
Gold Mining Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"I'm gonna take this quartz gold ore I found in an old abandoned gold mine, crush it up, smelt it down, and we're gonna find out how much gold is in it."
"I'm really excited that I found a spot underground that has four ounces a ton of gold and I am super excited to get back there this spring and summer and see if I can high grade some more but also see if I can get underground and do a little mining."
"There's enough gold in the world without mining more gold."
"If you want to make money by the gold mining stocks and if you want to get rich, you have to take risk."
"Named for the semi-precious stone found in nearby rocks, Garnet became a booming gold town."
"We made profit, baby! I'm a free gold miner!"
"It's time to get some gold out of the ground again and I gotta say I'm really excited."
"The beta hunt goldmine: a stroke of extraordinary luck."
"So, we're seeing this a lot of areas, gold miners extremely overbought..."
"He controls the biggest gold mines in Zimbabwe right now."
"I was in Vancouver, and I was like, you know, there was a definition of a liar. It's a gold miner saying they saw a hole in the ground."
"Their shortest season ever, they mined 5.6 million dollars worth of gold."
"Well, there's today's gold all dried out, well this week's gold I should say, 7.97 grams from the Trope Creek Mine week number three."
"If you ever wanted to see a visual representation of how much it takes to get this gold, well, this right here is six buckets."
"Around 160,000 tons of gold have been mined by humans. Humans. I like how they specify humans."
"If you want gold exposure, the way to get it is through the miners."
"You can be on a spot and know that there's good gold there, but once you find the actual pay streak, the spec count will go up exponentially."
"Gold mining once gave North Carolina an aura of wealth."
"By befriending one of these gold miners, by working with him, this guy was a great guy, he's so much fun. I mean, we bring tourists to see him, you know? He's involved in research now."
"Parker's journey encapsulates the essence of modern-day gold mining, blending the allure of untold riches with the gritty reality of what it takes to uncover them."
"Mining gold has been a continuous human endeavor for 4 to 10,000 years."
"Chris was saying that this is the location that he brought Paulie and when they got the he got himself a nice nugget Chris did so there is bigger gold here it's just super rare."
"If I had some energy and the weather wasn't so perfect, we might actually get a good gold take today."
"Gold mining is pretty cool, it's exciting. Once you see that first glimmer of gold you'll be hooked."
"Once you see that first glimmer of gold you'll be hooked, trust me."
"You had Newmont, the only gold miner on the S&P 500, up 12 and a half percent."
"In Madre de Dios, 3000 hectares of rainforest are destroyed irreversibly every year as a direct result of gold-mining."
"This is one of the richest spots I have ever worked for alluvial gold."
"They don't participate in traditional gold mining, which is so harmful for the environment."
"Gold on this quartz seam is usually found in these pockets of boxwork quartz with some little crystals in it."
"This is awesome, definitely the most gold I've ever seen in a sluice at one time."
"I want to be running, I want to be slinging, I want to be weighing gold."
"That culvert pipe is like a natural sluice box, a lot of the gold drops out right there in the beginning."
"Gold mining, who needs a gym, right?"
"Well, we did pretty good on that dry washer tailing pile, didn't we? That's pretty awesome gold."
"It's a bloody good day when you can fill your spoon full of gold nuggets and still manage to have a container full of gold."
"I am on a gold-loaded creek here in New Zealand, finding the most gold I've ever found in my life."
"That's the gold from the upper sluice right there, we had three pieces in the lower one, and we probably have a number of hundreds up to maybe a thousand or so pieces in that one."
"I'm about to head down there so I can go and try and get some more of that beautiful shiny yellow North East gold."
"I'm going to take the debris coming off of one of these bluffs, high bank it for a little bit, and see how much gold the Fraser deposited thousands of years ago."
"Now that's a pan full of gold, that's what it's supposed to look like."
"I'm gonna take you through step by step and show you how to get the gold in your pan to a check in your hand."
"Gold mining is like, you can start over every day, anywhere different, it's plus gold mining is awesome, you can lose it all one day, next day be a millionaire."
"But the reason we care about the 50 feet of river cobbles is at the very base of the 50 feet, not interspersed but just at the very bottom, one foot of river cobbles are the gold nuggets."
"We got quite a bit of gold today, all chunky stuff."
"Dan Willens, a mysterious Canadian prospector, spent a lifetime finding gold."
"Hello and welcome back to the Flower Gold Wizard channel. Today we're going to show you guys what gold mining as a hobby is all about."
"I just love the sound of a sluice box; there's nothing more relaxing than sitting beside a sluice box and just putting dirt through it all day."
"The sedimentological model has proved to be the most reliable predictor of gold mineralization in the mine for the last hundred years."
"Goldfield actually produced over 4 million ounces of gold back in the early days."
"We have got gold, we have got gold."
"This is all an intrusive diorite, so as you had this intrusive diorite come in, hot fluids were circulating through this system, dissolving all the gold out."
"And then they got later injected back into the host rock here, and you have these gold veins come out that we're mining now today."
"4.55 grams of gold for that first two and a half days is phenomenal."
"Their massive haul at a staggering gold price of $2,640 an ounce smashes their $1 million target."
"We're not finding a lot of gold, but we're finding gold."
"As long as we're still picking up nice gold like that, it should still be worthwhile, I think."
"The Fraser River has gold everywhere. It is very, very fine gold though, and you do have to work to get it."
"Kern County, California, having produced over 4 million ounces of gold, is the most gold productive county in California outside the mother lode."
"If you want to find gold, you can't pull over and just go pan for it; there's lots of gold out in those mountains, but you've got to go back where nobody's been for at least two, three hundred years."
"For as long as I can remember, I've been drawn to the gold hidden deep within the mountains."
"Ballarat is a city built on gold."
"You always wanted to be a gold miner so you could have tons of shiny too."
"I'm camping overnight at a location that I found some amazing gold on yesterday."
"I have hundreds of more videos on gold mining, gold panning, prospecting, rock hunting, treasure hunting, all sorts of stuff."
"That is what I think it is, oh we got gold!"
"Extremely rich, the creeks in the Yukon were without doubt foot for foot the finest, richest gold creeks in the world."
"We're going home with some gold, not much, but we're definitely going home with some gold."
"In today's money, Bendigo produced 28 billion dollars worth of gold."
"Of all the gold ever mined by humanity, some three-quarters of all the gold is from this class of deposits."
"We got some great gold to show for it."
"We'd have old-timers come in and say, 'Well yeah, obviously it's connected from here to Liberty, you just got to follow the freaking trend, you'll find gold all the way, man!'"
"Here the struggle for gold is not about riches but survival."
"I wrote a book about being a prospector because it has in it the knowledge you need to go out and find your own gold."
"With the price of gold so high, a group of investors was considering buying the claim and reopening the mine."
"Success, that's a $200 nugget right there, yeehaw!"
"For a hard-working gold miner in a good location during the strike, a week of prospecting could yield two thousand dollars."
"That's the neat thing about being in this area, you're going to see lots of these guys out here because they're the descendants of the original burros from the gold miners that were out here in the 1860s and up."
"We're going to be finding some great Fraser River Gold today, so wish us luck."
"That was a great trip with some great Fraser River Gold."