
Delay Quotes

There are 676 quotes

"Justice delayed is not justice denied, so long as justice ultimately arrives."
"2020 has certainly given me lots of surprises, and one of those has to be that Cyberpunk 2077 has now been delayed to December 10th."
"Justice is delayed here, I hope it is not denied."
"Flint is the example. It shouldn't take this long, but it has to be done."
"The only actual delay announcement this week was for Saints Row...so this is not in response to that, this is just more dev time to finish and polish the game."
"Actual Prejudice is not needed when the extraordinary length of delay raises a presumption of actual Prejudice." - Grizzard V State 301 Georgia appeals 613
"It's not ready from a business point. Why would they wait longer?"
"One of the reasons why delay helps us is that our understanding of this virus improves week on week."
"Updates since 2018 have been few and far between."
"Bad news guys," he says, "that the development of Overwatch 2 is going slow, that they're going to be delaying its release."
"This thing would have all been over with two years ago... but they waited and waited and waited."
"They weren't released professionally until 1997."
"Valve did announce yesterday that it has been delayed but only by two months."
"How could a project with this level of talent, a budget over four times its original goal, and delivered fifteen months late, be so mismanaged?"
"Delaying a game is necessary to preserve the vision."
"There should be an absolute investigation into what the hell happened why it took so long."
"Jake's probably not gonna be another video for another few months and now I'll probably have a few years even like that's see you guys."
"Redout 2... got a surprise delay... reviews for it though are generally favorable."
"The resolution of problems caused by delays is coming."
"Everything that you wanted is showing up the way that you'd hoped for, even after a period of delay."
"The dollar milkshake is delayed but not defeated."
"Plans to further ease England's coronavirus lockdown have been put on hold."
"Thanks for doing it, a couple weeks late but thanks for doing it nonetheless."
"Starfield looks good, but it's gonna get delayed. That's just how it is." - Offering a prediction about an upcoming game release.
"This particular mission has been delayed for a couple times... finally they are back to sort of make its return to flight so to speak." - Perseverance through delays.
"Here is my verdict on what should be done if Dice and EA want this game to be great: fantastic. It needs to be delayed another year."
"The longer you let it go, the worse health outcomes you're going to have."
"It seems you have finally made up your mind, the Luna goddess Festival has been delayed for a full three years awaiting your response."
"How long did it take before we came over to talk to you because you had apparently told one of the jailers too that did we keep you waiting a long time before we got up here today?"
"Justice delayed is Justice denied, but not in this case."
"The road ahead is being delayed to June... unfortunate, but we'll wait... it's gonna happen one way or another."
"It would take his representative almost three years to say that they believed Alice after we contacted them last week."
"This change perhaps delays as well as making room for the soulmate for something or someone that is better suited for you."
"We passed this bill three months ago while McConnell pressed the pause button."
"Just a couple more weeks, okay? And I mean it this time."
"The world's longest wait for a vehicle ever."
"Procrastination isn't bad, it's human nature."
"I'm sorry Carmen, but I'm not going to get to the meeting on time. There was a delay coming into the airport."
"This bill should have been passed and brought into the house a long time ago."
"Being delayed doesn't necessarily mean that battle mage is delayed too."
"It was ridiculous that it took this long for it to get on there. Thankfully, it's done." - Jonathan
"Few sporting competitions could have such a beautiful arena."
"Repentance is the key; revival is delayed by the disobedience of preachers."
"There's some sort of end to delay or you know, you finally making a decision here. You guys may have been procrastinating making a decision, you finally make it."
"Wow, that one took a little bit to come out."
"This has worked so well that I'm kind of wondering why I waited so long to get it."
"Embrace the delay, try to enjoy the delay, and see if you can't do something with it."
"It takes an incredibly long time for these cases to go to trial leaving families to sometimes wait over a decade to get justice for their loved ones."
"This cornbread ain't done cooking yet, Aries. They got a bunch of stuff going on over here."
"Justice may have been delayed but it is not denied."
"They're trying to figure out a way to get out of this situation, but there's a holdup."
"Justice delayed is Justice denied I think this is too much time has gone in this."
"Tesla still plans to make the Cybertruck; it will just be later than expected."
"Something that's been super delayed in 2023 is finally going to move forward for you."
"The court's ruling also suspends candidate filing dates for the 2022 primary elections." - NTD News
"It was crazy watching the process behind it and like you constantly pushing the date back."
"It is insane that this took me half an hour longer than normal to get at this point."
"Why had his friends and family waited 7 months to tell the police?"
"The astounding event was not investigated until 1921."
"Latency is the measurement of delay between the time data is requested when the data starts being returned."
"I'm actually excited that they're willing to delay this movie rather than just toss it out half-ass to make a release date."
"Procrastination is the thief of progress, the silent killer of aspirations."
"We just had to postpone the wedding for a bit, so like a week or a month or 10 years."
"It's definitely a little bit later for whatever reason."
"The greater victory however was in their delay of the Pashtun forces, which allowed reinforcements to arrive at the British forts and prevent their fall."
"In the true spirit of Christmas miracles, their delay only added to their Christmas adventures."
"I'm not putting anything in there for a long, long time."
"Oil seemed to save the Soviet Union in the 1970s but it merely delayed the inevitable."
"Decja might actually be something like a brain processing lag."
"He caught that number two car right in the wrong spot and just lost so much time."
"I'm a little worried but at the same time, I'm probably going to push it off for another week if I'm being honest."
"This delay helped to ensure the success of the Dunkirk evacuation."
"Whatever they want is coming, and the delay is necessary."
"It's shocking that it took until 2023 when we've had multiple Pokémon Snap games."
"They managed this delay super well, giving all passengers $30 worth of vouchers to spend around the airport."
"The wheels of justice are slow, but justice has been served. In the words of Don King, only in America."
"Sometimes it could be something like I'm taking a break from it and I'll revisit it later or maybe I'll pursue it at a later point in my life."
"But just as we entered the hall, someone stopped her to talk."
"I can't really decide, would I be the [__] if I decided to wait to tell him until after his trip? I don't think so. No, I think you've stated perfectly reasonable explanations as to why you shouldn't tell him right away."
"It began as an ordinary dinner party, but one of the guests was late, and we had to wait for him."
"for wb's underwhelming response to Mark pru Savages script ultimately convincing them to shelve the franchise for almost a decade until the next Batman film emerged."
"I let the summer go by before I began to exact my revenge."
"Sorry for the six month delay in between this upload and the last I've been very very busy with University."
"The work that he should have done tonight at an earlier stage have taken him six months."
"Universal had hoped to release the movie in 1981, but it took Lancaster longer than expected to refine the script."
"You're going to have to stop at one, two, three, four, five lights before you get home."
"I truly regret delaying watching this."
"It's better late than never that this movie is finally getting some attention."
"They're gonna have to wait another year for that."
"I'll make it so that... Well, maybe next time."
"Procrastination is related to perfectionism in its very nature of delaying an activity."
"I've had these giveaway T-shirts all ready to be shipped for so long! [small sob] If you're waiting for your giveaway T-shirt... I'm gonna send it out... today."
"Now they're upwards of almost 20 minutes."
"We're still waiting for 166, I'm giving this to like 16580."
"Due to the overflow of traffic and our phone calls right now the average wait per phone call is 9 hours and 46 minutes."
"Why have we not tried this before? Why have I waited so long?"
"What took you so long? Got into some deep water, I suppose."
"We're running late because I personally had to take a poop."
"Better late than never. That is a massive, massive selection."
"Alive ain't always living, sometimes it's just a five-day delay."
"This is delaying your process, everything."
"Sorry for the delay, let's post this video for you guys."
"We won in Canada and the US, but unfortunately, there was a two-year delay in getting the lawsuit endorsed in the US."
"This honestly took me way too long to purchase."
"What the Supreme Court did by delaying this and even now sort of taking this laconical approach, Donald Trump's only interest for this is not 'oh I want to put the trial off,' any defendant wants to put the trial off and never go to trial."
"To me, it is just a real sign of a dysfunctional court system."
"My life does not end and it seems the year-long delay has worked out in my favor."
"Volume 9 took longer than any other volume of Ruby to be made."
"I don't know why we're going to do this sooner but yeah."
"This is so much fun. Why did I wait so long to buy these? This is so fun!"
"It's super cute, I love that place, but like I said, I started this project like five months ago."
"You find the right partner in time; there is always a delay, but Saturn never denies."
"I might have to come back in a few days."
"Procrastination is also a form of sabotage."
"How many times do we delay our own blessings because we're responding out of fear?"
"Seriously, it was supposed to be end of this year."
"It's all about shipping, this is a really exciting day because this stuff was supposed to be here like three weeks ago."
"You know how much time it added to my ETA? 15 minutes, sad."
"The delay was due to mechanical issues, specifically panels missing from the plane's exterior."
"I really don't know what to do. The videos are probably going to be delayed, so I do apologize."
"It's not a question of if you should switch to ShipStation but more why haven't you already?"
"The process of the settlement was slow."
"Delay gratification just one more step."
"Saturn does not deny, he just delays."
"You put your dream on hold because someone you cared about was more important at the moment."
"Big old dash who's it which takes a minute to boot up."
"I love you guys and I really, really hope to be able to have this up for you today, but it just isn't."
"I've talked to so many people that have watched my video and have bought this and all of them have written me and said wow this is great why did I wait so long"
"I did try and get my dad to come out tonight and pick up the boat... He's not going to be able to until tomorrow."
"...I got to install that next week."
"Wow, it's pretty wet as you can see. We got a really late start this morning 'cause we were hoping it would stop."
"The show came right off the heels of the fantastic Green Lantern animated show and Young Justice, a show I know is amazing is just one I haven't watched yet."
"If you wait too long, you could miss the boat."
"If the situation extends to two weeks, it will be catastrophic for global trade."
"A two-week delay would have serious consequences."
"Halo Infinite needed to be delayed."
"CCTV footage was crucial, but police were late in asking for the tapes."
"The train has been delayed, this trip was supposed to be 52, 53 hours, but now it's going on to 60 plus hours... Literally, the sun is about to set."
"Where's Steve? He's dropping the stuff off at his apartment. He said he'd be in a couple of hours."
"I just think that the film has been delayed five times already...they know they've got an absolute stinker on their hands and they're trying to fix it."
"The video is done and then assembled comes out, it just kept getting delayed and delayed probably because of all the stuff having to do with that."
"Miss Ashley, I haven't finished doing my makeup."
"I might leave this wall blank for now."
"Learning can be delayed; this is known as latent learning."
"The snow melt is still lagging. It's still lagging."
"I was about to say something, I'm gonna eat my water cause we're gonna be here for some time."
"Sometimes stuff takes longer than you think it will."
"That's the reason why there's a bit of time-lapse in there."
"The longer they wait, the stronger their enemies will get."
"The Farin was just two weeks into a six-week voyage—it would be ages before it was missed."
"What Atari have done here is create a space for just such a chip and then failed to supply it. The blitted chip wouldn't materialize until Atari released the STE model."
"I think she laid there for a while but yeah, no, took a while for someone to find her."
"We're kind of putting a bit of a pause on the 50 state road trip."
"It's been two years you've been thinking of having this conversation."
"The bill at the North Lake Motel at this point had not been received yet but they wouldn't let them leave the county until they wired that money."
"I'm waiting on my bar should be here 30 minutes."
"I was just kind of sleeping on it."
"It's just for whatever reason, like just didn't go back right away."
"If that happens obviously the process to get new visas could take months."
"The difference between the Green curve the value we could have achieved if we'd done it immediately and the value we actually achieve because we decided to delay."
"The longer you wait, the longer you go without ice cream."
"At that 12:06, that's when the message was sent but it wasn't actually reviewed or viewed by somebody holding Ian's phone until 1:20 that afternoon so roughly an hour and 15 minutes after it was sent it actually somebody opened up iMessage and looked at that message."
"So everything kind of gets behind."
"It's at the point now where I actually resent it just because it's taking so long to come out."
"Even a short delay sets my teeth on edge."
"We've just landed in Toronto for three hours already, we are still at the airport."
"Already? Oh, we are taking our time getting to the end of this ship."
"Better late than never, let's get into the tier rankings."
"I thought I'll just hang around for a little bit longer."
"...they have their thoughts and then over time they're like, 'oh well okay this is taking longer than we thought'..."
"This thing's been on the lift for a couple of weeks now."
"It appears to me that it's going to take a bit longer than you had expected."
"The report of their disappearance to the police came more than 16 hours after they were last seen, a gap filled with increasing anxiety among friends and family."
"Stalling for time, the man still pretending to be frail and innocent says he needs to use the bathroom before he can exit the room."
"I've had these for a bit, my buddy Evan Black sent me these months ago so I'm a slacker."
"It's not about later. That is delay discounting in a nutshell. It's all about now."
"Why did Washington take so long to move against Jim Baker?"
"I think the question isn't why now or what's the need but what took so long."
"This is easily like 17 years too late."
"I'm kind of sad that I waited so long to watch it."
"That took a lot longer than I thought it was going to, so we're gonna grab a little something out of the fridge of wonder, a little cobble for everybody."
"Nothing can happen this week in terms of it moving forwards."
"Why did I wait so long to get one of these?"
"I've been putting it off for about 17 months, it's like why do I do this to myself?"
"Like so many things this year, the tulips are terribly late. Normally they're at their best at the end of April. Here we are in the middle of May, and there's still lots to come."
"Some shit. Fucking that sucks so bad. It took them three years after he died to make it listenable like he had to be dead for three years for it to be released. The album was put into production because LA Reid needed to buy a new boat."
"Let me just shove it in this drawer and deal with it later again, the later aspect of living life."
"Something happened and they couldn't come down until Saturday morning."
"That's the longest it's ever taken to [__] spool up."
"The ability to put off satisfaction for a longer period of time is generally seen as a sign of maturity."
"Wait 24 hours before making a purchase, and if you still feel strongly about it, proceed."
"Delaying intubation resulted in improved outcomes."
"Late arriving troops fumble through the darkness."
"You always say the same thing: later."
"He kept putting them off, putting them off."
"I've been meaning to come out here for the longest time."
"They wouldn't do anything until it came out."
"Hold off on that until maybe a couple videos down the road."
"It's because it takes that much longer."
"While he's here, as you can see, the crew working on the car, he's losing a great deal of time in the pits."