
Egyptian History Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Ancient Egyptian medicine was pretty advanced; we know for instance that they performed surgery to relieve pressure on the brain."
"One hypothesis is that the Sherden or Shardana in the ancient Egyptian sources refers to Sardinians of the Nuragic civilization."
"In a statement, archaeologist Betsy Bryant described the site as the most important discovery in Egypt since King Tut's tomb was found in 1922."
"Narmer was successful in his campaign and unified the people of Lower and Upper Egypt under his command. He was the first pharaoh of Egypt."
"Tutankhamun's tomb was almost intact when it was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, and it became the subject of the famous legend of the Tutankhamun curse."
"Ramesses II is considered the greatest pharaoh in Egyptian history, and his reign was the most prosperous and extensive."
"Silver Pharaoh: a missing link in Egyptian history, uncovered like a thriller worthy of Hollywood plots."
"In a groundbreaking Revelation anthropologists have definitively established that numerous ancient Egyptian rulers and Elites were part of the black community."
"Throughout history Egypt boasted many Black Pharaohs with unmistakable African features from the Archaic Period to the late period."
"Hardly any error in our human history is as mysterious as Egyptian antiquity."
"The lost golden city of Luxor: the largest ancient Egyptian city ever uncovered."
"Being what we were taught about in school about the ancient Egyptians for how they moved any type of weight there's no explanation for the how they move stones of this magnitude not even remotely close not even remotely."
"Hundreds of stone fragments were also found that had hieroglyphs as well as a carving of a coiled Cobra."
"Archaeologists working in Egypt recently discovered a giant statue submerged underneath groundwater inside of a slum in Cairo completely by accident."
"Tutankhamun's tomb contained over 5,000 priceless artifacts, including the pharaoh's gilded mask, making him arguably the most famous pharaoh in history."
"The idea that the pyramids were built by slaves is totally wrong."
"The lost golden city is located near Luxor and it was around during the reigns of some of the most famous Egyptian kings ever."
"Foreign there are many Mysteries to be found within ancient Egypt unexplained seemingly impossible Mysteries which litter the caverns tunnels flooded underground layers."
"Archaeologists discovered the 4,200-year-old tomb of a previously unknown Egyptian queen found near the pyramid of King Teti. Only 30 percent of Sakhara's contents have been excavated, while most of the sprawling site remains buried."
"Archaeologists were stunned earlier this year when they discovered ancient Egypt's largest known city to date, known as the Rise of Aten. The lost metropolis dates back roughly 3400 years to the reign of Amenhotep III."
"By the time Rome came into the picture, it had been hundreds of years since Egypt had been an independent nation."
"These idol farmers would go on to form the labor force behind local temples, quarries, canals, roads, and of course, the pyramids."
"A whole lost Metropolis that was literally buried under the Egyptian sand and had to be dug out."
"Look at the birthplace of the children of Israel, it's Kemet."
"The temples of Abu Simbel sit on the shores of the River Nile in southern Egypt, built by the mighty Pharaoh Ramesses II."
"The most sacred necropolis of the New Kingdom, the Valley of Kings, is located in a hidden dry river valley."
"Several Egyptian discoveries that will leave us baffled."
"Ancient Egyptians manufactured stone vases for over five thousand years."
"The discovery and research surrounding this town have shed a lot of light on Egyptian culture."
"In order for us to tackle new tasks or things we're unfamiliar with, it requires some level of bravery, courage, or confidence."
"These discoveries offer valuable insight into the lifestyle and origins of the people who built the Great Pyramids."
"Archaeologists in Egypt uncovered an ancient site in a Nile Delta province containing 110 burial tombs, some of which contained human remains."
"The temple of the Egyptian goddess Hathor, Dendra, is one of the best-preserved ancient Egyptian temples."
"Egypt's history is being continually uncovered. Over 800 Graves have been found in September 2018 at a little-known archaeological site."
"Scientists are now able to study the DNA of the pharaohs and are unraveling the truth about the rise and fall of one of Egypt's greatest families, the 18th dynasty."
"Pyramid town at Giza: uncovering the lives of ancient officials."
"Could they have been inherited from an earlier, more advanced civilization like that which the Egyptians themselves described in their own history?"
"Archaeologists aren't sure why the Egyptians suddenly stopped building pyramids."
"Aya of Alexandria, aka Amunet, was one of the original founders of the Hidden Ones, later known as the Assassins. She worked in the shadows for Cleopatra while the royal battled Rome for the Egyptian throne."
"This intact tomb made Tutankhamun the most famous of the Pharaohs."
"As you'll know if you're a student of history, ancient Egyptians were extremely advanced for their time in many different ways."
"Archaeologists have unearthed a remarkable find in the ancient Egyptian holy site of Abydos... a whole fleet of boats... drawn on the inside of walls..."
"The conquest of Egypt would then fall to Caster's son kingpai around 745 BCE."
"Some say the Dendera light is certifiable evidence that the ancient Egyptians had electric light bulbs thousands of years before the rest of humanity."
"Khufu, responsible for the largest pyramid in Egypt, secured his place in history with the Great Pyramid of Giza."
"I say to you unequivocally that never was a male Pharaoh ever ever the woman was the per'ah. Who she chose to be her consort could have the right to be king, but it was her house. Men in Egypt were only residents in their consorts house."
"So this is a very, very significant moment in Egyptian and world history."
"Notable examples include the unfinished obelisk at the Aswan Quarry, the granite columns in the Luxor Temple, and the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Tutankhamun."
"The majority of the pyramid-building workforce would have been farmers, only available during the three-month flood season."
"These are the largest stone boxes ever found in Egypt, made of some of the hardest stones on the planet."
"For the first time, foreigners ruled in Egypt."
"The foundation of Memphis corresponds with the beginning of the dynasties, the beginning of Egyptian history."
"My doctoral thesis is on the period of the Egyptian 25th dynasty, which is a time when Egypt was ruled by kings from Kush."
"The seated scribe... is one of the most remarkable pieces of ancient Egyptian art ever recovered."
"Ancient Egypt... a one-of-a-kind civilization that managed to endure for over 3,000 years."
"There's no mystery as to how the Egyptians illuminated underground tunnels like the Serapeum without leaving soot marks."
"The fact that we cannot find her is as much of interest to me as what the Egyptians chose to remember about female power in particular."
"The whole story started... when I discovered the Egyptian mining temple... in Timna in '69-70."
"Religion reverted to tradition, but the idea of the unity of god never left the Egyptian thought again."
"The cosmic hour had struck for the Egyptian culture; however, this faculty once so prominent fell into decadence."
"This could easily be one of the most interesting and curious temples in all of Egypt."