
Onboarding Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"It's a clever way to onboard new players in my opinion, and it gives you a very clear sense of progression."
"This is a great onboarding experience for Nintendo's weirdest franchise."
"It's my job to simplify everything we have, try to make it as simple as possible so that any new person coming in, they can grab it, understand it, and run with it as fast as possible."
"You need to make sure that your onboarding process has everything that they need in order to hit the ground running and to start off on the right foot."
"It would be easier for you to onboard clients. It would also be easier for you to know the tools that you are going to use."
"Employees of a company build onboarding for customers but they build what they think customers want rather than what customers actually want."
"Orientation, now better known by the term onboarding, is the process of introducing new employees to the organization and to their jobs."
"I really wanna tell you, okay, how can you onboard Zig to the company? Like, I guess this is what you want to know here. Most I don't have a good answer for you, unfortunately, it's in my case, it's luck, you know, a lot of luck and more luck and some work."
"Onboarding a new team involves taking them through your team working agreement and ensuring they understand the rules and regulations."
"A single package that contains everything a new employee would need to get started or be required for onboarding a new member."
"Product tours are incredible at helping people get to the point of value fast."
"Make sure they can get through the sign-up flow, make sure they can connect their account, make sure they can use Google login if they need to or whatever the case may be."
"So pouring energy and effort into that first few weeks of experience with an onboarding process that really does a great job of getting them on."
"Onboarding a new employee is one of the complex processes, gathering information at various points from HR, hiring managers, and IT."
"Onboarding is the process of providing assets, guidance, and skills for a role or responsibility."
"Communication, building the culture, even when it comes to onboarding."
"Lead like you're onboarding your entire team."
"Transparent security, easy on-boarding, better online experiences."
"...Discord released a new feature called onboarding which lets users be able to select roles when they join the server and it's way more aesthetically pleasing and efficient than the traditional method with Bots..."
"It's all about creating an experience for a user that enables them to get really seamlessly onboarded."
"This is a huge part of cybersecurity, handling the automation of new hires, handling the provisioning of new accounts and or new access."
"You need a system for onboarding clients."
"What are the choices that are going to make it easier for new developers to come on board and ramp up quickly?"
"Phoenix is a great option to onboard people to Bitcoin and lightning."
"Using role-based permissions will make for a significantly faster employee on-boarding and off-boarding process."
"This is such a nice way to onboard people into using your add-on."
"Onboarding - in business terms - is about a new employee familiarising themselves with the business."
"When you sign up, they have a great onboarding tour, they will lead you by the hand and show you everything in your back office."
"You just have to figure out good on-boarding processes, help people use the software the right way."
"The very first time you use onboarding is very crucial so I think that's why we should focus on the first time user onboarding process."
"This is a big benefit for ease of use and getting people onboarded very simply in a way that's passionate for them."
"When someone joins your company or your organization, then right away there are certain applications that you want to give them access to so they can immediately become productive and do their job."
"It offers a better user experience and better user onboarding."
"Astro actually has a really amazing onboarding experience."
"A successful onboarding process will also leave them wanting to rave about their experience with your services and products."
"Successful onboarding processes not only delivers a wow experience to your clients, but it'll keep longer engagements, bring you raving referrals, and reduce incurred costs."
"I really created excitement before I even got my onboarding call."
"Let's flip the script and envision what a great onboarding experience looks like."
"Congratulations for coming on board, here's your login and password to your custom ClientPortal."
"Every time a new person joins your company, you have the opportunity to make them an ally and start them off using the design system."
"We want to ensure that the new hire feels very well supported and adopts well to your culture."
"You're onboarding yourself and approving yourself; that's how it should be."
"We can automate a proper contract management for an external contractor who's onboarding the team."
"Having a really good onboarding process makes it just so much better for a new employee."
"Once the prospect was hired, we dropped them into a two to three part introduction to company culture."
"It's going to create an awesome onboarding experience and I hope you guys have fun with it."
"How to create an onboarding/tracking checklist for a small business."
"As soon as you sign up for Zoho Books, you will be directed to a quick setup page."
"This was a really quick overview of how you might go about creating a connect onboarding flow."
"Structured onboarding processes can result in a 50% greater new hire productivity."
"Onboarding a new employee is really critical to make sure that they hit the ground running."
"The better you get at delivering this onboarding process to them, the faster they're going to have the positive impact you're looking for in the business."
"Make sure you have that stuff ready before their first day."
"The benefit of doing this ahead of time is that means that on day one when they sit down, they just go through their inbox and accept all the invites."
"Once again, welcome to the your company name family. We are honored and excited to have you on board."
"Connection refers to the vital interpersonal relationships and information networks that new employees must establish."
"Research shows that the trajectory of a new hire's success is set as early as the first two weeks."
"Successful onboarding is a key part of any talent management strategy."
"Effective onboarding will result in faster learning curves for new hires, improved communication, and a more productive and engaged workforce."
"This app is beautiful in that way that it helps out new employees in a structured manner."
"Onboarding is the process of helping new hires adjust to social and performance aspects of their new jobs quickly and smoothly."
"Great onboarding is not just okay onboarding; it's a powerful opportunity to impact the experience and perspective of everyone who joins your team."
"The connection between onboarding and retention isn't always obvious, but a new hire's first day is actually a make-or-break time for retention."
"This is an ideal: you want all team members to have a consistent entrance into your organization."
"We are trying to improve the onboarding experience."