
Vandalism Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Our best evidence for how the nose of the Sphinx got broken comes from a 15th century Arabic historian, and he explains that someone who was angry actually deliberately shot the nose off the Sphinx."
"Most of which had been boarded up for the past six months since most of the tenants left early, vandals have broken in and stolen the copper pipes."
"We're not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse, that small business workers steal food from the homeless, won't give in to those who fly racist flags, won't cave to those who engage in vandalism."
"He stabbed his tires, slashed two different Lambo tires."
"Merely being told not to do something actually decreases the likelihood of vandalism."
"Comedy is about eating candy and [] smashing [] car windows or throwing eggs. Shaving cream vandalism. The idea that you would just vandalize things, it's a beautiful idea."
"Assault on statues: Confederate and Winston Churchill."
"I have a lot of this defacement of property."
"Every decade has films that are timeless, it's just the amazing technical achievements."
"What kind of miserable loser kills a famous beloved tree? Vandals, whoever it is, needs his ass beat."
"The indelible image of this week is the idea that the capital could be overrun by vandals."
"They have to vandalize something that represents romance, joy, happiness, because they do not experience any of them."
"I see it as you know these are the teenagers smearing dog [ __ ] on people's car handles because they're so bored."
"Come and see the greatest act of modern art vandalism since the last one."
"Herostratus simply snuck past the guards, placed various oiled rags around some of the wood frame beams helping to support the roof, lit them on fire, and let the magic happen."
"It's total disrespect, teenagers vandalizing the inside of Muskogee St. Joseph's Catholic Church."
"They're literally walking up and down the street breaking every window they see."
"Tummy Tom, someone pissed in my hair again. Why is it green? That's why. Is Elf here in green? Yeah, gross. It's like Troll 2. I hate her stupid green hair, the green stuff. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Tummy Tuck is a good name."
"It's amazing to see this place in good condition, I know obviously it's got a little bit of vandalism but nothing major."
"The entire house was ransacked and destroyed, all the windows were broken, and all the decorations smashed up."
"Whoa, weird. Who takes a bite out of a road sign?"
"Hey, kid, you know anything about this? Somebody's keying my wife's car every night."
"What a bunch of vandals! Oh dear, oh dear, I love it though guys, I love it."
"I understand someone has been vandalizing my car."
"Yes, it's vandalism, there is a form of skills to complete the artwork that people do."
"The Earl's collection of paintings attracts visitors from far and wide, though many choose to take home and stain these masterpieces with bacon grease and soap suds."
"It was rotting meat and something indescribable she takes the jar and goes over to the cars as quietly as possible she dumps the rotting pea soup onto almost every car's windshield and into that space where there are the windshield wipers"
"If you graffiti a national treasure in Japan, you can go to prison for 5 years or get a fine of about 300,000 Yen ($2,000)."
"Someone sliced my pretty new tire, so my apartment complex gave me a toe tag for having a flat."
"The reason why some of these archaeological sites are kept a secret is because many have unfortunately been subject to vandalism."
"When you run up to that red canvas and vandalize it... the true vandalism is when we take a beautiful meal and turn it into [__]."
"You brought bedbugs in here? Oh, that's vandalism. Assault."
"People have knocked out the windows, they've gutted it, they've yanked out the copper wire."
"He's not just been painted over even tarmacked over they have all been painted over a part from Vladimir Putin whose portrait was burnt by [__] Riot."
"This had a key, now it doesn't. Going to ruin it for everybody. I'm telling you, you got a few bad apples out there that are kind of wreaking havoc."
"Her jersey had been cut up the middle and her sweatpants had been sliced apart in squares. A methodical, time-consuming process."
"A 14-year-old boy has been arrested this week after he allegedly destroyed a police vehicle by throwing fireworks at it."
"You broke my heart so I broke your car."
"The graffiti on the Churchill statue's plinth is the most disturbing."
"Deface their work is okay, but why not take it one step further?"
"He burned her car twice, he burned down her house."
"In no other way, shape, or form is it ever acceptable for someone to come onto another person's property and damage anything."
"They would throw eggs at him, smash his windows with bricks, throw rubbish over his gate, vandalize his property, and throw fireworks at his house, just to name a few things."
"yeah that's what I'm talking about guys on just smash the window though thought put sometimes I put like a plastic sheet over it to stop it of the glass coming loose"
"We tear up the gas station, actually the gas station attendant was [ __ ] with us, that felt good."
"I'm amazed they're not just breaking into rinks so they could skate and have to try to play."
"He got caught red-handed doing it. Took him to my office and told him this exactly: 'I would have never thought that poking holes in brand new tires would help keep it from going flat.'"
"Holy crap, there's spray paint on your car! Who did it?"
"There are some heartless people out there that will vandalize really unique cemeteries."
"...this is the burial ground of the enslaved and their descendants here and the cemetery has actually been vandalized and damaged this morning."
"...to see them destroyed here is uh is really really sick."
"Absolutely destroyed the Lamborghini logo."
"Moral of the story: you're going to vandalize another student's property, maybe DON'T pick a good artist who has experience copying other's handwriting."
"Just taking backpacks with potential expensive stuff and throwing them into a lake is just vandalism."
"We noticed there's people cleaning the graffiti and that was my old school."
"It just goes to show you how people come through these places and just destroy everything they see."
"In 'The Perfect Family', we're following this family... and what ends up happening is their house keeps getting vandalized for all these weird unknown reasons."
"Late one night, heartless vandals desecrated the grave, destroying the statue and stealing its head."
"Graffiti is vandalism, leaving any mark on our plants will get you ejected from the gardens without refund as should be."
"Vandalism in Canada comes with a tinge of proper etiquette, sorry about your wall."
"What got us was the scope of it; the fence was probably a half mile in length, and every single section of metal mesh had been removed."
"Don't paint or write on buildings; that's pollution."
"I relished any opportunity to vandalize the Taskmaster house."
"Show some effing respect and please refrain from vandalizing and damaging stuff mostly paid for by people who don't ride the train just because you're bored or ticked off at the world."