
Personal Encounter Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"My first encounter with God was when the Spirit of God came literally in me. I felt an experience heaven literally enter into my entire being."
"Muhammad Ali was the greatest human being I've ever met."
"You have to have the courage to come meet him."
"I didn't know I was going to meet her until moments before."
"I was like, 'Come on, man. Give me my shower gel back!' I'd been there like a couple of days, everyone, no one's saying nothing, and I'm like, 'What are we gonna do now?'"
"I found a bee. Sydney's been here." - Maggie Sutherland
"Biggest surprise I had there, Clarence Seedorf. Shut up, yeah."
"Sylvia is literally crazy. She walked me out to my car, I parked right in front of the venue, and when I parked, this car parked right behind me."
"His encounter with a skinwalker terrified him."
"Jerome Iginla, the dream I was fortunate enough to meet him twice."
"Absolutely, and I think Kylie was the biggest. I went to her and was just like, 'How are you?' and she was so brave about speaking about it."
"I walk into your apartment, you open your back door..."
"Okay, boy with the most beautiful eyes. Every once in a while, a pair of eyes can catch you off guard."
"That's as close as I ever got to Eddie... okay, so you saw from the title..."
"This is a [miracle], bros. I never thought I'd get to meet you, and we're having this conversation right now."
"Two beautiful terrified kittens were in my porch."
"He grabbed my face and pulled me into him and really kissed me."
"Actually, I can't. I came by to say happy birthday, but also tell you that a scientist and two security guards were killed at ESU last night."
"I could have sworn when we first met this kid..."
"I learned that sometimes angels look like ruddy-head Texans with scruffy faces and rusty pickups."
"I leaned forward, still staring at me, her eyeballs frozen in their sockets. There was something intensely pleading in the way she was looking at me."
"What are the odds of that? The one time you're out and you get in a car accident, you end up running into the exact same Sasquatch that you know you assisted back during the eruption."
"Oh man, oh god, what the hell... Oh, what are you, a porn star? Jesus."
"I am not sure if what I saw was a Bigfoot or maybe a giant ape-like creature but one thing I am sure of is that this was no bear."
"You need to have a personal encounter with God to truly have faith in him."
"Every single one of you will be meeting Jesus Christ personally."
"I'd love to see you, I'd love to ask you what you were thinking when you shot Hamilton."
"It's all a bit bizarre this, but it's not every day you meet someone that you know has been left so much money in the world."
"I once saw shadow men in my bedroom doorway but no features—just sixish feet tall and shadows."
"I'm a big fan, Andrew Santino. It's like so crazy that you're here right now."
"She was everything and more that I'd expected, absolutely everything."
"The look of fear in his eyes in this man was just beyond anything I'd ever seen before."
"I'm just here for Natalie Portman and I wasn't asked to leave so it was a good experience."
"Douglas MacArthur - the bravest man I have ever met."
"I got to meet Amy Garcia back in 2019. She was just as stunning in person."
"I've never met Jay Z, but if I meet him, I'm going to just rant about how good 4:44 is."
"Christina noticed that someone was following her, then she recognized the driver. It was her ex-boyfriend, 42-year-old Anthony Juco."
"They were first spotted by a man named Jose on his front lawn in Fresno California who captured this footage on CCTV."
"I got a chance to talk to him, it was pretty cool."
"I remember my first glimpse of her face; I saw you smiling, I smiled. I was straight Blown Away."
"I had the best Wildlife encounter I've ever had in my life."
"I wasn't really scared of anybody like that, but I can tell you a story."
"Definitely a lesson learned, but regardless, let's not meet again, Negan guy."
"I flew up to Boston on Friday to interview Joe sat sat in his office uh had a lovely chat pre and poost interview um had no hint whatsoever that any trade was about to go down."
"I'm willing to face you like a man, look you in your cold blue eyes, and say peace to you, my brother."
"This is yours truly standing next to the man. It is still shocking. It is still the biggest deal in the world for me."
"My pastor was just ready just to take that and so like right when I went up to meet brother Josh man bro even last night we stayed up to 5:00 a.m."
"Guys, I kind of caught Hannah down here right now."
"It's cliched, but I fell in love with Vietnamese people."
"And I remember seeing him, he was fighting at 45 at the time and he walked by me and he's roughly my size, he's not that much smaller."
"I think Patrick Stewart's my real dad just be near him for even a second I've ran into him when he was super drunk at a steak house once and it was magnificent."
"Go meet people in person... I met my wife at a stoplight in traffic."
"I just ran into my friend yti yachty."
"Jesus met me in the middle of my mess."
"It's day three making Josh a sweater for Valentine's Day on the knitting machine. We just got back from Chipotle and, y'all, I got to meet one of you guys at Chipotle, so if you are the lovely human that I met at Chipotle today, thanks for saying hi."
"If you just leave it to everything that's available, you're gonna stay lukewarm because you have to have your own encounter."
"It wasn't the argument with the good Catholics that converted me. It was the encounter with the person of Jesus and the Eucharist that converted me."
"If I had not had this encounter myself, I would be one of the biggest skeptics."
"God's power to move through us, so that people's eyes can see God, so that people's spiritual eyes can open up, actually meet God not just hear about him, not be persuaded in their minds by our words, but really meet him."
"It was like he just wanted me to know that he was there, that he knew how to find me or something."
"I saw Jay recently at the Subpop thing."
"I could see the whole silhouette."
"You have experienced an encounter with a God who loves you, who has written his law on your heart."
"I'm really glad that I got to meet him 'cause he was a nice guy and for as much as I saw him growing up, I was just kind of afraid that that moment would pass and that I wouldn't get to tell somebody that was super cool in my eyes how much I thought of them."
"One particular encounter that I had as a child stands out in my memory, never fading."
"The memory of my encounter would be a chilling warning of the dangers that lurked in the shadows."
"It's amazing to meet you in person."
"The one who handed me the soccer ball was the most beautiful girl in school."
"I actually met his daughter, his daughter who was 96 years old."
"Now you might be asking, why would a tiny mythical woodland spirit scare me so much? Well, the reason is that unlike the wendigo, I have a first-person encounter story."
"What are famous people actually like in person?"
"I had a lot of fun at the convention and meeting Haley in the flesh."
"God never invited us to ever explore religion; He cried out to us to meet Him face to face, heart to heart, in a relationship."
"Speaking with a real life hero who piloted this legendary aircraft and served our country so well was an experience I'll never forget."
"If you have not seen him in person, find a way to see him in person."
"It's a pleasure to see you in person today."
"She says that she has traveled through several countries in Europe and even met Picasso in person."
"Nothing replaces that personal encounter, that real Encounter With Jesus."
"I just wanted to tell everybody about Jesus not because I knew I was an evangelist but because I met him."
"What a joy to finally meet you in person."
"I became a paleomagnetist because I met Alan Cox at a party."
"I am so glad I got to have that experience, I'm so glad that I got to meet him."
"She probably the sweetest person I've ever met in my life."
"It's nice to finally see you face to face."
"It was about the personal encounter first and then it was just natural like the New Testament: go and tell your brothers, go and tell your friends, get them to come and see."
"One of the most interesting people I've ever met."
"He looked down at me, leaned down, and whispered, 'Son, you play guitar?' and I said, 'Yeah.'"
"Seeing them in person, it's different, he's really cool."
"We just seen him in a different light and in person, it was just good seeing that."
"What's the best part about being single? Honestly, the best part of being single was meeting you."
"I met him in person; he's a good dude."
"She could not have been kinder, could not have been nicer."