
Artistic Approach Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"It's very much how I do things; I don't believe in there being a right and wrong way when it comes to drawing."
"Most of us spend our adult lives as semi-competent drivers, there are those that have transcended the very meaning of piloting a vehicle, to the point that it's become somewhat of an art form."
"It went for a more meditative approach of having the central protagonist explore the quiet eerie town of Silent Hill."
"All of this stuff I talked about, it's pretty serious in a way that artistically we're trying to put our heads around stuff but you still have to have a sense of humor and let your personality come through."
"As artists, our tendency is to avoid areas of potential objection. What you want to do is do the opposite."
"Ultimately, a performance needs to be fearless, and that means that you have to throw yourself into whatever it is."
"Treat your performance as if it's another actor that you're directing."
"The most important thing when you're creating portraits, is to capture character."
"I wanted to make this gritty and real because I think this genre has been very unreal in recent times."
"A real artist explores a topic, provides insightful discussion, but doesn't explicitly tell the consumer what the correct conclusion is."
"There's a real artistic Flair visible in the game's selected camera angles."
"Feel the gesture, even though I'm working with the photograph I still approach it as if I wasn't."
"I prefer to get everything right in camera on-site. That's definitely my preferred way of doing things."
"Assuming the audience's intelligence is something that she does throughout her discography."
"Sometimes you just gotta have the confidence, like Jim Lee did with Deathstroke. He just went for it."
"There's something really unique and genuine about the film's approach."
"There's no such thing as mistakes in makeup, it's just opportunities."
"A problem is just a potential for a solution ... focus on the solution."
"You have to keep finding a new wrinkle to it, a new approach, a new direction."
"Street photography is like hunting. Patience is key."
"If you do something with artistry in mind, it will succeed."
"You know it's going from just a handful of financial advisors recommending it to potentially it's gonna become the norm like you're gonna be kind of weird if you don't own some bitcoin right?"
"CG often focuses on trying to fit in everything while hand-drawn is more about cutting out what is not needed."
"Stop uploading videos and start uploading art."
"Less of a pop album and more of an art album."
"To bring an artistic sensibility into a problem-solving context is a process of undoing everything you think you know."
"The money sometimes can change how you approach the work, you know?"
"It's not about doing an impression, it's about finding the humanity."
"Create for yourself. Make creating fun again. Go back to the heart of it all."
"Hopefully in the aggregate of all this, you can see that there's many different ways to think about doing things and then you can make decisions for your own work as you define your style."
"The way that she uses that one form, which is a sticky bindi, to create something that's so extraordinary and appealing."
"Pruning is not a science, it's more of an art."
"Music should sound like the cheapest available means of production."
"Oda tries out different genres all the time."
"She really sees it as an art and she's really, really good at explaining what's wrong with your face without being rude."
"It's as much art as science to gauge that initial cut...it's going to be a wild guess."
"The Wii: where motion controls turn gaming into an art form."
"As many of you guys know I'm a big fan of photo stories and that means that you take the wides the tights the mediums and the details."
"It does really show what you can do with lots of constraints."
"Perceptual problem-solving, an understatement in art."
"Every artist has their own way of approaching a composition, their own way of telling a story."
"There's more to photography than just getting the images; it's about the whole experience."
"Get closer to your subject for a really tight portrait."
"I like taking things that you're supposed to love and treasure and flip it on its ear."
"Designing a space is like painting a picture, layering elements to create a beautiful composition."
"Approach these drawings in a fun way... have fun."
"It's not who you animate it's how you animate that matters."
"Bonsai art is way more than one tree together."
"There's no wrong or right way to do this, you can pretty much do whatever you want."
"This filmmaking already is just insane, like the fluid natural dialogue."
"Its setting, gameplay, art style, its use of typography, explorations of themes of faith, monastic life, Middle Ages society, war, revolt, and spiritual justice."
"At the end of the day, this approach to drawing vehicles should be enjoyable."
"I make pop music, but I like to think that I make really musical interesting pop music."
"The way that Beyoncé might approach this is different from the way a Jazelle is going to approach it, you know what I'm saying?"
"Sergeant didn't adhere to any of those camps and he used both as he saw fit."
"I’ve always been interested in a conceptual approach to design."
"I'm just trying to be quite expressionistic with this."
"I've decided to go more painterly."
"Don't just be arbitrary with your detail, like it makes sense, there's a logic to my stuff here."
"We should have stepped back, recharged, got some perspective, got some inspiration, and then gone into the studio."
"I look at rap like a sport, I always treated it with the same approach I did with ball."
"Teaching is more of an art than a science."
"I don't really care as well but there are photographers like William Klein who's engaging a lot with his subject."
"It's highly artistic in how you approach it, which always brings a lot of satisfaction."
"You don't want to work on details; you want to work on the broad composition."
"Everyone knows how to rap, everyone can land a punchline, everyone's good, but it depends on the approach that you take."
"The idea is to try to stay loose, to be impressionistic and think about simple shapes."
"What I'd like to show you is a way of going about this, a way to think, a way to structure your focus of attention so that you'll know what to look for and what to do about it."
"I've tried to make my work float a little lighter."
"When it comes to art, there are three outlets that you should always remember: patience, discipline, and consistency."
"I'm making images, I'm not taking images; it's a big difference."
"It's not a science, it's a little bit of a feeling."
"...in practice, the hands and minds of scientists just like the hands and minds of artists absorb into their ways of working a perceptual acuity attuned to the materials that have captured their attention."
"Pictures that asked more questions than they answer are a great thing to do in photography."
"I directed this like a fly on the wall."
"I like to start with softness first and go from there."
"Create characters and art that you are passionate about; that's at least how I approach it."
"I started to treat videography like photography."
"The biggest thing on your about page is you want to explain kind of your approach to photography and who you are as a photographer."
"Let's see if you get out of the way, you are the best director if you just get out of the way, I feel."
"Every genre has its own stylistic ways that you have to approach it."