
Legal Processes Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Questioning elections and using all the legal methods that you can in order to try to change the outcome of the election if you feel like the election wasn't done fairly, there's nothing wrong with that."
"The majority of the criminal justice system is solved by plea deals."
"We've got 31 days even on that calendar so it takes time legally but this is going to be at the most expedited pace you could be at."
"We're going to keep fighting for every legal vote in America."
"It is a civil remedy to protect all of us, to protect the entire country, our children, our constitution, our future. That's what impeachment trial conviction are all about."
"The wheels of Justice are turning in the right direction."
"I think all just have to be very patient with the legal process... but I do expect there to be some restoration or restitution for those who were victimized."
"Wow, Mario makes a comeback! Link, wow, I can't believe Link's in Smash Bros."
"The power of impeachment was debated heavily by our framers."
"Justice is kind of slow and steady as she goes down in Georgia."
"So even if the car gets into an accident here in Georgia, if the car gets into an accident, I can do a depreciation of value claim. It's just reality."
"The federal government does not care about the jury pool."
"If you have to impeach him and convict him if you want to be able to prosecute him."
"Stay on your course and insist on counting all the legal ballots."
"Impeachment is a separate process from electoral processes. It's a way to weigh a president's fitness for office and whether or not he's committed high crimes and misdemeanors."
"I wanted to tell the story of legal immigration."
"All the legal ballots need to be counted and all the illegal ones invalidated."
"Among other things, the agreement requires that any and all disputes, claims, or controversies of any kind or nature whatsoever between Miss Herman and Mr. Woods are to be resolved by confidential binding arbitration."
"This is indictment season baby, it's definitely indictment season."
"This is the part of the case where things start to speed up."
"It's going to be a lot of fun when more subpoenas go out to everybody else."
"This court is about getting people the truth they need, so they can figure out how to move forward."
"Lawyers became integral; you couldn't get a deal without someone diving into the boilerplate."
"It doesn't mean that he didn't do it, but it means they wouldn't have tried, they would not only have convicted him, they would not have even brought charges against him."
"We want every legal vote to be counted and every illegal vote to be discarded."
"What is this process like and is there a typical timeline or does it really range from case to case situation to situation?"
"It's quite common when one side gets elected to use the criminal process, often called show trials, to eliminate the opposition."
"It needs to be settled and just sitting around waiting for the courts probably ain't the best way to do it."
"The wheels of justice turn and grind, bringing some great holiday cheer."
"The signature is the only mechanism to make sure that person actually filled out that signature."
"All we're asking is for your cooperation, your politeness to speak and give us what he needs as the justice of why you've done what you've done."
"The legal mechanism for the repossession
of leased aircraft is known as the 'Cape Town
"The police have binders and binders and binders of thousands of pages of evidence."
"What's the distinction here between law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges doing their jobs normally and this rhetoric that's been amped up by Donald Trump?"
"Thankfully I've never had to do it but one of my best friends had to."
"The requested documents are pertinent to what is likely a lawful congressional investigation."
"I know I keep hammering this but it's not all about the crime and putting handcuffs on somebody."
"Legal immigration is a positive good for the country."
"This is very serious... What we do know is it rose to the level of a search warrant which a federal judge approved."
"The vast majority of these cases are resolved administratively or through civil settlement."
"Drag these guys before these committees left and right and just work them over."
"Video evidence... you need a little bit more... to get you to the next domino."
"There are definitely things where they talk about a probation but they don't agree with that."
"That's parole and holds up pretty fucking good."
"We usually try our cases in courtrooms not in the media."
"Perjury is an offense under the laws of Nigeria, but you have to follow due processing." - Dr. Abati
"The only way we ultimately get to 'oh it was a lie' is through the evidentiary process."
"Our election cases are important because...our voting rolls will be a little cleaner come election day."
"We have to have both bodies of law approved."
"I think we need to operate from that place, and then we can let the court system do its work."
"There are ways to work with this. It also depends on the judge's willingness to do it."
"The indictment says Trump, quote, 'Pursued unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election results.'"
"Being fingerprinted, being photographed, maybe even being handcuffed."
"For everything there is a process to follow. If the police refused to file an FIR, what stopped them from filing a writ or taking action on the police officer who refused to file an FIR?"
"We want information, go to the docket... we're going to put out what we can."
"You know how court cases take hell long, like Justin just went, he's like just now going to court for Noah for flooding the earth, that's hilarious."
"There's a reason it had to go to a huge investigation."
"The most common argument made against helping dreamers and others without legal status is that we should welcome immigrants to America who have waited patiently to immigrate and have played by the rules."
"The adversarial process is the best way to find the truth."
"Still, they filed for a patent on August 31, 1935 and despite two previously filed patents on The Landlord’s Game, they got it for reasons unknown."
"We live in an era that celebrates legal processes, and enfranchisement."
"What's the difference between mediation and arbitration? Arbitration is binding upon the parties, where mediation is not."
"Educate yourself, be prepared, especially for things like depositions, trials, QME appointments."
"The intention to possess involves the intention, in one's own name and on one's own behalf, to exclude the world at large, including the owner with the paper title, so far as is reasonably practicable and so far as the processes of the law will allow."
"The hope is in most civil cases that most will be settled out of court by ADR, alternative dispute resolution."
"If at any time during the process you don't understand the contents of the document you're about to sign, just let me know."