
Financial Solutions Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The revolutionary activists are those who can solve the money problem in our communities."
"Bitcoin is the solution to the biggest financial problem that we have had in the history of modern civilization."
"We can either have a rational resolution to the foreclosure crisis or we can preserve the capital structure of the banks."
"So, I realized that Bitcoin initially and then the crypto world was basically the answer to these two things."
"The settlement solved our financial problem temporarily, but we have a period of time in which to reorient."
"XRP is the answer to a lot of the problems that we have in the world today."
"Crypto has the ability to solve some of the most frustrating problems in our current financial system."
"If Bitcoin is the solution to this banking mess, you better believe it's going to get a whole lot more popular and the altcoins are going to come along with it."
"Using a credit card because you have no other option and you can't pay for it, that's the type of pressure we want to alleviate."
"The only solution that humans have devised for the train wreck that is the world of global cross-border payments and settlement."
"We want accountability, not just throwing money at the problem."
"Decentralized finance... It's really the only solution."
"If you solve the financial problem, you solve at least probably 70% of the problems most black people have."
"My theory has been that if you solve the financial problem you solve at least probably 70% of the problems the most black people have."
"Money solves all your problems, you need to find a bank that's going to get you qualified."
"Money will solve your problems. You could solve all your problems in life with money. Let's face it, anybody would pack up and move today if somebody showed me the right number on this house."
"Upstart finds smarter rates with trusted partners."
"Money fixes so many problems, just not all of them."
"Manifesting solutions to your financial difficulties."
"Perhaps the reward money will be enough to temporarily cover the debt of his grandmother."
"I believe that Bitcoin is one answer to this."
"You cannot fix a too much debt problem with more debt."
"Money won't solve all your problems but it will solve your money problems."
"If it takes money to get something done, then here's the money."
"Don't let not having money stop you because by not having money, it forced us to get really creative on how to come up with that $5,000 and we did."
"XRP as predicted by the 1988 Economist magazine will rise to save the day instant bailouts and liquidity to reboot the system."
"It solves two problems... financial and psychological."
"We have to believe survivors. We have to have their back."
"I love all-in-one funds. Not all of them, certainly, but the Fidelity Fund, the multi-asset index fund that you mentioned. Target-date funds I think can be really elegant solutions."
"Money can actually solve most of our immediate problems."
"Sometimes you gotta throw a little money around to solve problems."
"If the problem is actually about money, then the solutions must also be about money and how to get more of it into the pockets of people who need it."
"Most problems can be put to rest with money."
"Money solves a lot of problems in the world; growth literally solves every problem."
"Not only as a Principal the nation's 401k leader, they also offer a wide range of financial solutions from retirement and investments to insurance and banking."
"Seller finance saved that family, made them thrive."
"This is a multi-trillion dollar problem, and XRP was meant to be a multi-trillion dollar solution."
"Frugal living is the solution to most of the issues people are having right now with their spending."
"Just get creative and see what you can do."
"Everything can be solved with a positive attitude and more money."
"Our mission is to build solutions that solve the fundamental issues in DeFi and traditional finance."