
Current Relevance Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Overcoming adversity is also a big thing right now."
"Neutrality is not an option. That's not an option right now."
"It's that type of moral courage and conviction that we need right now."
"Steve Diggle said, 'This is a very bad time to be rich,' and he's even more right today."
"It's nice to speak about this stuff kind of frankly, especially when you're feeling it could be dishonest for us to be doing anything else right now."
"Physical copies of books may be difficult to get, making audiobooks even more awesome right now."
"She's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment."
"Severance is easily the best show on television right now."
"If there's ever been a time to nail down the spiritual practices that keep you sane, it's right now."
"Relationships have never been more important than they are right now."
"Relationships are essential to many parts of how we live our lives... Relationships are a big deal right now."
"I love everything that he's standing for right now."
"Maybe it should be considered as a better representation than some of the ones we're getting today..."
"We need Independent Media now more than ever."
"Do things that make you happy, now it's more important than ever."
"The best resources are the ones that are famous right now." - Marshall
"Alternative media has never been more important than it is right now."
"So, defiance, I think defiance is so damn important, especially now."
"Study the details, and we can make more connections from the ancient battles to our current reality."
"Taliyah just looks like an absolute powerhouse right now."
"We need truth, we need hard cold facts and truth now more than we ever have before."
"There is something tremendous happening right now."
"Numbers are upgrades, well at the moment numbers matters more."
"Overall, the core gameplay of Warframe is still incredibly fun in 2022."
"Nobody alive today owned slaves and nobody alive today was ever a slave."
"We are living in probably the most important time in history."
"Arsenal is worth all of the hype that they're getting at the moment."
"Nobody's talking about this [ __ ] show except us right now."
"I think it's best right now it resonates with a lot of people."
"There's not a player in the world that you'd rather have than Erling Haaland right now."
"Consistency is key, especially now more than ever."
"Given what's going on now, we all really need to get our sleep."
"Your response and the way you're feeling is so important, especially right now."
"How important is that right now have a place where people can try to come together?"
"Mental wellness is needed now more than ever." - Hip Tran
"I think he's good... just not in the meta right now."
"The very thing that you're doing, the very way that you're engaging, I think we need that right now."
"Patience has never really been my thing but I think right now it's extremely important to exercise some."
"If you've had all been struggling to find people that are meaningful in your life it took me 20 for almost 25 years to find like a group of humans that I really loved spending my time with."
"The work that homemakers do is so important now more than ever."
"This is what matters right now... stay healthy and stay safe."
"The importance of verifiable truth, and that's more important now than ever."
"We need to make sure everybody gets excited around this, again, bonus is really important to a lot of us especially now."
"It's a good time to be just an old-fashioned social democrat."
"Taylor Swift is obviously one of the biggest artists in the world right now."
"There has never been a better time to have this type of conversations and put the effort in."
"We are in a prophetic moment here, these are not normal times."
"Whether it's a flat earth or a round globe... all that matters is that this is where we live right now."
"If ever there was the perfect person to represent Chelsea at this moment, it's Thomas Tuchel."
"More information gets people searching for the truth."
"Now more than ever it's the time to be innovative."
"That's something that our country needs right now."
"And who wouldn't want to feel a little bit better in the current state of affairs absolutely absolutely."
"She's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment. Now come on now."
"Do I think metaverses are the future? I think they're already here."
"You are literally where the sport is right now."
"It's still happening today even though I've got cases that are quite old it's still going on today so this hasn't ended."
"If you understand the fundamentals, it can be really powerful in our current time."
"I think that routine is kind of important at the moment."
"We all need to take a break and we all need a little bit of peace right now, more than ever."
"What's really for my best and highest good at this time?"