
Political Ambition Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"You ought to serve with a servant's heart and not serve your own political ambitions."
"People don't want me to be president because they know that I'm going to do a good job again."
"Xi Jinping has gone on public record to say that he views the annexation of Taiwan as essential to his vision for China's future."
"Putin wants to recreate the Russian empire, he believes these countries have no right to exist in the first place."
"He wants to put himself among the great czars... rebuilding the Russian empire."
"I'm convinced that I'm the right person to do that and convince some the right person in my generation to carry the flag forward for labour."
"It takes a lot of courage to run for president."
"His only agenda was getting to the White House."
"You ready to have me become president again? I'm not sure about it."
"Beto's brooding and privileged past didn't stop him from aspiring to the presidency. From punk rocker to politician, he's now vying for the highest office in the land."
"I will lead this great party into a new era with confidence and with hope."
"The political ambitions of the UAE are simply too big for what the Emirati citizens can give."
"It has everything to do with a political faction that wants power and will do anything to get it."
"What if you run for president and when you win you get four years?"
"Let's build it together. Let's continue to give working families a fighting chance, face our challenges head-on, and let's keep building a better America because we can do it."
"Putin's invasion of Ukraine is not just a war, it's a symbol of his ambition to dominate the world."
"If I were consumed as the left is with just accumulating and amassing and centralizing power why would I be content with just some particular amount of political power when I could take over the control to redefine reality itself?"
"Will you ever run for president? You never know what the future holds."
"We are going to win the state of Pennsylvania and we are going to win the White House."
"You help get the restriction from my communication lifted, so I can run in 1976 and I will give you information on organized crime and when I get into office, I will purge organized crime from the Teamsters."
"I think Bannon is trying to reinforce this notion that we're going to do this, we're going to change the world."
"If you want to have like like state level aspirations eventually become a national celebrity who on like we have the squad why are they famous they're famous because they seem to actually get what's wrong with the country."
"We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God at unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States." - Kanye West
"Lee Chang's son reveals that they're going to the president's office."
"It was started by the fascist parties in 1939 who thought they could fight and win a war in a year and they were wrong and they overextended and got the stuffing beaten out of them within six years."
"I am tired of seeing people dying on the streets of California. If I become governor of California, I don't care which non-profit stands up to work with me, I will end homelessness in California everywhere in our state."
"If I ran for president, had ballot access in all 50 states and was allowed in the debates and everything, let's say that's a given I would run on the issue of challenging the American people."
"Xi Jinping has always regarded the reunification of Taiwan as part of his great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream."
"We're not scared of you, and as the next Attorney General of his home state, I will be shining a bright light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings and every dealing, demanding truthfulness at every turn."
"She was once voted most likely to become Prime Minister in her youth."
"You run for president because you believe you would be the best candidate, because you believe you'd be the best president of the United States."
"I, Logan Paul, will be running for president in 2032."
"I want us to be the best option for people to go out and want to actively vote Labour."
"If you want to be called His Excellence, you must come to an excellent way."
"I'm the next president of the United States and I guarantee you nobody will regret that."
"I am running because I believe the world has not yet seen the True Glory of what this nation can be."
"I want to run for the U.S Senate because I want to help people like me when I was in some Dire Straits whether it was dealing with PTSD whether it was being poor at 14 and trying to live the American dream."
"We wanted to create a free country, we wanted to create the freest country in the world back in 2014." - President of Liberland
"I don't want to be President of the United States; I want to be a leader of the free people of America."
"Donald Trump never wanted to run for president he never wanted it."
"DeSantis has the potential to be a generational politician. He will run for president at some point in time."
"Yeah, become president. What do you do? Run on your unrelenting support for 9/11 first responders?"
"It's a political party's job to achieve power as much power as possible."
"We will establish the new American Republic on its ashes."
"His end goal revolves around political influence and the admiration of the people of Skyrim."
"Dominic Cummings set himself the task of revolutionizing British government."
"Well, I don't understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can't do and shouldn't fight for."
"Putin very much wants to re-establish the former Russian Empire."
"Over the next four years we will build America into the manufacturing superpower of the world and we will end our reliance on China and all other faraway lands."
"Nal wanted to exercise his political talents."
"I think eventually he will be up on that stage."
"My mission is to win the presidency and at the same time it's to take down Donald Trump because of what he's done to my party and what he's done to our country."
"California needs a disruptor, a compassionate disruptor. I came here with a dream 48 years ago to be the greatest athlete in the world. Now I enter a different kind of race—arguably my most important one yet—to save California."
"Running for the top job in America means you've got to be able to bundle a lot of money."
"Putin wants to restore Russia to its rightful place as a superpower, and that to him is more valuable than whatever wheat fields and oil advantages he gets."
"Starmer would be in the chief position to sweep to power after Corbyn resigned."
"He wanted to be a dictator. He wanted to be an autocrat."
"No Nigerian blood is worth the ambition of one man."
"Putin's invasion of a sovereign country must fail he must not be successful in that ambition."
"It's time we win this election and govern by showing the best of who we are, because that's what this country needs and deserves."
"I think I can take our agenda to the next level further than Trump ever did and unite the country while we're at it."
"Our aspiration is not just to influence the Democrats; it's to replace them, like the Republican Party replaced the Whigs 160 years ago."
"That’s right, it’s time for Texas to take its seat at the United Nations."
"It's fantastic, would I ever run for president fide? No, you guys, I would never run for president of fide."
"It is not enough for you all to want to run for office. You got to have a plan."
"We just don't win a little we win big and decisively and landslide permanent victories."
"Forget going for congress now my wife hasn't agreed to it yet but I promise brigaders you will be the first to know."
"I will work to end the new Cold War leader so the abyss of a nuclear war that could destroy a world in mere minutes."
"Everybody should be telling their sons not to be a basketball player, everybody should be telling our daughters to go to Congress and be bureaucrats."
"My goal being to unite all of the continent into a new United States of South America."
"Why does he want to do politics? Does he actually care? Maybe about some things it mainly seems like this guy just wants another ego boost just wants to be in charge for the sake of being in charge."
"You're going to do to America what Nikki Haley can't do."
"Whatever happened that time was history. If I had done anything wrong, I would have been taken to court. Did I mention that this man wants to be your president?"
"We're going to retake Congress and bring Joe Biden and Crazy Nancy Pelosi's socialist spending spree to a screeching halt."
"Nothing will stop me from my plan of putting my son Donald Trump back in that white house."
"No other party has put forward a plan that comes remotely near what we're required to do."
"I might run for president one day just so I could ban strip clubs and pornography."
"The greatest sin we could commit this cycle is by not having the ambition of going from 51 to 55."
"This statement is a true look into the mind of Teddy Roosevelt, far before he began creating his manufactured persona to run for public office and gain power."
"If he's successful as Maryland's governor, the White House may well beckon next."
"Russia wants to be more than just some communist leader; Putin wants to be the czar of everything."
"Turn the country around in 2 years. You don't need 10. That's it."
"I'm an MIT PhD, I'm an inventor, I'm a scientist, but I'm also running for United States Senate."
"I'm running for president to revive the ideals that actually set the nation into motion."
"You have to go with your heart, but beyond that, you also have to get elected."
"We're gonna win not only the nomination, that's why we're going to win in November."
"She didn't even need to get voted in to be prime minister, it was just so obvious to her that she was the right person for the job, so she made it happen."
"The finish for me isn't just the end of the GOP Primary... it is January 2033."
"I aim to land the knockout blow on bipartisan corporate rule."
"Hillary Clinton, I believe, does want to run for president in 2024."
"I said that is my expectation. You also just made some news by saying you're gonna run for reelection."
"I will definitely run for president knowing now that I got your vote thank you bro."
"We're gonna win four more years in the White House."
"For these reasons, Ukrainian President Zelensky has been keen to make the liberation of Crimea his ultimate war aim."
"Michelle Obama recently gave a speech not only hinting on becoming the next president but being the first lady to accomplish it that a woman can be president of the United States..."
"They want to stack the Senate, pack the court, change the rules of the game, seize power."
"Our aim is to make East Africa one country, one state. It is stated in our documents, all our documents."
"My boxing career isn't over, play the music."
"I ran for office to build America, not just to get us back to where we were before the pandemic."
"After I win, we get to advance not just the US but Western civilization and then the rest of the world."
"I feel like now is a good time to tell you... I'm running for president in 2030."
"We're going to lead the world again, not a joke."
"I decided to run for President of the United States. That’s how I translate my outrage." - I decided to run for President of the United States.
"But at the end of the day, you mark my word, we will plant our flag on the desk of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer."
"Someone's got to make those laws, it might as well be me, right?"
"If I win the Iowa caucus, I am your next president. If I'm your next president, we get done what I tell you we're going to get done."
"If we win the Iowa caucus I'm your next president and if I'm your next president we get done the things we told you were going to get done"
"Rubio will probably run again for Senate. He's making too much money where he is."
"I thought I was your chosen one. I thought you were going to put me in political control."
"They are looking to gain total control of everything."
"I'm going to stand as prime minister for the United Kingdom."
"Post-education, definitely run for some kind of local office."
"Mateline is confident that she will succeed in the political arena."
"He's like running for the Senate, whatever that means."
"Maybe she should be running for mayor."
"My mission in life is to help people and then eventually go into local politics."
"The tragedy here is that he could have gone on to bigger and better things, he could have become governor or senator, he had everything going for him for higher political office and I think the assassination fever just ruined it for him."
"I just got asked to run for vice president of the United States."
"The R101 disaster became a striking and at the same time tragic example of the consequences stemming from a dangerous intertwining web of political ambitions and engineering mistakes."
"Congratulations for running for governor of California."
"The ice nation is emboldened, their queen wants Clark's power."
"The European Union is really trying to make the United States of Europe."
"He'd like to make history again tonight by becoming the first green government on Prince Edward Island."
"Mr. Roosevelt wants to be president so badly that he'd do anything, even kiss your ass in Macy's window if it would help him."
"As a political science major, I am driven by the desire to make change in the world through representation and advocacy."
"We're following in the footsteps of Kanye West, who is also running for president."
"We are going to go on and win the next general election because we're going to get on with the job."
"That's right, that's why I'm running for Speaker of the House."
"Many of the ambitions that are stated by Xi Jinping are party ambitions."
"We are serious about power and we are a power in much of the land."
"I figure if I could go and run for office there, I might be able to change the world."
"I have decided to run for truth and justice."