
Reservation Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Caste discussions are only complete when reservation is discussed."
"The other option is to reserve judgment and just say I don't know."
"I don't think you can say without reservations that it's good."
"Pro tip: If you are missing a really hard to get reservation even if you book two months in advance, check the day before because a lot of people will change their minds."
"Don't be afraid to tell people they're sitting in your seat when you have that reservation."
"I can't bring myself to write in greater detail."
"They definitely are very attracted to you in a like sexual kind of way, they're very intrigued by you but they are reserved and holding themselves back because of their status and position."
"If you want to eat at some of the most popular restaurants, you need to make a reservation well ahead of time."
"Go ahead and reserve early... You're not waiting in line hoping that somebody else doesn't show up for their reservation."
"I'm one about me, I hold back even right now."
"You know things are serious when they're reserving spots at a park and chill like why would you even reserve that spot?"
"We must attempt to reserve judgment."
"I love it. I love it. It's great. I love it. I only ask, no because..."
"This person was very closed off in the beginning, like they were very wary of how much they let on."
"You gotta come check this place out also make a reservation like a week ahead of time because this place gets packed."
"We've got our boarding cards and also this is our rotations that is Royal Table, no, not Royal Table, we're all caught, I think, animators palette."
"If you see Steakhouse 71 as an open reservation on the My Disney Experience app, take it."
"It's very difficult to find a reservation Plus, it's very expensive."
"...under her leadership the restaurant got so much more patronage that in less than 6 months it was difficult to eat there without a reservation."
"I'll pencil you in" - Reserving a tentative spot, acknowledging limited availability.
"Highly recommend grabbing a reservation or even checking that mobile walk-up list because these are so incredible."
"Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?"
"That's when you know you've really found the right bar. The rats were like: 'We reserved this table two weeks ago. You have to make a phone call.'"
"While a few locals will say that the Hofbrau tent is only for stupid tourists, in reality, locals book all of the evening and weekend reservation spots up to a year in advance."
"If you want the lemon, when you sit down and they hand you the menu, be like we're gonna want the lemon, we're going to hold on, reserve it for you, yes, for sure."
"If you don't manage to book a table here on celebration night we don't think you should be disappointed."
"Now if you have a reservation you have to be in Baxter State Park by 7:00 a.m. or else they will give your spot up to whoever is next in line we arrived at the to gate at 5:30 in the morning just because we wanted to make sure we were there in time."
"Generally, we say the reservation is under so and so's name."
When you make that phone call, you can simply state your wish. "I'd like to book a table for three."
"Make sure to book your reservation as soon as possible."
"Using the hotel to get a reservation, veteran move."
"That two-hour dining reservation cancellation option is really, really nice."
"The truth is, America is the new reservation, unfortunately, and it's become that way."
"Glamp actually, I have to reserve our tent."
"It's all set up for you and it's reserved, it's got your name on it."
"Reserve 3 is just over 60 Grand W that's a lot."
"We also might book this place for dinner because it also looks delicious."
"It sort of leaves you emotionally in a strange spot because you're interested you're interested but uh you're only you kind of it keeps the Stone from sinking all the way you're kind of skipping along the top."
"Spice Road Table does not accept reservations, so you can walk in and check out their availability."
"You're right, she cares greatly for me, but as to surrendering her land... well, I haven't told her that part yet. Cara's arms unfolded."
"I'm not making any summations about what is happening because I don't know."
"If you have a reserved seat make sure you're standing in the right part of the platform so that you're in front of your coach when it arrives."
"If you don't have a reservation before sitting down double check that a the seat isn't reserved for your part of the journey and B it's not a priority seat."
"Now everybody keep in mind though the brunch buffet just opened this month, they've already been booked completely through the entire summer which is really highlighting how much hype there is around this buffet."
"Too bad Stockton, I'm saving that for something else."
"Don't forget you have reservations at eight."
"The early bird gets the reservation most of the time."
"If you don't see the reservation time you need right away, don't panic and don't give up. Keep trying, try in the morning, try at night, all times of day, and keep looking for that reservation time."
"...I found one for the Wilderness Lodge November."
"Sorry, we're full for tonight. Try next week."
"It's not them being sneaky, it's them holding back their communication about how they feel."
"I don't completely like I'm to see it play out."
"This is for all our benefits, I've said too much."
"For a temporary period, just to be determined by how long it takes us to work through it, it's by timed reservation only. You need to get your reservation at www.griffithobservatory.org."
"Choose another time, go back and see if you can change it later, at least you've got a reservation."
"I wouldn't feel great about that."
"We've got reservations at berries tonight for a real nice steak dinner."
"4065, however, remember we're not done yet, you must input both name and reservation number via configure room request below."
"We got a reservation for tomorrow though, so we are going to go to Nobu. It's just not going to be tonight."
"King's Landing, you must make a reservation whether you're renting canoes or kayaks or if you're launching your own. You must make a reservation online."
"Something like this is really, really unusual. It's really unusual to have something this serious happen on the reserve."
"Wow, we're not going to say our full thoughts as we normally do."
"Make reservations unless you want to sit at the bar, you're not going to get in."
"...what other reservations do you have right now?"
"I managed to get reservations to one of the best restaurants."
"We've got reservations for dinner at a place called UrLa."
"I'm gonna mark this because I don't know."
"I've reservations for two tonight."
"Sakura has to be one of the all-time best; make sure you get a reservation for this one."
"I'm not making a reservation ever again."
"The success of the reservation system depends on the government keeping its promises."
"Do not cancel your reservation on the airplane."
"You can buy it, they have reservations open, deliveries start less than one year from now."
"Bonsai Sushi and Bonsai Teppanyaki, so pro tip if you want a table at Teppanyaki be sure to book it far in advance."
"Welcome to the Navajo Nation, the country's largest Native American reservation."
"I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have your reservation on my schedule."
"This is the only restaurant that requires reservation because it has Hibachi tables."
"They actually have ice skating for the guests that you can reserve on the app."
"In consequence, I'm inclined to reserve all judgments."
"I thought you might say that; I've already made a reservation at a French restaurant in Manhattan."
"You have this confident feminine energy to you, right, but it's like you're so reserved with it."
"We're writing books. Reserve yours today, a lot of people did already, thank you."
"You can easily do the reservation online now; you don't even have to bother calling anybody."
"Welcome, we have a reservation under the name Martin."
"You can also place a hold on any books that you may want."
"Listen, I want to make a reservation."
"I've already made a reservation for us to stay at the Savoy."
"They're quite reserved with this nine of cups energy."
"Catchtable allows you to set up a notification if someone cancels their reservation."