
Optimal Conditions Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Not to put off what you're meant to be doing with your life not to put it off in particular because you want the conditions of life to become optimal."
"Life can feel pretty good when everything goes right and you've got blue skies, 12 knots on the quarter, and a following sea."
"Deep pullbacks are the best kinds during a trend."
"You cannot ask for a better setup than this has right now."
"You've been planted exactly where it is optimal for your soul growth."
"Earth is a very special place, a habitable planet that rotates exactly in the right distance around the sun, supporting life in the best way."
"He's in the ideal situation, great offensive line, great running game."
"Don't put off whatever it is you're meant to do until the situation is optimal."
"You won't have to worry about the glory coming. It'll come when the atmosphere is right."
"The GT4 for me is like that country road Sunday driving kind of like a day like today basically when the sun's out."
"Misery business with a fresh cup is the optimum."
"Life coaching is like being the sound and light technician in the background, always making sure that the best conditions exist to create the most awesome results."
"For any successful raid farm, you actually want to make it in the middle of an ocean, and the middle of an ocean has to be seven chunks away from any piece of land."
"I definitely picked out a good day to shoot."
"Absolutely beautiful day in immaculate course and tons of talent in this field."
"You actually could not ask for better weather, better operations." - Josh Byerly
"We try and set everyone up for as much success as possible."
"Unbelievable space that he's got. No back markers, the track is quiet. You just get his head down like a test day that he's on."
"Self-made does perform at a higher level when he gets a comfort pick."
"That's exactly the kind of setup that we want."
"Make sure your center is 6'8 to 6'10 and make sure it is minimum weight."
"My situation in Carolina when I got there was about as good as it could have gotten in just about any on any team."
"The course is set up the way she likes it, she can't be stopped, that's exactly right." - Paul
"Create the conditions for the state of flow to arise more."
"Freshly ground coffee is always the optimal scenario."
"The ideal learning environment where learning is maximized is where there's a little bit of Challenge and a little bit of stress."
"Water pressure is actually close to 70 psi which is actually a great water pressure to have."
"This is the best swell I've ever seen come in at Pipe. It was 11 feet, 17 seconds, which is exactly the numbers you want."
"If you can keep the temperatures kind of around mid 20s, that would, in my opinion, be the best possible thing for these plants."
"Create the right conditions and you will achieve the envisioned result."
"That's where we see the most benefits, yes, when the conditions are optimal."
"One of the most important elements of setting up your working space is lighting."
"The coral and the lighting is perfect in here."
"The strip conditions are ideal here, the bite is fantastic... these are ideal conditions and I think the brute horsepower has come back into play again."
"How fast can you make it grow? That's pretty interesting if the conditions are optimal."
"It's race day, the sun is out, the conditions are near-perfect for drag racing."
"These shots can be amazing, a setup like this is capable of taking absolutely incredible shots under the right conditions."
"Excellent conditions for the return of crew six to wrap up a 186-day mission."
"These are by far the best conditions we've seen this weekend."
"I felt happy and relaxed; the sun was just right, mellow, there was peace in the air."
"We're in a perfect scenario right now, everything's working."
"It's the best time of year, best place to be, best conditions."
"That's just what happens out here in the spring when the weather's right, the conditions are right."
"We have the best spot in the solar system for life because we're just the right distance from the Sun for liquid water to exist."
"The body will heal itself if you give it the proper conditions with which to heal itself."
"Find the Goldilocks zone with watering your ficus, and you're going to have a really beautiful tree for years to come."
"Every animal, also the philosophical animal, instinctively strives for an optimum of favorable conditions under which it can expend its strength and achieve its maximal feeling of power."
"The philosopher sees in it an optimum condition for the highest and boldest spirituality."
"It's at its best when there's no wind, just blue skies."
"It's an epic setting and the temperatures are actually really good for climbing."
"When you look at the universe around us, like the day and the night, or the Sun in the sky, the sun giving us heat, the sun giving us light, the sun is the right distance away."
"The second day of November brings prime conditions."
"Sometimes you have those matches, everything goes right."
"Perfect conditions on the racetrack now."