
Gnosticism Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Gnostic texts such as the First Apocalypse of James were likely banned because of their different understanding of Jesus's importance."
"Gnostics believe that our physical world is evil and the spiritual world is good."
"Platonus aims a substantial portion of his famed any ads at precisely combating the gnostics."
"Proto-orthodox Christian polemics against synosticism are well known."
"The Gnostic cosmology led to a further bivalent moral failure of quietism and antinomianism."
"Barbello was the first emanation of God in Gnosticism."
"Reactionaries are gnostics with a hard-line conservative looking mindset that's actually equally Progressive."
"It's a Gnostic plot... making you doubt Christ."
"Mary being the one who understood the truth of Jesus and being that successor to Jesus."
"Only those who are insiders, who are really Gnostics, know the secret."
"The hymns of the three stelis of Seth are a fascinating glimpse into the world of Gnostic mythology and ritual practice."
"For those who know my channel, we talk about Gnosticism a lot. Gnosticism is a version of Christianity that was banned by the church."
"There's so much bad information about Gnosticism."
"And for the longest time the writings of their enemies were essentially the only knowledge that we had of these Gnostics and their Traditions."
"The basic premise of gnosticism is that this physical world is bad and the goal of your faith is basically to gain secret knowledge so that you can escape it."
"A lot of the craziness we see today in modern Christianity is nothing but ancient gnosticism."
"The Nag Hammadi discovery: a direct view into the Gnostic world."
"The Gnostic texts: piecing together fragments to understand the Gnostic worldview."
"Gnostic literature: a treasure trove of spiritual poetry and profound sayings."
"Understanding Gnosticism: penetrating the unique language and worldview of the Gnostics."
"Gnosticism's cultural roots: tracing back to Mesopotamia and ancient Babylon."
"Influence of Babylonian culture on Gnosticism: from the seven visible planets to the Chaldean Oracles."
"Egyptian influence on Gnosticism: the journey of the soul and other ideas from the Book of the Dead."
"Gnosticism... buried and eliminated from our culture."
"In the Gnostic version, by eating from the forbidden fruit, they gained knowledge."
"The Gnostic Savior is an illuminator, a revealer, a figure of light who awakens us."
"The whole seed is perfected, then Sophia will leave her place in the middle and enter the pleroma to receive her bridegroom, the Savior."
"I would like to see us as a part of nature but I'm not so uninformed concerning the historical adventure that I don't know that what is called Gnosticism is a very strong strain in the human animal."
"Your job as a Gnostic seer is to awaken Sophia in everyone, so that they, first in yourself, to see the light and then turn everybody around towards the light."
"The Gnostics understood that we aspire to become our real self, we are becoming that Christ self."
"In Gnosticism, the return to up high is not the natural end of life, and being trapped in the material world is considered dangerous."
"Gnosticism was a movement that popped up in response to Christianity, which retold many of its stories with unique twists."
"Africa's spiritual heritage takes us next to the Nag Hammadi Library, a trove of early Christian and Gnostic texts unearthed in Egypt."
"Jung speaks of the Gnostics as really the original psychologists."
"Gnostic material was eventually published... sacred writings to Gnostic Christians."
"Valentinus plainly had access to Christian teaching and sought to create a form of Gnosticism that would be specifically attractive to Christians."
"The Valentinians viewed themselves as the enlightened ones."
"Gnosticism, going off of that, obviously rejected the church's narrative that you should be told what to believe by a priest."
"Let's take Gnosticism into the modern day."
"In recent years, Gnosticism has undergone something of a renaissance."
"The explosion of literature both academic and popular and even Gnostic themes pervading popular culture."
"Nature was revered, not reviled, as it would be in many of Zoroastrianism’s offshoot gnostic sects."
"The origins of Gnosticism... it emerges in Christian circles and in circles around John the Baptist."
"Valentinus didn't hate the world... he believed the world was a representation of true reality above."