
Social Stratification Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"In 50 years, we might reach a point, if we are not careful with regulation and so forth, when humankind might split into different biological castes."
"The government establishes a supply regulation to control the situation, rationing water depending on social class: the most important citizens get gold cards with unlimited access."
"It's a fascinating examination of class divides inside Britain."
"The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. And if you in the middle class have to pick, which one we're going to decide?"
"The book is 'Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents.' It is a difficult and necessary read."
"Money is the only language the ultra wealthy speak. There is nothing else."
"Do what rich people do as often as you can and don't do what poor people do as often as you can."
"The fight is top to bottom right now in America. It's not left to right."
"Hypergamy is not a negative thing, it's how society gets greater."
"Poor people talk about money. Wealthy people talk about ideas."
"In a free market economy, the ditch-digger is poor because he's only making about $1,000 a month, while a doctor is easily making twenty thousand dollars a month."
"Gradually by selectively breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase."
"The class system is a mess and it has been for a long time."
"The natural world is stratified, the weak, slow, and stupid tend to be worse for where the smart, quick, and strong tend to have a better time of it."
"Everything comes back to wealth, everything comes back to the fact that we don't have people in every stratosphere."
"Your middle class benefits somewhat and your upper class dramatically benefits."
"Living in the new world with an old soul, these rich men north of Richmond, Lord knows they all just want to have total control."
"The disparity existed at every level of the wealth hierarchy."
"It's more about whether you were an elite member of your racial group and went to college or not."
"There's levels and leagues. There's levels bro."
"I think that those cemeteries indicate the elite communities."
"Your place in society could dictate everything from what food you ate, where you could go, how educated you were, and even how long you were likely to live for."
"Hereditary inequality and societal complexity emerged in Chaco by the early 9th century CE."
"Everyone in this city lives in their own goddamn bubble, and either you fly high or sink into quicksand."
"The rebels had a variety of weapons, even the poorest man could afford a stick."
"These were luxury items for the wealthy and would have taken months to produce."
"The permanent underclass is going to represent those that cannot upgrade or evolve to the conversation that's going on."
"you are going to see Less jobs less quality jobs a hollowing out of the middle class there's going to be more people that continue to get into the game because it's oversaturated with people that don't know what the [ __ ] they doing"
"I don't ask what is the cause of poverty everybody is born poor and ignorant the question is what factors allow some groups to get from that position."
"The ability to comply with lockdowns depends on your social position, your income, your status, the kind of job you have."
"Crafting a division between deserving and undeserving poor ends up putting more and more people in the pool of the undeserving."
"A whole different series of civilization protocols, different types of foods, entertainments, all kinds of luxuries and pleasures didn't even fathom that these existed because they were born into a certain echelon."
"The African in this country belongs by birth to the lowest station in society."
"We're looking at two worlds: people on top, never did better. Middle class continuing to decline, and the poor living in abysmal conditions."
"Congratulations, you're part of the upper cast."
"Some communities survived, and the price of entry into those communities is significant."
"There's levels to this like there's certain people who move a certain way and other people."
"There's a bigger gap between those guys and us."
"But it's also a reminder of all of the lost talent you know one of the greatest losses of a caste system is that millions upon millions of people have not been able to live out their dreams."
"The elites are increasingly segregated from the rest of America."
"A lot of these rich people have access to these cantaloupe games that the poor people don’t."
"The closer to the town center you get, the posher it seems."
"The most important driver is what we call Elite overproduction."
"Control of resources and trade perhaps led to increased social stratification and powerful leaders."
"All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and well-born, the other the mass of the people."
"Caste systems are closed stratification systems in which people can do little or nothing to change their social standing."
"Stratification results from lack of opportunity and from discrimination, prejudice against poor women and people of color."
"Social stratification is growing stronger both globally and in individual countries."
"It was the first time that there was a class division that opened in the village."
"These men are part of a growing undercaste, a large group of people defined largely by race, who are relegated to a second-class citizenship by law and custom for the rest of their lives."
"This is the door between upstairs and downstairs in mid-Pacific, for these are the fortunate few."
"There is a stratification going on when we allow some children in our society to learn much more about science and social studies than we enable other children in our society to learn."