
Industry Knowledge Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Educating yourself, whatever industry that you want to get into, really learn it."
"Make sure you know and keep up with where people happen to be in the industry so this could take months or even years."
"The average person doesn't have teams of people who know the industry to help them out and guide them in the right direction."
"You don't need an agent if you're a small creator... I didn't really know my worth, I didn't know anything about the industry."
"Dave Filoni gets that, Jon Favreau gets that, Taika Waititi gets that."
"One of the best ways to get this information is either on forums or on blogs industry professionals are all over those places."
"Game developers have sort of a vested interest to know basically what's the experience that they're shipping with."
"Every feeling that I get from this game is that it's by a company that has an inherent understanding of how to do this genre really really well."
"I think the growers do a ton of work in this industry, and like, the more and more we learn about all this stuff, we're all going to be benefiting."
"Understanding the company in the industry is as important as what skills you enter the door with."
"If your claims can be disproven by your own sources, then it shows that you're willing to cherry-pick examples and push an agenda."
"Criticism is a craft, criticism can be an art. You gotta understand the industry you're criticizing in the first place."
"Birdman, Birdman, yo Gotti and a few other rappers executive came up here and kicked so much knowledge."
"I came here looking to make partners with you at a very reasonable valuation that was done by experts not by someone that says well I see what the wine industry is."
"Pat Patterson is widely considered to be one of the greatest minds in pro wrestling history."
"Thanks for taking time to talk to us today. I know we've all got lots of questions about boat design."
"We're really starting to get to know the key players in the industry."
"If we had known the restaurant business very well we probably wouldn't have done it."
"I know what Barbie collab is coming on the pipe from a year from now. I can tell you exactly how she's gonna die and what's gonna happen to her family and I love that about me."
"It's really really important that you do discovery upfront, you leverage their knowledge, you do the research."
"Griffin is a super smart guy, an even smarter filmmaker, and as somebody that watched a whole lot of him when he was hosting on Indy Mogul, I was super excited to catch up here."
"When you go to the industry, you need to have knowledge in several fields."
"It's super high quality. It's not the cheap Chinese crap that you see on a lot of the knockoffs. I'm saying I know the industry. It's good fabric."
"I know everything there is to know about Santa Mach Studios. I know I'm gonna kill it."
"Developers who can understand the vocabulary of the industry."
"One of the things that cannot be replicated is in-person connection and networking with other landscapers in this industry."
"There is a way for you to ensure that you have the skills you need to evolve alongside Instagram and that is to schedule time every single week to catch yourself up on the industry and to learn."
"We're going to take a page out of the consolidated uranium book."
"If you don't have this under control, not only are you going to be missing out on basically free money, but it's also showing that you don't have an understanding of the industry."
"Seller finance is powerful commonly known to agents, title companies, brokers, commonly known to closing attorneys."
"We don't want to invest in a business where industry expertise is going to be the key variable because we don't have it."
"The more you know about this industry, the better off you're going to be."
"We're not going to evaporate the oil in the system that is an old wives tale it's bad information that came across the industry."
"One of the things I tell people all the time is, if you want to leverage your skills and perhaps even bring something to the table that other technical people don't have, get a job in your same industry but get that job with the IT department."
"When you understand the ins and outs of all of these industries... even if the job gets automated at some point... you'll be in a much better position since you know how it works."
"We feel comfortable touring, two people that understand their industry a lot better."
"In order to be a true financial professional, it's important that you know some market history and you understand the industry you're working in."
"There's so much in our industry that I'm still learning about 13 years in."
"Each of us had so much knowledge of game development for 10 years before that point."
"Be the most knowledgeable about your industry and have the most technical skills around it."
"Your competitive edge has to be that you can bring to the sector knowledge that most people who are novices cannot bring."
"I think there shouldn't be a firm out there that is more knowledgeable about this entire space than us there just shouldn't be."
"You're an amazing talent, but what you're not exactly good at, what you're still a novice at, is understanding how this business works."
"He's got something, yep, and he understands he has a clear understanding of where the industry is."
"There are those that have a genuine skill set and ability, and there are those that see an opportunity and know the business structure of how to move forward."
"I know this arena, and I can make this film."
"We only invest in industries we understand and where our skills translate over to."
"If you're willing to work hard, study and learn not just the craft of acting but also the business of the industry, and you're willing to be a professional in every sense of the word, then I have no doubt that you have got a shot at making this your career."
"Albert has worked in every major segment of the industry: research, quality assurance, regulatory affairs, manufacturing, and clinical."
"You want to pick a niche, understand your industry, and know who your audience is."
"The best way to get into an industry that could be lucrative for you is to pick an industry that you are familiar with."
"Gaining firsthand experience is essential to truly grasp the inner workings of any industry."
"The best way to figure out how to make a working sawmill is to visit a working sawmill."
"Big Tobacco knew that smoking caused cancer and that nicotine was addictive."
"Understanding industry context and how much that will change from moving from that tick box administrator to really being that strategic partner."
"It makes you look good, it makes you look like you're knowledgeable in this industry."
"Finding out what the industry works like... is something you have to understand because you have to know how blockchain works."
"One of the coolest things about working at Motor Trend is learning and understanding the industry."
"Are you knowledgeable about the subject? Can you find clients in that industry? Then you'll be fine."
"This is where we like to share our experience with you to help you be prepared for the trucking industry."
"This business can be rough, and the more knowledge you have, the more power you have to negotiate."
"You take the people that are your bud tenders and you do put them through a system where you bring them to farms, you let them get a good exposure, you got to put in the homework."
"The industry knows right now that they are the safest battery type we have."
"Understanding the business and the industry in which it operates comes in real handy."
"It's nice to have someone who knows the business but is not trying to be in the front of every picture."
"I learned everything there is to know about that industry."
"Understand the industry that the client operates in, the laws and regulations that apply to this business."
"Knowing industry policies and best practices especially with email goes a long way."
"Master the craft, master the art of learning, master the art of your industry."
"If you're well-meaning for the music industry, before you speak, seek knowledge."
"So many gigs, you know, there's so many industries out there where no one knows them until you work there."
"Understand your industry and know what is obtainable."
"Focus on industries that we already have some capability of understanding."
"If you go home every day and you spend one hour towards learning towards your field, within one year of doing that, you'll be ahead of 50% of the people in your industry."
"You've got to put in the effort to know more about your industry than anybody else."
"It allows me to speak to people that are really clued in, people that have done a lot of work in the industry, and allows me to help newer shooters to make more informed decisions."
"It's not just about having a great idea; it's about doing enough research to really understand the industry."
"Investors and analysts will have more confidence in understanding the insurance industry."
"If you understand these strategies, you will really stand out in the industry."
"Make sure you understand the industry and the ecosystem that you're investing in."
"You know what industry you are, you know the community, you know your fans."
"Mastering has been an elusive topic to me for many years, shrouded in mystery and industry secrets."
"The more you know about the best tools in the industry, the better prepared you'll be personally to meet that future."
"You have to be curious about your industry."
"You have to rely on the experts who talk to not just your company but hundreds of companies daily about this very topic."
"Tim did it ever occur to you that someone who is as deep in the industry as Kanye for as long as him just might know what's going on behind the scenes?"
"It's like getting a lecture from Harvard or Columbia, but I think it might be even better because it's by someone that's very experienced and knowledgeable in the specific industry."
"We know the industry we're in. I love doing what I'm doing."
"It's important to know in the business there's down to a roadie all the way up to a business manager."
"If you stay in the industry for long enough and get into positions of power where this is your call, just remember this so that you're making decisions based on actual science."