
Directorial Style Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"I'll definitely be interested to check out more from this director too because I think this piece was executed really well."
"Sets a gleeful romp through Del Toro's infatuation with strange things."
"Tarantino doesn't make movies; he makes Tarantino movies." - Spencer
"Sam Raimi's 'Evil Dead' films are untouchable, completely unhinged masterpieces of horror comedy."
"The Bible contains all the rules and information for the game of life."
"...but it does begin with perhaps the single most intense and attention-grabbing use of the in-medius-rest narrative technique..."
"Stanley Kubrick is what we call a complete filmmaker."
"Nobody else could have made this movie feel this way."
"Scorsese's films often aren't about what they seem to be about."
"It's fun action comedy, it's Edgar Wright, that's where he makes his bones."
"Wes Craven cleverly uses claustrophobic camera angles to add suspense to the scene."
"The choice to roll the credits at the 40-minute mark draws attention to the length of the film itself. When the credits drop, it's as if Hamaguchi is saying, 'Here is my film the way I want it, haters be damned.'"
"Del Toro's version is the best. That was freaking obvious."
"Christopher Nolan is a great director. There is such a small number of filmmakers with the track record and style as consistent and strong as his."
"It's why video essayists are particularly fond of him, because there's always more to discuss about his films."
"Love it or hate it, you can't deny the prowess of Edgar Wright in terms of achieving his vision."
"I'm shocked people like his movies honestly."
"It's the most challenging one that Alex Garland has."
"I love James Wan. I don't love all of his movies but I love him as a director and I think that he brings a lot of passion and personality to his films."
"Tokyo Godfather's: a masterpiece from Satoshi Cohn that is as close to a perfect Christmas movie as you can get."
"In a sea of Christmas movies that beat you over the head with their Christian overtones and messages, it is really nice to watch one from a director who's confident enough to let his view of the world speak for itself."
"The finished film still appeared to have Edgar Wright's fingerprints all over it."
"Guy Ritchie achieves in just under 2 minutes what takes Christopher Nolan the entirety of act 1."
"Lars von Trier's films fly in the face of convention, and his psychological horror piece Antichrist is yet another example of his singular vision."
"James Gunn loves these characters, knows his formula by now."
"This is where the Raimi films work so well, because Raimi is enough of a weirdo to make the villains compelling, but he also cares enough about Peter Parker."
"Tenet is arguably the most nolani movie of all."
"Liz and the Blue Bird is the strongest showcase of Yamada's style yet, my favorite film of 2018 and beyond."
"I think Spielberg's strength here is that he really dove into the nostalgia."
"Sam Raimi's Spider-Man is first and foremost a Sam Raimi movie."
"I buy it, I'll follow Pacific Rim and Guillermo's fingerprints until the end."
"I'm still on board with Joss Whedon's Justice League."
"I think nobody else could make this film but Quentin." - David Heyman
"James Cameron knows when to show off visually."
"I like his style and I like that you can watch a Danny Boyle film and be like this is him even if you didn't know beforehand you could watch it and be like this is definitely a Danny Boyle film."
"Rob Zombie's Halloween 2: A misunderstood masterpiece of pure genius or a bad movie with an incoherent lazy script?"
"Donner just captured that movie with the right atmosphere and tone."
"A movie directed by Stanley Kubrick is often always described by mentioning him. It's a Kubrick film."
"It is so refreshing to see a director make so many anime starring adults."
"Every movie has realistic good looking effects but what's impressive is how they're utilized and like his shot choices and there's always this like great sense of scale to everything."
"The new one doesn't feel like any movie from that era, it feels like a Villeneuve movie, he's got his own style."
"Knives Out is amazing... Rian clearly had no interest in writing this time, he's able to craft an intriguing murder mystery from the ground up."
"Sam Raimi is one of the very few directors who can combine action horror drama and comedy and make it work and not have it turn into an uneven movie with his tone and style."
"Del Toro brings a touch of poetic eeriness to Hellboy. He's a force of nature."
"I'm wrestling with this because as much as I feel like a lot of the flaws of Batman vs Superman Dule was Zack Snyder and how he directed the movie I still really like him as a visionary like what he visually puts on screen so much."
"No scene epitomizes Wi Titi's genius better than the Gladiator scene."
"Filmmakers like John Favreau view the world through a particular lens."
"Every Paul Thomas Anderson film demands a re-watch and a rethinking, yes every single one."
"Snyder stays on these people for 74 seconds so we can hear their song and briefly exist for a moment in their world."
"I love James Gunn's use of Music in his movies and shows."
"Psycho, no without question. Psycho is different from any other movie that Hitchcock made because it's an actual horror movie."
"The casting choices that Robert Rodriguez makes in his movies are wonderful."
"David Cronenberg, he knows exactly what he wants."
"It's a simple straightforward story told with excellence by John Carpenter."
"The Brian De Palma movie, even if you're not interested in the story, it's a really great movie visually, technically."
"The humor in this movie is great; Edgar Wright is the master of visual comedy and timing."
"I think Quentin Tarantino's 1,000% right. Look, when you get into these Quentin Tarantino movies, whether it's Inglorious Basterds or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, he clearly takes a lot of liberty."
"Let's bring it back to Age of Ultron. The fact that they just let Whedon do his own weird little thing for the second Avengers movie is kinda wild."
"If getting Taika Waititi back means we're gonna get more of that balance, more that incredibly dark heavy dramatic stuff with the incredibly jovial light funny entertaining stuff I'm all for it 100%."
"I cannot wait to watch another Anurag Kashyap film."
"The thing about Wes Anderson though is that he holds a very special place in my heart. Mr. Fox was probably the first movie I ever fell in love with and I owe my love for film to him."
"Matthew Vaughn takes these weird kind of properties and turns them into something infinitely watchable."
"People loved the Snyder cut and the Snyder verse."
"Dune Messiah is about just how problematic a hero can be."
"I think Villeneuve is mostly very restrained."
"Flaws and all I like the movie that Zack Snyder delivered."
"If you like Stanley Kubrick movies, there's a very good chance you're gonna like 'Under the Skin'."
"I don't know if that's ever gonna happen but look Martin Scorsese is gonna make this movie right the Irishman."
"This movie looks incredible. Stanley Kubrick was able to bring things to life in a way that nobody else really was."
"At least they were trying to make a Superman movie unlike Zack Snyder."
"Michael Bay's vision turned childhood nostalgia into blockbuster gold."
"The thing about Na Hong-jin - and you’ll know this if you’ve seen his other films - is that he always asks one question when constructing a scene: who has the information?"
"To see somebody can be that sure of something so quickly, that's one likable quality in a director."
"Blomkamp nailed the filthy cyberpunk future."
"Jordan Peele is really continuing to develop his sense of filmmaking and his own personal style."
"Shinto is a considerable influence on this film and other pieces by this director."
"Marvel has always tried to really jump into the comedy... The Russos got their start in sitcoms."
"This movie was an absolute love letter to the Snyder verse."
"Murnau was a cinematic director in the purest sense of the term; he understood the power of an image."
"I loved it. I mean, look, between Slither, The Suicide Squad, and this, James Gunn has a way with alien invasion."
"This isn't a supernatural story but like most of his movies it contains three major elements: fear, anxiety, and a sense of humor."
"I kind of like Zack Snyder's work. One of the things about Zack Snyder that you really see in this movie and in all of his other movies that have to do with comic books is..."
"The fact that there is so much mystique around Chris Nolan's next movie... feeds into this perfectly."
"Zack Snyder is a guy who, whatever you want to think about Batman vs Superman, he is doing Justice League." - Ellis
"Inception is one of the better examples from him of that."
"Zack Snyder's work likened to Stanley Kubrick's."
"He knows cinema is a language and has a verbose vocabulary of references."
"Zack's broken gun-guzzling Batman... is the most raw, unfiltered, uncompromising perspective of a unique artist."
"Drag me to hell. Great movie honestly, one of Sam Raimi's like, it's gotta be in the Raimi top five."
"There's just something special about those Raimi films, so much heart and soul."
"If you like Zack Snyder's stuff... we already know we like Zack Snyder's approach to the DC material."
"I think James Gunn is a good director and he has a good sense of humor."
"Zack Snyder as divisive and polarizing as he can be I think knows how to deliver movies that actually make an impact."
"Colin Trevorrow delivered a Star Wars adventure that felt like a Star Wars adventure."
"I think Guy Ritchie takes stories that are a little more predictable and executes them in a very unique way."
"Antoine Fuqua makes up for a lot of the meandering by using the camera to tell a visual story."
"Nolan is a filmmaker I've respected for quite a while because he's basically the perfect midpoint between a blockbuster filmmaker and a prestigious filmmaker."
"Wonder Woman did everything it needed to and then some, serving as an effective origin story as well as a superhero adventure that stood on its own."
"That's the thing about Jordan Peele... horror, dread, and comedy mixed perfectly."
"Watching any Tarantino movie is like being transported into the mind of an extremely talented director."
"This is unabashedly a James Gunn movie and all the things that he does well, this movie does well."
"Always a pleasure to watch Spielberg take shots at Nazis."
"John Carpenter knows what he's doing. Foreshadowing is an element that is in all of his movies."
"Chasing Amy was truly a return to form for Kevin Smith."
"Wes Anderson is a conductor of an orchestra and all of us are players of our particular instrument."
"The best directors in the world are super economic, you know they really are, they strip all that away that like you don't need to be worrying about and it's just like let's focus on telling truth of this situation."
"It's interesting how we've kind of seen that all of his films deal with that similar kind of theme, don't they?"
"Midnight Mass still feels very much like a Mike Flanagan production."
"I'm so excited about Disappointment Boulevard especially because he's switching up the genre a little bit this is described as a comedy horror."
"It had personality, it felt like Matt Reeves' personal take on the character."
"Robert Eggers knows exactly what he's doing... he obviously understands the rhythm and his style... he knows exactly how to direct."
"I think it's the best live-action Batman film. Burton's a better director in it. The editing is better. It's not as choppy as the first movie. Batman Returns, the editing is so much better."
"Frailty of which I have many I absolutely love that premise and I love the way that Bill Paxton presents it as a director in such a subdued and old school Hollywood way."
"It's a movie that just really felt self-indulgent for Quentin Tarantino."
"Will this be the movie where Brad Bird gets over himself?"
"I can't see Joel Schumacher doing a dark Batman movie."
"Even the most casual of Tarantino fans is well aware of the filmmaker's comical fascination with feet."
"Scorsese himself called it the most violent film in his repertoire, which really demands a closer study."
"It's these moments that really, he figured out a way through his directing styles to take you into the people's heads."
"Everybody has an opinion about Zack Snyder's films and style."
"It felt like a Wes Craven movie, and it felt like one of Wes Craven's better movies."
"This undoubtedly belongs in Raimi's filmography."
"Every director has his own way of working; he was unique."
"I love when a director is able to really give a project his signature."
"Great style and personality, very subtly versatile director, different tones and feels without being too drastically different."
"He's one of the last of the dying breed of great directors that really cares about letting a moment be the moment the way it's supposed to be."
"I love Rob Zombie as a director, I think he's got a cool style."
"I wish he would push himself outside his comfort zone more as he ages and work with interesting directors on more unique projects."
"Even when I struggle with certain films that he makes, there are always moments in it that captivate me, that haunt me."
"Executed with an endearing B-movie charm that has all the idiosyncrasies M. Night Shyamalan is famous for."
"What does it mean for a director to have style?"
"He uses slow motion, he shoots visuals in an indirect unexpected way, he relies on strong exaggerated colors, he utilizes focus and blur."
"I gotta tell you man, I really love Taika Waititi's style."
"You can instantly tell that it's a De Palma movie just from a few minutes of watching one of his films."
"It's so well captured, you can really tell shinichiro watanabe's love of film Noir in this short."
"It's the most Wes Anderson movie ever made and also the boldest departure in his filmmaking."
"This movie is like if Sam Peckinpah decided he wanted to make an X-Men movie."
"You won't be disappointed if you are a Wes Anderson fan."
"My favorite Edward Norton performance and my favorite Wes Anderson film is the Grand Budapest Hotel."
"Through his films, Wong Kar-wai has developed his own visual and narrative style to represent in a personal way his conception of love and loneliness."
"It's got to be, 'I'm going to do it,' and Gareth very much that."
"It's like Tim Burton's most human movie to me."
"This is really what made Spielberg Spielberg."
"I want to see hardcore Michael Mann Batman."