
Propriety Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Judges should maintain the dignity of judicial office at all times and avoid both impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in their professional and personal lives."
"If you want to feel more comfortable, you are not doing anything inappropriate."
"Listen, you [__] put your tits away. This is all coming from women."
"Words matter and if you use a word in its proper context it should not be considered offensive."
"Words, just like other things, shouldn't be for everyone."
"You can't have people men and women going topless at the White House in front of children uh it's the white house not the beach."
"There’s nothing inherently nefarious about notifying an Attorney General. It would only be, of course, improper if he or she did something to thwart or undermine the case."
"You wouldn't ask the guy who doesn't live there if you can stay."
"A real lady knows there's a proper time for everything."
"Profanity around me, I don't like profanity. I think a woman should always be a lady."
"You don't put a gun to the Queen's head, you don't go public and say what you want."
"To subdue oneself and return to propriety is perfect virtue."
"Let the superior man never fail reverentially to order his own conduct and let him be respectful to others and observant of propriety."
"She will say exactly what she deems proper and not a word more."
"Music is improper for a young lady." "What, does your mother consider passion, then? Sitting around reading the—"
"No one absolutely no man walking upon the face of the earth had permission to put his arms around Elaine in such a manner."
"It was so romantic, even if it was shockingly improper."
"She probably should have been out there with the rest of the guests playing keep lady. That was what would have been proper."
"Who in their right mind would go up to a complete stranger and just ask for some of their property simply because their kid walked up to them and expressed some kind of interest in it?"
"There is a time and place to show off your body, and this was not the time and definitely not the place."
"Charity doth not behave itself unseemly."
"I should not be even smirking at this, I should be just looking down at it."
"Somehow she made 'earth' sound proper."
"The distinction will become clearer if we ask who will be qualified to determine sentences when sentences are no longer held to derive their propriety from the criminal's deservings."
"Your assistance, Miss Arlen?" he asked, lowering his voice.
"If I kiss you, Miss Twiggy, I will then have to deposit myself in front of your uncle."
"It's like you'll bring dishonor to a friendly."
"Let's get our minds out of the gutter."
"I'm a man, a girl your age shouldn't be asking the opposite."
"I love propriety, I love longing, I love drawn out and dramatic pacing."
"I do think what she did, which was flashing her breasts 110, was inappropriate, but both were used to create this firestorm in the media."
"That's why I didn't do it on the table."
"Miss Elizabeth Bennett, in her unfortunate situation, acted the part of a perfect lady," Bingley remarked.
"It would be beyond you to ever do anything improper to call attention to yourself."
"I do curse, but I don't cuss openly around them."
"There may be some who would say that it isn't proper for a lady to feel the way I do, but just the thought of actually sailing across the ocean, heading for some undiscovered tropical island, is just... Well, I suppose it seems rather silly my going on like this."
"I cannot wish the fault undone, the issue of it being so proper."
"I would behave with the respect and decency appropriate to your rank and importance."
"Everyone must do his own work but help of a kind above indicated is surely most worthy and proper."
"But make sure everything is done in decency and order."
"A prosecutor should avoid appearance of impropriety in performing the prosecution function."
"We're gonna try to keep it clean, right in education."
"A gentleman wouldn't interest himself in gossip, my dear."
"There's nothing at all wrong with being goodly, like the Bible says."
"I feel like it's a little inappropriate sometimes."
"But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner."
"Even the most proper ladies who wear white gloves and hats have another side to their nature."
"But let all things be done properly, and in an orderly manner."
"Let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner."
"People know me as a gentleman, and I never, ever swear on camera."
"Speaking to the opposite gender with the intention of getting to know them for marriage is completely fine."
"Be courteous because it's the right thing to do and always stay cool."
"He's a traditional guy, he has to do things properly."
"Use words that are appropriate. The Prophet's speech was polite; he never used obscene language."
"They loved with mutual sincerity but were both determined not to transgress the rules of propriety by owning their attachment either to the object beloved or to anyone else."
"There is something a little stately in him, to be sure," replied her aunt, "but it is confined to his air, and is not unbecoming."
"It was okay to see a joint, but it was never okay to feel one."
"All things should be done decently and in order."
"He looks very proper, yeah he does. Looks distinguished."
"He consistently seeks to preserve order and decorum; does not gossip and guards his friends' reputations as though they were his own."
"What is popular may not be necessarily what is proper."
"The women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation."
"Enough, Lady Catherine! How dare you enter my home and speak to my intended in such an offensive manner?"
"How was he to keep his distance from Miss Elizabeth?"
"There's a way to go about things properly."
"Public displays, no matter how well-intended and no matter how understandable, have no place in a court of law."
"He has never put me in any Harm's Way or ever done anything inappropriate with me or anyone that I know of."
"You're not using any inappropriate language, making sure it's quite formal and appropriate to the situation and the audience."
"A British Customs official would never open a lady's lingerie case."
"The proper way in giving is according to the scriptures."
"It is never proper for anyone under any circumstances to force themselves upon you."
"But all things should be done decently and in order."
"That would not be an appropriate judicial role."
"That's what I call professional and proper."
"To comport oneself with perfect propriety in polygonal society, one ought to be a polygon oneself."
"It's a good job we king penguins know how to behave."
"The very idea that any group can have an internal rule about what is proper and then externalize and say we are offended if anybody else not in our group breaks that rule is just not appropriate."
"Let everything be done in a fitting and proper manner."
"Sometimes Mr. Knight does things too properly; it's during these times that Moon Knight walks."
"I'm a mom as well, and I would definitely want to make sure that anything that occurred was proper."
"Let everything be done decent in order."
"All things are proper, and if you eat them with Thanksgiving, they are made clean."
"Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving."
"Passionate love between a man and a woman is deemed proper and justified by heaven and earth."
"They're coming back more proper this time."
"Love the right kind of love, the kind of love that comes and finds you, does things properly."