
Drug Awareness Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Fentanyl is FDA approved. Most people don't know this."
"Say yes to your life, and when it comes to drugs. Just say no."
"Before you rush to hate this video or mistakenly believe that this is going to help in making them ban kratom, you really do need to hear me out."
"He issued a warning to people considering drug use, essentially saying that they should be careful or they might end up being like him."
"You need to articulate what's wrong with certain things in our culture, particularly the drug thing."
"As many of our listeners know, we lost our son on his fourth day of college to an accidental overdose of fentanyl-laced heroin."
"Caffeine is a drug with addictive properties, but unlike the others, it does not have any age restrictions."
"Don't do crack, kids. It's not good for you."
"The environment gave me at least I was able to look around and see the damage drugs were causing these other people."
"Without a doubt, he's got a lethal fentanyl level."
"Crack became such a hot-button issue in American culture that bizarre public service announcements were televised across the US."
"One pill that contains fentanyl can kill and that's where 71,000 of the 108,000 Americans who died of drug overdoses have died from."
"You do not need to take drugs to look good and to be strong, right? Particularly for like teenage boys out there."
"Just 2 milligrams of fentanyl can be a fatal dose." - Governor DeSantis
"Seriously kids, don't smoke crack."
"Please let this be a warning sign. Meth is a terrible drug, and stimulants in general are playing with fire for anyone with an addictive personality type."
"I have respect for MDMA now. I realize how beautiful and dangerous of a substance it is."
"Brian's death will not be in vain. He will live on in the people that see the post about him and decide to test their stuff and realize it's not what appears to be."
"Don't do drugs. Drugs aren't funny, they ruin lives."
"I learned that night that drugs are not something to be taken lightly and life is worth the pain."
"I learned just how dangerous these drugs can be, and I'm lucky it wasn't one of the more lethal ones."
"One thing about drugs, it doesn't care what color you are or what race you are."
"Hope this video could help someone out, I hope um, you know, hope you learned a little bit, um, you know, doing hardcore drugs like that is just a crazy road, man."
"Always remember, people: nugs, not drugs."
"Protector is Jason Hart, a vigilante who focused on drug awareness and fighting drug syndicates."
"The mandate... is to provide awareness of crystal meth and provide a level of education about crystal meth so that people are going to be in a position where they can make more logical and hopefully very healthy decisions about crystal meth."
"It's not just a little pill; respect the power of that pill. Just because it's a prescription, it is every bit as deadly and every bit as addictive."
"You know, we're a big proponent of better education for young people at the earliest possible age. Show them what the effects are, the negative effects of narcotics."
"Don't do drugs kids, you'll end up like this one."
"She could have opened up a class in college to teach younger people about the addictions of drugs."
"With knowledge comes power, and if you don't know about performance-enhancing drugs, the good, the bad, and the ugly, how can you possibly make an educated and informed decision on whether or not you should be taking them?"
"Drugs most likely can or will ruin your life."
"The dangers of fentanyl are real, and this drug is killing our communities."
"It's not about the treatment, it's about prevention. How can we educate, particularly our youngsters, to stay away from drugs?"
"The best way to prevent drug use starts with a good quality, comprehensive education on the topic."
"I'm on a mission because when half a million people have died from drugs and alcohol in the last 10 years, I can't stay silent."
"You're too special to do drugs. Don't do drugs, don't die and go away."
"No one ever says, 'I want to be a junkie when I grow up.' Don't let drugs get in the way of your dreams."
"Don't be afraid to say no. Anyone that says and uses drugs is not your friend."
"Many of you using drugs out there now are under 18. Do you realize that at 18, you have lived only one fourth of your life?"
"Malcolm warned against the drug threat long before it had become a popular issue."
"Drugs are addictive; that's why I never wanted to put myself in that situation."
"Nobody should be pressuring you... you shouldn't be hanging around with anyone who pressures you to do drugs."
"Let me be clear, I am in no way trivializing drug use, especially illicit drug use that could cost people's lives."
"I'm surprised how I'm here, and drugs are bad."
"Don't do drugs and don't pick individual stocks."
"You should never do drugs... you don't know what they're putting in them drugs these days."