
User Interaction Quotes

There are 533 quotes

"It's all about the relationship. YouTube, it's right there - You. Tube. It's about this interaction."
"We're going to try to build a program that we give a query to or some input to, and then it's going to give us a reasonable response back."
"Instead, we're going to offload this to a background task and we'll let that handle the retrieval of network information, and that way, the looper can continue to go on and the user can continue to choose menus and buttons and just wait for the weather to get updated."
"Every time you accept or don't accept a prompt, you are training it."
"If there's anything you want to see running on the Odin 2, just let me know in the comments below."
"Yo we if we go from 0-3 to three laundry attacks in a row that's like unheard of bro."
"So I wanted to do a test to see if you could do it all by user actions."
"Front end is what humans interact with. Back end is doing important stuff behind the scenes." - Chris Peach
"The future of interaction is being, not clicking, touching, swiping, or speaking."
"That looked really cool, you know what else is really cool? The animation when you click the like button."
"If software waits longer than 0.1 seconds to show a response to a user's action, users will assume they missed and try again."
"Anybody in the world can actually verify this. Okay, you just put in this transaction hash, hit search, and it will bring you to this exact transaction. Wow, wasn't that nice?"
"Transform anything into a button with GestureDetector."
"It becomes really valuable to have this kind of interaction in the viewport."
"Widgets are now interactable meaning that if you have let's say you have a to-do list app with a check box you can check the box without opening the app."
"So, now that we've parsed our commands correctly, we can go ahead and actually check to see what the command the user executed."
"It feels human. It can even tell you when you've gone to sleep."
"Another thing that can be incredibly useful to development teams is handing them full-fledged prototypes, things that they can actually touch and click and interact with."
"JavaScript is going to enable us to write code that actually runs inside of the user's web browser."
"Such an amazing feature, and of course you'll be able to share your screen as well."
"Adding an anchor is a great way to get somebody to scroll down to a specific section."
"Let me know which of these do you have them in your home, do you regret them, do you still love them, do you know hate me, do you love me?"
"I want your thoughts on it please what should we do?"
"Comment for the YouTube algorithm and like for the YouTube algorithm."
"Performance at the low level and then also at the user level, like what do I get to do it, my fingers do more now."
"Let's say we wanted to do something like get name and we wanted to provide that name."
"This is game changer... allows you to scroll through trending topics."
"We've made this really nice looking macro over here and it's created a nice little report."
"If their response is 'yes' then move down to the next line so we can keep it all together, then we're gonna throw up a message box that says 'wonderful, go play in the sunshine.' However, if they say 'no' then you don't work too hard, okay?"
"We want these to be random colors when we hover over the squares."
"Interactive match sim enables managers to adopt a more tactical and faster pace approach."
"Hitting the dislike button doesn't do [ __ ] anymore thanks Youtube."
"We want you to let us know what you think. Download the tools, poke around."
"If there’s one thing I’ll remember these games for, it’s writing on the map."
"It's a lot easier to hack a system when you can entice the user into an action."
"My favorite thing about Siri was always the joke messages."
"So if you're here and you want to write on your screen, you just hold it close, click the pen, and then you can doodle and save your notes or whatever."
"I have a job for you guys, what's a direct request from you for us?"
"I hope you found this guide helpful if you have further questions about the game please let me know in the comments below."
"I want you all to write in the comments one thing that the Internet has improved for you."
"User input: Using the scanner to get some user input."
"If it's a video we can go in, we can play it."
"Just go anytime 24/7 over to www.thejohncambiashow.com, contact, fill it out with your topic or question, it's absolutely free."
"Dialogue Flow is a tool for building virtual agents that can intelligently respond to user input, whether it be voice or text."
"Dialogflow then makes an HTTP request with JSON describing what the user wants."
"Conversational experience is a pretty new idea."
"This is intended for him to be able to grab on to here, which obviously we can do."
"Once you're done reading this, you can click on 'I agree to the services agreement' and the privacy policy then click submit."
"You know, why I did that with the audio to piss the people off who won't shut up about the audio. Turn your volume down."
"That's all the Easter eggs we found, but if you found any let us know in the comments below."
"And in fact, when it doesn't have enough confidence and it put that red underline, if Steph and I were editing the message at the same time, she would also see the red underline and she could be the one taking the suggestion."
"Thank you to my 112,000 members for submitting stuff and upvoting the best stuff."
"Just like all the cult stuff, muddy which says why would I hit the like button before watching the video, very good point."
"It's really easy to do that you just like just add them to the call no but like just random people call up yeah I have them yeah you have random people add like a add you and just drag them into the call you have to do it's like 420."
"Voice control allows users to navigate and interact with their devices using only their voice."
"Speech to text allows users to compose text by speaking into their device."
"Nearly a hundred and fifty million snapchatters are engaging with these integrations every month."
"The boogeyman917: 'I like the idea of a hard stop time on super chats.'"
"Pressing the dislike button is now just a placebo. It's just like, 'Ah, that feels good.' My work here is done."
"The S Pen is very nicely integrated into the bottom corner of the phone, and you can eject it by pressing the top of it and it just pops up."
"The big news with any Note series is the S Pen. So when you eject the S Pen, the first thing that pops up is the Air Command."
"Boom, done, and then you click it, there we go, you're in."
"If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message on Instagram."
"The real troll is I've deleted that disconnect button."
"We need to have the user click on the details to see the joke punch line."
"So, in an interesting way, we're moving from the autopilot era of AI to co-pilot era of AI."
"One of the main use cases for generative AI is asking complicated questions and receiving straightforward answers."
"I actually see anything you like, only hold your breath for a certain amount of time or is it like unlimited?"
"Computers will become more immersive. They will be there when you need them to be."
"I keep getting this question over and over again."
"It's funny looking back at Puffballs submission page here, referring to Henry as 'the guy'."
"It's nice to be able to just press buttons during a load, that's for sure, kind of like bao."
"We add the behavior what should happen...if we click on this add to-do button."
"No need to worry, miss. So can I get your username?"
"I can still have fun, but it has to have a filter because I'm a father now."
"It's not meant to be the most challenging AI, it's the kind of AI where just toying with them and testing your limits is fun in and of itself."
"Notifications in Jelly Bean: actionable, expandable, and accessible."
"You must smash the like button now! Smash gently, think about what they're trying to implement."
"Is that cool? Is that gonna speed up your workflow?"
"It's much more like you are setting a stage really for other people to perform but you can never tell them what to do."
"You can actually see the HTML that makes up any element on a web page by right-clicking an element."
"How cool is that? We're returning all four videos!"
"The more you use it, the more intelligent that it becomes."
"But what really got me interested is the fact that in the comments here there's only 24 comments."
"Sophisticated devices that can anticipate what you might want to do."
"I want them to have to actually press it each time."
"Awesome. So this is the result of all that we've done and the interactions work perfectly."
"Feel free to let us know in the comments down below which games you think look the most cool or that you'd really like to play this month."
"This is a fault image but you can add a new map and edit the map."
"Thank you so much for your support, thank you for your comments and your input."
"Quicks gives users the ability to watch, produce, sell, and advertise content, as well as privately communicate and make encrypted purchases."
"This will be a Google map that they'll be able to actually click to and get directions straight to this business."
"So when we get ten thousand likes, you know what that means, we get to do challenges for whatever you guys say."
"Make sure to give this video a thumbs up if you found any value in it at all."
"It's a way to get intimate with the Internet in a way that you never knew you could."
"Really neat air vents with this little loop where you can adjust how it's all going to go here."
"Moto display: best smartphone feature, interact with notifications without touching."
"You first turn them on and then you pop them up."
"If you're on your phone click that down arrow that box opens up you'll see all the links to Pepsi's channel."
"Smart stay: keep the screen on while you're looking at it."
"Would you guys like to have a boating DLC in GTA 5?"
"We want our program to greet the user as the very first thing."
"The next big thing is when we actually picked one, we want to have a little bottom sheet pop out."
"This tool is so powerful that that's all it needs, is for you to talk to it."
"If you have any ideas of passive income ideas or income ideas just in general, please leave them in the comments below."
"Now take another guess. Ding ding ding if you chose top left you are correct."
"You can now rage shake your phone to report a problem to Instagram. Hot new feature."
"iOS 10's notifications have improved as a whole, now you get these rich notifications that allow you to interact more fully with the app."
"The game is reading my mind, bruh, not really, it's smarter than I could ever be."
"We also get some additional features if we swipe in from the right edge and that includes digital touch this is a feature we're familiar with from the Apple watch."
"I absolutely love this gadget idea here by Frank, made 185 days ago by the user Poom."
"Hopefully now you understand kind of the logic behind web forms."
"We will refresh the order total and all the calculations each time the quantity or the price is updated."
"Double tap the back takes a screenshot... kind of cool."
"Twitter's rumored undo send feature: I'm glad that it's hopefully coming out."
"That's so interesting. It's possible, guys. Guys, let us know your theories Down Below in the comments. I really don't know why the developers would put all this stuff here and then not put in the game. It's so interesting."
"Enhanced Siri...ask Siri any question...browse the web...read articles on your wrist...add songs to your library with one tap."
"Being able to use your thumb and index finger to grab something."
"One of the biggest tricks about them is those options they come not when you hit a button but when you let go of a button."
"I hope you enjoyed this video eating Indian food for 24 hours if you've ever done it please leave me a comment below and what was your experience where was it."
"Ability to upload a file: Add a Word doc or a PDF about your hopes and dreams."
"Math keyboard in forms: Solve equations easily."
"Print summary of responses: Get a summary sheet of all responses."
"Get a link to the summary of all responses: Easily share the results."
"Subscribe, like, comment your location - it doesn't have to be too specific obviously."
"You can now select a subject out of a photo simply by pressing and holding on it."
"Live text is a great feature in iOS 15 that allows you to basically see text live."
"Smash the thumbs up button for this type of video."
"It just feels really natural and the game overall will feel a lot more punchy and responsive when you figure out key bindings."
"The animations and sound that come from your computer when you mash a button well that is a part of what makes combat feel satisfying."
"It's the game that first allowed players to look around the screen."
"I always think like, 'Oh, community,' whenever someone talked about that. Oh my god, a bunch of people yelling into like a vacuum."
"People messaged me and said that like that moment was a huge thing for them, like they were so invested and they were so afraid because of how genuine it sounded."
"Now you have a contact form on your website, and people can send you messages directly to your email inbox."
"The footer section is probably one of the most important ones."
"Dislikes do nothing apparently now, no one can see dislikes."
"The system of in-battle communication was reworked to become more clear, informative, and useful."
"Every single time we type in our search bar, we're changing our list of items."
"One of the things that we have to do as programmers is make our program work in the real world, make it work with real people who might not be programmers or might not be engineers."
"Every poke and swipe will immediately register here on the Red Magic 5S."
"Saving the user is just as simple as saying form.save, and that's it."
"The Gambit system: giving players control without constant input."
"I will be building your apps... thank you for sending that in because I got blown away by the amount of emails that I got sent to me and the amount of ideas that I got."
"Twitter should make a premium service where they charge five bucks a month to give the user an edit button."
"And so I'm extremely excited to announce that today — right now — you can download the beta version of Character Animator and try out body tracking for yourself."
"Google knows what you want to search before you finish typing."
"When they close the little dialogue box, it always goes insane aquarium like guppy eat sound effect."
"It's not a very heavy press that's required but you definitely get that kind of registered click."
"Give me a reason to use these added features."
"YouTube is also the second most used search engine in the world."
"Improvements have been made to various features including the in-game chat, the photo-taking system, domain drop collection, and character ascension."
"Because when you're working on a calculator, if you click two plus two and then you click the plus button again, it's going to add two plus two to be four and then it's going to say four plus, and you can type in whatever you want next."
"It was a shock to me when I couldn't interact with so many things that I'm used to interacting with within their games."
"It changed the way we physically interact with an interactive medium."
"This was the biggest win an American had over the British since the American Revolution."
"Dynamic Island added interactions with it. It's very cute and very useful."
"Have you seen any of these mysterious satellite images or are there some we haven't covered let us know in the comments."
"Be friendly, courteous, and empathetic with end-users."
"So now we have the ability to change the picture on selection."
"So now if I click this and go to cheese, I can now see the cheese product."
"Product two towels and it shows up there right."
"Front end is what you see... inside their browser and back end is where a lot of magic happens."
"You can literally speak whatever you want to tell Siri."
"Why haven't more games allowed you to actually interact with the pits? I think that is probably one of the coolest things that they've ever done."
"Would you recommend this CR-74 L to be your trusted companion?" - Lilly
"The more you use it, the smarter it becomes."
"The number one thing I encourage here on the channel is sharing your mental health stories in the comments, good, bad, and crazy. That is how we shatter the mental health stigma."
"It's very responsive... swipe in surprisingly many different ways."
"You guys are smart. You come up with awesome things."
"Modularity screaming in your face whenever you look at the one."
"All I have to do is tap and hold my thumb to the home button..."
"I think it's outrageous that Twitter allows people to see the list of people who follow you."
"Annotate on the screen... highlight, annotate, erase... save web note for future reference..."
"I hope you enjoyed chat today even though I got a little weird at the end."
"So see if you can actually hear what I'm saying if you can comment down below and let me know what you think of the microphones on the earbud."
"Hats has seen a major update with spawning on mobs in your world, with a rarity system and new colorizing options."
"These battles play out like you suddenly gave your controller to a monkey and it started mashing random buttons."
"Your chat will reflect you. If you are sad, angry, or upset, then they will not be into it."
"Why is my pee green? All right, come on man, we need more of this. This is not working."
"Features like comments and notifications will no longer be available on videos made for kids."
"If there's any questions you have about starting a project or what you want from me in this YouTube channel I am definitely open to it."
"Something that we all do when we get into these games we'll just do the Jarek stuff that they tell us to do we always try and create our own modes."
"You can upload your own logos for your team."
"Notify all the time sometimes I'm not quite sure choose the option that you."
"Elon Musk asking Twitter: Do you want an edit button?"
"I have to say, I'm impressed by your patience in deciphering those captions! Good job!"
"Let's talk about keyboards for a second. Most people are like, 'Ah, keyboards, whatever.' But you know what? Let's be honest, it's physically, other than the mouse, the thing you interact with the most on your system."
"I am so grateful that you're on this kodak film journey with me it's encouraging to see that you enjoy it as much as i do."
"All he has to do is hit the bell and turn the notifications on."
"I appreciate everyone being patient it takes a while for me to answer sometimes."
"I'm always interested in your comments and what you can do to help us all learn."
"You can bend it down to pick them up, that's cool, and then bring them up, twist it around, and drop them in. See, that makes the most sense so it's kind of cool to have that in the front."
"Oh, and then one last thing here is that you can actually take these off, and this is kind of cool."
"Annotation tools: writing and annotating directly on the chart."
"World Star! Activate your camera with a double press of the power button."
"Canon R3's eye control sensor revolutionizes focusing."
"Have you guys seen what's going on over at the epic game store?"
"Using the fan and then we can have more when we want it using the phone so and we can have it at lower speeds because we can tell the air to follow a certain profile so you will actually feel it at road speeds."
"I don't know why, it just brings me back to a simpler time whenever I have to type this in when starting a game."