
Gesture Quotes

There are 698 quotes

"Good gesture, good drawing. If you have a weak gesture, you won't get a good drawing."
"I want you to have this as an apology, it's okay if you say no, but I like you to have it."
"Thanks! You know, I'm kind of feeling generous, maybe I'll give out a tip."
"Felix, if you're watching, I'm going to send you my sword."
"Hey, that was nice of him. That was super nice of him, actually."
"It's about the gesture though. That's what matters."
"You donated your tooth for her. That's so romantic."
"I think it's a lovely gesture and it's a very supportive one of her."
"Can you imagine a more romantic gesture than this?"
"No pressure, it's not a big deal, I just thought it'd be something sweet to do for him."
"It's not just a gift, it's a gesture of love."
"Always refuse with your left hand and embrace with your right."
"I've never had somebody give me flowers before."
"You can't put a price on a meaningful romantic gesture, but if it costs you 5.1 million dollars, maybe look into buying some nearby real estate instead."
"The most sincere gesture he could make to the audience is to let the audience interpret it as they will."
"I love you very very much and I bought an apartment for us."
"The young man realized that he just wanted to treat her."
"I want a guy to get me a ticket to somewhere nice."
"Have a very firm handshake, especially women."
"Something as simple as bringing a friend a coffee... it's just a beautiful thing."
"If men brag about money, I think they want to give you something."
"Here's something I hope will make it even better."
"It's been a pretty stressful morning and well I think I've got to make it up to Tara a little bit so I've put on my Glad Rags and I'm going to take her out for some lunch."
"...he knew that Amelia was very fond of the history of Napoleon so he built a fountain for her."
"Thank you," I say, as he grabs a throw blanket tucked away in a drawer and drapes it over my shoulders like a shawl.
"I hope this apple pie, in some small way, says thank you."
"Lin Chu smiled broadly and spread his arms out to the sides."
"He can't believe such a little child created it and he immediately requests that Aisha bake him the famous chocolate cake."
"It's a measure of your friendship if they accept the snack or something that you're giving to them."
"Put some socks on for all the moms and Grandmoms out there."
"I like how she has no context for the turtle dove he just gave her a little toy bird it's not food but it's nice."
"That kiss made everything all better."
"Every time I tell my mom I love her, she buys me food."
"The quickest way to a girl's heart is cheese and or miniature versions of literally anything that she can put in her hand."
"I think this legitimately selfless little gesture of his is a great sign of his growth as a person."
"Oh, here, here for Henry's Cathedral fund, this coin. It has very little value, I'm afraid, just an old Roman coin I picked up years ago in Italy."
"This person wants to gift you something."
"If you ever want a man to send you flowers just send him your address and if he doesn't do anything with that then bye."
"Oh, I wish I had a little gift for her, something to put her in a good mood."
"It's my gift to him for our anniversary."
"He spread his arms to show people his superiority."
"...have a nice life," I said. I rose, threw a 20 on the table for the waitress, and left.
"She specifically instructed her aides to place this arrangement once more at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, mirroring the same gesture she had made on her wedding day nearly 80 years earlier."
"I don't squeeze his hands because I don't want to hurt my partner but it's the thought that counts."
"So brag saw his opportunity to regain prestige among his fellow Kardashians and show up his Dominion allies."
"As Sue was eating the rice, rice got on his cheek and Fu got near him and said that there was rice on his cheek like a baby and lass."
"That's more of a bro move than I think people even realize."
"I thought Marshall making pancakes was really sweet."
"I said you know what it's Valentine's Day let me write be mine."
"She slowly approaches him and gives him a kiss."
"I just want to buy you a touch of beer."
"I thought that was a really sweet thing to do."
"That's a personal opinion, but you know, it seems a very, very nice gesture."
"Matt surprised me with a saxophone player at the parking lot."
"All it takes is a little fist bump."
"I wasn't gonna be here for your birthday so I had to surprise you."
"You want to have a real moment of Grace in Los Angeles? Take someone to the airport!"
"It's been a long time since somebody asked me if I wanted a drink, and it was amazing."
"She has done a beautiful thing to me."
"That's like the most romantic thing I've ever done."
"It's all about the highest of the low five."
"I am so excited here come sit over here. I have something for you."
"The car in front of me paid for me, it was so nice. So I paid for the person behind me, it was like 20 bucks but I don't care."
"The way she was holding his hand was actually cute."
"And just let every gesture be a gesture coming from a space of love."
"I feel like I want to do something a little special for him today."
"This one's yours. I traded you a high five."
"Just write someone a note take five seconds and just literally write it out."
"'He kneels down, extending his hand for her to grasp, murmuring softly.'"
"I just wanted to come on here and do that for you real quick. I know you guys weren't expecting a video. Hopefully this is a little bit of a surprise for you. So, surprise!"
"A smile present is just something, it's a little something something to make a person smile."
"The nod was so much more than a nod, charged with comprehension and understanding."
"He suddenly grabbed her hand and invited her to come inside."
"The fact that he went out of his way to perform the song with a full Orchestra and chorus says a lot."
"Making something with your own two hands and then surprising them with that."
"...she is delighted and promises to make him a handmade lunch the next day."
"Two dozen roses, big ones. I got a card ready."
"I see this lady handing you these like you didn't. This lady showed up with these with these cards with these envelopes with our names on them."
"...makes a throat cutting gesture before walking off."
"She raises her hand with the intention of shaking his and declares, 'Truce agreed.'"
"You could see surprise on her face before returning the hug."
"Each raised a single finger to their lips, making only one sound: 'Shh.'"
"He grabbed another chair and sat right next to me."
"I'm just slammed my hand on it, this one gorgeous, beautiful."
"We'll see," he said and opened his arms as he looked back at me.
"Express yourself, go ahead and make the romantic gesture."
"The hero's sparkling hand is raised up so that the index middle finger is looking up."
"These are for you," Nathan said, presenting Chloe with a gift basket and bouquet of flowers.
"He had rose petals laid out, candles lit, bubble bath. I mean, the whole night, everything a woman could ask for, right?"
"If she truly is grateful to him then she should hug him again."
"It was about more than the food. It was the thought, it was the gesture, it was the time."
"An unusually gracious and mature move."
"Can you do me a favor, can you hold out both hands in front of you like this?"
"What a gesture from the club though, you know, to invite him here and give him that opportunity."
"She takes him by the arm... the boy asks what she is doing."
"And with that, Coltrane extended her hand to Teddy's tail and they shook on it."
"As a romantic gesture, the hotel owner gifts his wife a gold bracelet."
"I sent her flowers for Valentine's Day this last year even though we weren't together and she texted me my heart will always belong to you."
"Sometimes a simple gesture of just a kindness and a comment can mean a lot."
"I do respect the asking in public because I think sometimes that can be romantic."
"That's actually very romantic. If a guy gave me that, I'd be like, 'Oh my God, this is the cutest thing that has ever happened to me in my whole entire life.'"
"There's this energy of kind of wanting to make a romantic gesture."
"She wasn't mad or upset, though I optimistically hoped for that, but on top of that, she was happy. She had heard the effort I went through and was happy at the gesture more than the product."
"Shortly after, FBI agent Jake Solano arrives and gives Michelle a cheeseburger and ice cream, the two foods she's been craving."
"I couldn't think of a better way to say thank you for 25 years of friendship and always being there than to get this old bike out of the garage and running for him."
"Let's put this over here for you anyway. Oh my goodness."
"Harry wanted Demerzel to have this Prime Radiant and even offered to teach her how to read the math within it."
"Marcus visits Jenny and gives her a portrait he drew himself."
"Sweet arrival: I see them making a romantic gesture coming forward, you know, making it plain how they feel about you."
"'I brought you an apple. If you'd like one...'"
"David Cameron buys him a coffee to bury the hatchet."
"I raised my hand and offered to shake his. He gave me a small bow in response but kept his distance."
"A unifying gesture amidst the conflict."
"Sometimes, the smallest gestures hold the deepest meanings."
"I'm going to give this, yo you bring some bad [__] home, give them one of these. Yeah, it's over, they going to love you."
"Giving flowers is an expression of love."
"A chef's kiss is like not enough here, I need like a chef's French kiss to show my level of appreciation."
"The singularity and steadiness of this threatening gesture in so public a Thorofare attracted my attention."
"He was waving my car keys in front of his face like he was trying to give them back to me."
"Bond doesn't just wave, he flips him off like a real-life moment."
"So, if you've got a date, you don't send the woman a box of Krispy Kreme, right?"
"I felt like the man for sure doing that for her being like Rica I'm going to put you in the like I'm gonna put you in your favorite game."
"Look what I made for you, a castle! Wait, taadaa! Come on in, welcome home."
"When you draw your fist, your fingers all subtly come inward, the back of your hand has a curve to it."
"Look, Claire, I made these for you. Wow, tiny chopsticks."
"If there's any boys or men watching this vlog right now, it really doesn't take much to make a woman's day. Go get her flowers."
"It's a nice gesture and love these."
"The physical act of smiling, regardless of what your teeth look like, can really make a woman feel more comfortable."
"A care package... with a lot of love behind it."
"Darrell Waltrip waving his hand, signaling to the rest of the drivers."
"Dame put the rock chain on Kim neck at the apartment wall, so yeah."
"One of the women brought over a faded plastic rose from a nearby grave and laid it on Jim Morrison's."
"He knows all the words that you have to say as a knight, and she takes it from him, and this means huge amounts to her."
"Well, let me leave these with you."
"You love me enough to make one yourself. That's what makes it cool."
"I love you," he said, stepping across the hallway to where she stood."
"You know what I've wanted to do for a long time? Give you flowers, silly."
"He noticed that the wizard had dropped his wand, so ranrock picked it up and handed it to him, hoping that this would be a kind gesture while introducing himself."
"When we're dealing with a mannequin or our stick figure, the character really is the gesture, the feeling, the pose, the posture."
"It was a small gesture but it made a big difference."
"I know what I'm going to do with these flowers. I'm going to surprise my mom."
"Do you want this metal flower? I swung it here. I'm sorry I got mad at you. You can still have the flower if you want."
"It's kind of a big gesture go big or go home right Martin."
"I'm about to do something crazy for my dad that's gonna make him forget making his day, this is going to make his whole life."
"Flicking someone off does not mean giving someone an orgasm."
"Flowers say romance and there's nothing more romantic than pushing the boat out for a special dinner for two."
"I wanted her to have a good morning, so I made breakfast for her."
"His decision to give her his mother's engagement ring I thought was very significant."
"It's an emotional situation after the car crashes, and Royal comes over and brings Chaz a Dalmatian, and he accepts the gift."
"Holding hands is enough gift for him," he whispered, blushing.
"The thigh slap has become infamous due to its frequent use."
"They gave us like these pancakes, brio, and like a little candle that was like happy birthday, and it's just literally made my morning."
"The hotel has made such an effort to make my birthday special today, and it's so sweet to see."
"When a guy asks for your Snapchat, it's kind of sweet."
"This person's next action they're gonna try to apologize and they might bring in some kind of an offer."
"Bring me a handkerchief," she gives me one from the cupboard and I dry my face."
"It's just like so sweet so you can try that you know partner might be like oh that was nice or they might be like what why like I can do that myself and we brush."
"Guys want a hug because they want to feel your body against them."
"I ordered us some breakfast stuff. Hopefully she's still asleep by the time the food comes so I could surprise her with breakfast in bed, you know I mean."
"I love her and by one of my favorite things that she does is she writes letters constantly."
"The least we can do is play his favorite game as a means of forgiveness, right?"
"I could have kissed her on both cheeks."
"I threw them a giant. That's what I threw them."
"No man had ever prepared a cup of tea for her before, nor brought it to her with such an expression of concentration on his face as Tad did."
"How cool is that? The pat-on-the-back dab? He's just like…"
"It's hard to go wrong when you're giving food as a gift."
"A handshake sometimes is all that is required."
"I thought you bumped fists with him given the number of clones he's produced."
"AJ trying to let him know that he was giving it to him."
"I think what's really going to have the most impact is a card. I have yet to sign this."
"Let's make it a trend to give flowers while the people are here and show that [ __ ] respect."
"Make sure you go out of your way today to love on someone make them feel extra special because they are."
"I prepared a small gift. I hope you like it."
"I picked a flower just for you, Sarah."
"He saw her standing with the chocolates and thought it was interesting to see someone like her wanting to give someone chocolates."
"I wrote her a handwritten letter with like 'Dear Cindy,' like that's different, that's how you make a girl, huh?"
"...just swipe down on the bottom bar here..."
"Try offering her flowers in Sentimental Hospital. Dr. Alessandro is always giving flowers to Veronica."
"I want you to have this." - A simple yet meaningful gesture of love and remembrance.
"All American cars wave at each other, it's actually quite nice."
"Romances in the air, Rose this could be like they literally see you and y'all are like walking on a city street and they are handing you a flower."
"The only do the big gesture if one, you think they will appreciate it and two, if it reflects the stage of the relationship that you're in."
"I think it could be really cool to kind of like just for fun do that with her and do that for her."
"...the fact that you did that was just super special and I was like at that moment I was like there's something different about you and I couldn't wait to find out."
"I decided to take Yesu out to dinner before I leave. I had an older colleague who did that for me before and it felt good, so I should do the same too."
"I remember for my birthday, you surprised me with a nasi goreng."
"For this very private of public couples, quite a romantic gesture."
"Well, if I kissed you right now, that'd give you your answer."
"I wanted to do something nice for you, something that shows you do matter to me."
"The man was smiling, gesturing with an outstretched arm, fingers down, in a kind of 'don't stop for me' kind of wave."
"There will be a romantic gesture coming very soon."
"She's making a peace sign with her hand and winking."
"...all his resentment was taken away when the gecko gave him a bowl of water."
"You're not going to fist-bump, or anything?"
"When a handshake goes above the elbow, it is no longer a handshake."
"We felt like we needed to get you an experience, a memory, because we love you so much."
"I secretly love it when she randomly grabs my hand and puts it anywhere."
"Christmas presents are a token of appreciation."
"...it's not the monetary value. It's like thinking, 'Wow, he took the time. He thought about me. He planned this.'"
"June, you've worked hard. Let's eat this healthy soup I have just made for you."