
Trust In Divinity Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"When chastisements for sins come upon the world...the only refuge will be trust in my mercy."
"Give God the what if. He knows the future. You don't."
"Trust God to make you happy, even if it means being miserable for a season."
"God, I don't know how I'm gonna do this, but you do, and I give them to you."
"Trust Him to tutor and sustain you as you humbly submit to His will."
"Faith requires a steadfast heart, one that trusts in God even when the path is not fully clear."
"Do you trust God enough to feed you? How much do we trust God? That's what it comes down to, really."
"Victory is assured for those who trust in the Lord."
"Lord Jesus Christ, you take care of everything... trust that he knows what's best for you."
"God is too good to be unkind, and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart."
"We must trust in the Lord, lean on Him, and know that He is God."
"Abiding faith says, 'He is my refuge, my fortress, in Him will I trust.'"
"Lean on and trust in the Lord, and you have a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
"There's a difference between how the biblical text presents God's fidelity and Christ's fidelity... You can absolutely trust in God."
"Pray like the miracle depends on it but trust God with the results."
"Let's be known as people who rise above anxiety and trust that no matter what, God is in control."
"Somebody plants, somebody waters, but God brings growth to these seeds, and our job is to pray and trust that God will bring growth to the seeds."
"There are things that I don't understand, and I'm okay with trusting the one who is worthy of my trust."
"The fear of man is a trap, trust in the Lord."
"I never go to God and like well you can't do this."
"There is hope and we can find peace if we put our trust in Jesus himself."
"God told me I never told you to trust people. I told you to trust me."
"You don't have to understand the plan to trust that God has a purpose."
"Thank you Father for never leaving me nor forsaking me. I trust in you with all of my heart."
"You gotta have a heart that seeks God, that trusts God, depends upon God."
"Entering the rest of God is a beautiful place because when you're in the rest of God you trust that God's going to take care of things."
"Trusting God is a journey, not a destination."
"Put your confidence in the one who loves you, put your covenants in the one who said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
"Trust in me with all your heart until the very end, and you will witness the unfolding of my abundant and glorious blessings in your life."
"The key is not knowing all the answers but trusting God to know the answer."
"We will trust in you, Lord. You are a sovereign God, and you have charge over our lives."
"If you trust the Lord, you will be fine. Trust in the Lord with all thy heart."
"In times of crisis, trust in Allah's wisdom and mercy."
"The safest place to be is in the hands of God. Leave everything in God's hands and eventually you'll see God's hand in everything."
"The place where you trust me is the place where God provides."
"If placed in a season of waiting, may my heart trust in you without murmuring."
"I trust you, that every situation that we have been so intimidated with, not willing to look at because of fear anxiety, God we dispel anxiety with trust."
"Put your faith in God put your trust in the Lord he'll choose the path that you go down."
"Transformation of the heart comes when you've seen God show up time after time again that you have no choice but to trust him."
"God is saying I want you to place your trust in me."
"We're gonna put our trust in Him, and even if that means persecution, we're gonna still put our trust in Him."
"Once you know what his character's like that's why you're gonna want to go through the mess and trust him."
"Teach us to rely on you completely, trusting that your grace is sufficient for us."
"I promise you on the other side of trusting and believing that God has your best interest and intention and heart, you're going to be blessed and given more than you could have ever imagined."
"A promise made to all those that put their faith and trust in Christ alone."
"I remind myself of Mr. Bean right except I am fully following Jesus Christ and I'm just I have no idea what I'm doing it's totally out of control but I can trust him because he's proven himself."
"Believe in Jesus, and Jesse, you believe in me."
"There is no rest in this life without trust in Him."
"Once you make a decision, put your trust in God; surely, God loves those who trust in Him."
"The fear of man is a snare, but the one who trusts in the Lord is protected."
"O Blessed Host, I trust in You when storms toss my heart about and my fearful spirit tends to despair."
"Faith equals trusting God through the uncertainty."
"Very pure of soul, able to trust God... they can still make light even when they are sad."
"I will stand with them; I will bear their sin—all those who trust in me."
"We will trust in you, in your provision, in your guidance, and everything that you are doing, knowing that it is for our good and not for our destruction."
"We can trust in the Lord and be blessed, or we can reject the Lord and perish."
"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." (Psalm 117:8)
"Trust God, if he tells you to go, make sure you go."
"We just trust in you, we put our entire lives into your hands today."
"We trust in you; this is your session, we give all to you."
"Trust God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."