
Quality Content Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"At least with the BBC, you get fantastic quality, world-beating quality, with no adverts at all."
"It's not just carbon copy cut and paste generic mass media; it's doing something different, and it's doing it well so far."
"Evangelion, it's gotta be. Everything about it is really, really good."
"I feel like currently they don't have a lot of good stuff like yeah there's not that's really anything that takes me they're all good they have it..."
"You're the only T channel I watch because you cover topics that matter not just drama."
"C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control is a certified winner."
"It's a mammoth effort they put forth here. It's a fantastic book."
"It's honestly just some of the best fantasy I have read in a long time."
"The more they try to bombard us with preachy pandering low-quality trash that goes nowhere, does nothing, and says nothing of value, the more people will inevitably get turned away from it."
"Hulu with FX on there has like some world class stuff on there."
"We're not embarrassed by the reviews because they're awesome."
"Quality consistent content, I think is king."
"Skyrim wins DLC. Come on, has to carry it alone. The Shivering Isles carries the mine because the Shivering Isles is just such a good DLC."
"You can make 50 different Batman things if they're good."
"You try to do a show that just is a good show with good characters."
"Your stuff is like gold when you watch it you actually come away with like substance."
"The Arc is absolutely nuts, top-tier stuff that we're seeing right here."
"The Dragon Prince deserves your respect and attention because it's definitely solid in its own execution."
"I'm sure you all don't want a half-assed video that's all it is especially when it's about something as culturally significant to the survival horror genre as silent frigging hill."
"So much has happened to the movie business in the years since I've been in it, or when I've been in it, they've lost the knack of making popular films that are also good movies."
"Your content needs to be good enough for those that subscribed to also watch all of the other stuff you do."
"Everyone loves it, and rightfully so, because it's incredible."
"Don't rely on identity politics to motivate people to go see your stuff just make good stuff."
"Stories are meant to have an ending, and this one had a really good one."
"It was such a enjoyable relief to watch something that good."
"We're not idiots, if we find something good, we will show it to everyone else."
"I think that the boys is definitely a TV show worth watching."
"Black men straight black men have so little quality media."
"At what point does the garbage overshadow the good stuff?"
"What we need to do to win the culture war is to produce regular old good stuff."
"LazyTown is without a doubt one of the best TV shows ever created."
"We obsess over making the best guides with top players, rigorous testing, and top-tier video editing to make your climb easy."
"The first four seasons of Peep Show I think are I legit incredible."
"Girls deserve something beyond the bland and disposable, maybe something that aims a little higher."
"I'm just so impressed with Beyond... putting out some top quality play."
"Mine is the DS because it really surprised me with how good it is once you get past all the shovelware there are some really awesome titles to find."
"Players want quality content, immense choice, and games that respect their time and money."
"If it couldn't stand tall among the other giants of the FPS genre, I wouldn't be doing a series on it."
"I want to encourage you to support creators who are making actual quality experiences."
"I feel like it's going to be restoring that feeling that we got maybe in 2022 when there was quality release after quality release."
"Congratulations, it's maybe the best thing on television right now."
"I watched it earlier today and it's very well done."
"That's literally the best post in this whole place."
"The big question will be how does the audience of Superman and Lois grow? Because the numbers have been going up for it, because the show's fantastic."
"I can't even be mad at it because it was really, really good."
"I think in some respects, the cream's gonna rise to the top if you make constant good content, things are eventually gonna catch."
"Make sure they're fucking great. So if they were to potentially get leaked, make sure you look super fucking good."
"I want to see something that I don't expect but that's good."
"It's almost as though sometimes when you make good things, people will go see it."
"I suspect we're going to be kept busy with a ton of quality gaming over the next 18 months."
"Good developers are on top of their content and they're putting out the content before people have to ask for it."
"This is awesome. This is incredible. Steel Wool did a really, really good job with this."
"Love, love, love block magazine! To me, it is really more like a coffee table book and not a magazine. The pattern selection is amazing, making it a great value, and the articles are wonderful."
"I loved it for no other reason than I thought it was very good Star Trek."
"This is by far the most high quality content that has ever been posted here."
"The Wire, The Sopranos... start with two of the greatest ever done."
"The future of anime: less filler, more love."
"YouTube doesn't work like that anymore; it actually just favors the best content that's being created for that specific niche."
"If we fans listen, if we show up for good Star Wars, then we will keep getting quality, engaging stories."
"I'm giving you things that you can watch with your kids and some that you may not but I'm giving you good stuff man I'm giving you literature I love what we're doing yeah."
"My carve out is Lex Friedman's five and a half hour interview with John Carmack. It's so good."
"If the content's good, eyes will come."
"If your content is objectively awesome, it will promote itself."
"I humble myself and I want to say thank y'all. I'm still creating videos and I feel like you gotta put quality videos and stuff, bro."
"The best quality content is what's going to reign supreme."
"Disney is golden for that. They always give you some quality content."
"I've watched this trilogy three times within the last six months and I think that's a desperate desire to see quality content and a desperate desire to see quality fantasy."
"I only bring you the finest content on YouTube."
"Now, this is some great A content, really."
"It's the content that you're putting out as well. I mean, you really put a lot of work and effort into your videos."
"What will happen next is anyone's guess, but the Entertainment District Arc is shaping up to be some of Demon Slayer's best content output yet."
"Give people good stuff and they'll return to it."
"I see Sim and momentum they do amazing content"
"Valuable content will always win."
"I'm passionate about bringing you quality videos worth watching."
"I think we should all be already in a million. Do you think? I do, but I think lacking consistency is the reason why. I don't believe. I see people that have way more than a million subscribers yet, and their videos are nowhere near as good as, I'm sorry, yeah."
"But again you need a good offer you need a good funnel you need a good ad copy you need good good good good good good good everywhere."
"The fandom deserves better than poorly researched articles like this."
"You need to know what it takes to produce high-quality videos."
"Badger's videos, even sponsored ones, have quality and comedy that feels natural."
"They're just good comics, they're good reads."
"Every time that there's been significant focus on one of them or both of them, it's just led to absolute fantastic sauce."
"People are not fatigued of superhero movies, they are fatigued of subpar superhero movies."
"That's basically why it's good TV."
"Creating good quality content that your audience is actually going to be interested in, not just random stuff."
"For your business to be recognizable on Instagram, your content needs to be of high quality and consistent."
"You've created one of the best shows on the Internet."
"I would rather be a channel that maybe posts a little bit less frequently, but when I do post, it's something that I am really proud of and that I put all of my hard work into."
"You can still be good and big on YouTube if you're making great videos."
"All proceeds for merchandise sales will go back into the GX and to the YouTube channel to bring you better quality GX470 and off-roading content."
"When South Park is good, it's really good."
"This book is so good, it's doing so many interesting things to its success."
"What is it lately with anime just knocking it out of the park with their intros?"
"I love that one so much, I will watch that one of the things so top tier, that is so freaking good."
"It's amazing, it's tough, it's funny, it is top tier."
"The series finale of Mayor of Easttown was so, so freaking good; that show is incredible."
"This series is amazing, it's probably one of the best seinen series."
"The book alone is just amazing; it's so good."
"Everything else HBO makes is great, they seem to just make bangers."
"We're going to be making some of the best homebrew content on the internet."
"This is a Page worth following for high quality imagery."
"Content that strives for airtight writing, compelling interesting characters, fantastical new worlds you want to visit yourself, and stories you will remember for years to come."
"They make skits that are actually comedic and interesting, and you don't cringe through them, you actually have a good time."
"It's Black Clover, man. It's just elite right now, bro."
"I would rather follow Jacqueline Hill who posts two videos a month that are well done and good tutorials."
"It's the best information, the best entertainment, and just the best vibes."
"Internet Disgrace is a comedy web show... and somehow it's actually really good."
"I'd rather put my all into one video and make it as entertaining as possible."
"It's just some really good stuff."
"We watched two documentaries, and they were both so good."
"You are going to see some of the best Star Wars content out there in this show."
"If it's done well, it will work for all the audiences."
"If it's good enough, it will promote itself."
"It's a show that even if I wasn't on it as often as I was, I would totally watch it."
"You're showing you can really write this; it's really good TV."
"It's telling a story with lots of characters, and it's very good, super good."
"It's fantastic; highly recommend it."
"It's one of the best things that's been on TV honestly in probably the past five ten years."
"Don't just write anything and then believe that it'll sell; give them something worth reading."
"The office is one of those shows that I know is great."
"Successful people stimulate their brain with quality content."
"It's only half an hour and I'm like wow, it was brilliant."
"We always want to give you sort of tip-top content."
"Make sure that that programming for the children to watch is some programming we could be proud of."
"Every video we watched from this channel has been lit so far."
"I love this guy, and that was great, so at least to me, it was second and great content."
"That's more than a vlog though, that's like an elevated edit Vlog, it is great."
"I would hope that they still can be. I'd hope that like we can still produce good Lord of the Rings movies or just good movies in general."
"This is peak content right here, no cap."
"One more on the top for an outstanding season, I loved that so much, exactly to the quality of the first season and the movie, and in many ways even better still."
"Every single week I'm just getting consistently great television."
"I hope you guys are excited for these new high quality vlogs."
"If you're looking for something new to watch then try and hunt that down because it's excellent."
"Learn from their example how the best bloggers in the world are creating totally unbeatable content."