes the GT-1000 even more powerful is that you can switch to any of your guitar amplifier channels simply by activating a patch."
"Mini Lab 3 is an excellent combination of keys and controls."
"One of the great things about the Proteus is it has these on-board controls here."
"It forces you to learn the pedal really well and to adjust how you pick, how you play."
"Rowland makes some of the best, if not the best, electronic drums in the world."
"This mouthpiece is very even and what that means is when I go from the low register to the high register it feels very much even."
"We've barely scratched the surface of what the El Capistan can do."
"That's if that's what the real amp is like, hats off to Dave Friedman for dialing in a really usable EQ, that's really impressive."
"The build quality of the RD-2000 is excellent."
"This is by and far the best included pedal that comes with any digital piano."
"This is probably the best set that you can buy."
"It's a great sounding amp, I love this amp."
"I had high expectations for the synth, and it didn't disappoint."