
Childlike Wonder Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You kind of see the world anew in their eyes. You know, to them everything is new and fresh. And then when you see that, them experience the world is new and fresh, you do too."
"We should be just like kids trying to understand the world."
"They're so little, they're so fluffy, they're so sweet. It's true, baby chicks are little and fluffy and sweet."
"One of my seven-year-old nephews is now trying to find all the Howl Rooms."
"You are being guided to be like a child, have fun and enjoy life. Be playful, spontaneous, enthusiastic, and carefree."
"Childlike playful behaviors... sense of wonder... part of healthy adult psychology."
"We are children of nature, we want to get dirty."
"There's a Wonder here of just being open to things without putting all these constraints on it like adults would."
"All I want for Christmas is magic and kids and embracing your childlike self."
"I'm such a child, I just saw Kirby walking and I'm like, it's a star, happy star, yes, happy star."
"Isn't everything that motivates us in life childish on a deeper level?"
"Tap into that childlike fascination with the prehistoric world and create some fantasy-style paleo art."
"It's okay for childlike wonder and dumbfounded happiness to win on occasion."
"The children are the most beautiful flowers of all," said the giant.
"Life is about being light-hearted, childlike innocence."
"Gracie, that looks so much like a rainbow. That's awesome! Louie's gonna see this and have no idea."
"Children are so amazing to observe because they're so curious about everything and life is so large to them they have a passion of being in the moment."
"Becoming childlike again, innocent, a state of innocence, the return to innocence."
"They might just really enjoy that childlike mindset and getting into that for a little bit."
"What do you get with the balloon? You get a present."
"Flow is when you have the talent and you've given the opportunity. You watch when time flies with a kid. That's one of the hallmarks of flow."
"Wow, look at all of these toys, man. That's wild."
"In this world, what is more pure and free than the wish of a child?"
"He approached life with childlike qualities, eager excitement, acceptance of new people, and an amazingly creative imagination."
"Tell me where it is, good. Yeah, it looks like fun, yeah, like a kid stadium type place."
"I'm childlike in that way, you know? I just enjoy the toy as a toy, as an experience."
"Now that they were here in orbit, the little one was hardly able to contain herself."
"You have to be childlike in the pursuit of your life, but you cannot be childish."
"Never stop having fun the way that children do."
"Return to that childlike playful innocence."
"I think you're really optimistic, you look at the world through the eyes of your inner child..."
"This is literally bringing the kid out in me. This is unbelievable."
"I feel like a kid in a candy shop."
"Every single human being, doesn't matter if they're a child or an adult, has a child function. Bring it out, understand it, support it, feed it, nurture it."
"The movie does his best to emulate the tone of a children's book, telling the story through the lens of childlike wonder."
"I like chrome. It's so pretty. It just brings out my inner five-year-old. All I want to do is stare into it."
"It's almost like a toy box feeling."
"You have to become a novice to grow. Sometimes you have to become childlike to really get what God is saying, what He's doing."
"Everybody always gonna be a kid at heart even when you know your dreams come true it's like the more your dreams dreams come true the more you want to be a little more childish in ways so it's like you want to have fun."
"This is amazing, I love this, what is this stuff called again though? I really, really want to get some, is it kinetic sand?"
"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is."
"Mark Gatiss his stories blatantly come from a place of preserved sense of childlike wonder and a serious enthusiasm for the franchise."
"That kid is so cute! He's so cute!"
"I feel like a giddy little kid right now."
"Princess energy is more of that childlike wonder, that innocence, that purity where I have full surrender and faith in the divine."
"Shopping with Sly is so hard, he thinks it's Disneyland."
"Esme's right now, she's in her element, she keeps coming to say, 'Mom, this is the best day!'"
"Look how beautiful these are. Oh, I'm like a child, Wonder Man."
"I love that this is shiny, I'm very much a child in that regard where I'm like 'Ooh, sparkly, shiny'."
"I'm not saying be childish; I'm saying tap into that childlike genius we have."
"It's okay to be childish and to laugh. It's very healthy and important."
"Seeing the world anew through their eyes, everything is so exciting."
"The world kind of has hardened them, and they're still trying to both preserve that wonder for children and to help them become adults themselves."
"This is what come to me to do," she said. "I going to the store and buy my child a little windmill they sells, made out of paper. He going to find it hard to believe there such a thing in the world."
"Mama, look at the pretty fish, oh, beautiful!"
"I love things that light up. I'm like a child, very childlike."
"Find the joy in life like a kid who's just been given an avocado as a present."
"The entire story progresses as if it's a child with an incredible imagination telling it, filled with innocence, dazzlement, and optimism."
"The innocence of like a child, it's like the joy, the purity of the joy of life, of living."
"It always will be kind of surreal to me, seeing people and meeting them and saying that they're stoked to watch me race, especially kids, man, when you see a kid excited to meet you, there's nothing like it."
"Only believe, because come like a little child and that faith will be activated in your life."
"For as cynical and cruel as the adult world is, we should be able to hold on to that childlike element of ourselves so that we can know that good things are possible and actually take the steps to actually achieve it."
"Can we be playful and curious like a child?"
"You can speak to the child within the audience and pull them in on this magic journey without blasting them."
"We as parents, there is no reason not to be like a child, why can't we be more tolerant to each other?"
"We're kids, we like candy, now tour us."
"There's almost a childlike feel to it, an innocence to it."
"This little baby comes into the world just full of wonder, full of all the magnificent traits of being a wonderful little child."
"Scientists look at the world through similar eyes of a child; they want to understand the world."
"Your happiness comes in approaching life, taking a beginner's mind toward life, seeing the curiosity of a child again about life."
"Be childlike to create more success in your life."
"Their wild and childlike curiosity can be seen quite clearly in their eyes."
"To see Christmas through their eyes, whether it's just the sparkling lights they get to enjoy or... the real meaning of Christmas."
"Grow and learn and look at life in a way that brings more childlike fun and joy."