
Early Riser Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Good morning, you guys. I am drinking a warm coffee. It is around 5:00 a.m. right now. I've been waking up around this time for the past couple of months just because I love the nighttime in the winter so much. The stars are so bright and the world is magical."
"Waking up early means you're already ahead of everyone else. The most valuable asset you have is your time and attention."
"I would literally wake up at 4am, get out of bed, creep, and mind you, I'm literally like seven, six, five, I don't know, I barely learned how to walk."
"I absolutely love being an early early riser."
"Good morning, princess. Hi! I love when I wake up early."
"The time is currently 5:53 a.m. on a Sunday, and I am out nice and early."
"No period within the 4 and 20 hours of day and night is so solemn to me as the early morning."
"The early riser who thus economizes his time has no need to hurry, for he is always ahead of the hour, is always well up with his work."
"I love the morning. I wake up pretty early."
"If you get up early you beat the crowds. It's about 6:20 a.m. and no one in sight."
"Few people have decided to awaken as early as you, but you don't mind that. In fact, it's delightful because now you feel as though you have the whole ship to yourself."
"If you wake up this early I automatically have so much respect for you."
"I love getting up early though, you guys gotta do it because you get to like crush your morning, get your day started."
"...you get up early, you get to see things that people who work in offices don't see, and feel self-rewarded."
"I wake up so much earlier than I was waking up before."
"Love getting up early, working out, and living life now. That's my motivation."
"I just like waking up early, I like having a long morning."
"I'm already waking up at 5:30, you guys. Like, I just love my time in the morning."
"We just got up at 5am to watch the hot air balloon show that's going on right now."
"Getting up early is awesome. I'm going to try to do it as much as possible."
"I'm such an early bird. I get up at like four or five o'clock in the morning every single morning."
"You always get rewarded when you get up a little bit early."
"Whenever I wake up at this time, I feel like I have the whole day ahead of me."
"Hey buddy, why are you up so early?"
"The things you can accomplish when you get up at five in the morning."
"Trust us, you're gonna thank yourself for getting up and getting here before everybody else does."
"What a morning! I've been up since 2 AM."
"I always wake up really early in the summer, like I kind of wake up with the sun."
"I have been up since six o'clock, I got so much done though, I'm happy."
"The privilege of catching the early worm is claimed by the Himalayan whistling thrush, better known as the whistling schoolboy."
"I'm waking up at like 4:00 every day."
"I'm up bright and early this morning; I actually woke up at 4:30."
"I've had a productive morning so far; I got up at 6:30 which is really early for me."
"I love being up really early in the morning; I don't know what it is, but I do get up very early."
"I got up real early, I went to church."
"We're actually awake pretty early; it's like before 10 a.m., okay early for streamers, I guess."
"I am a breakfast person, no matter how early it is."
"I'm up early and I'm like, oh I want to go work."
"I am a morning person... I usually wake up between four and five."
"I feel really proud of it, to be honest. I've just been productive first thing, waking up over 5 a.m. always has been such a good vibe for me."
"I love waking up early and getting out here with the birds chirpin' and the weather's cool."
"Good morning guys, it is 5:00 a.m., and we are waking up to see the sunrise."
"I wake up at 4:30 Pacific time every day, including weekends and sad Sundays."
"Good morning, you guys. It is currently 5:45. Normally, I never get up this early."
"I love waking up at 5am. I never thought I would be that person."
"Let's get this day going; it's around 7am, everyone's still sleeping, but I'm always the first to get up. Let's do it."
"Getting up earlier does come with its perks."
"There's something about getting up really early like way earlier than you actually need to that's just really nice."
"I love waking up early and going to bed a little bit early."
"Getting up early can be hard to do, but I can get a lot done in the morning."
"I felt the Lord challenged me to get up in the morning before the kids got up and start blogging in the morning during those early morning hours."
"There's a lot to be said for getting up and getting out early."
"I wake up every day at like 4:30 to 5 a.m. I don't know why; I just wake up super early. I'm like ready to get the day started."
"Waking up really early in the morning to study worked a lot for me."
"Set your alarms for 5 in the morning; tomorrow we're going to be out bright and early."
"I'm excited, feels good, happy to be an early bird."
"I need to get up early in the morning because I've just discovered there is a new color trend coming our way."
"I love getting up super freakin' early. It's like Black Friday for ghouls like us."
"Eddie made it a point to routinely open by 4:00 a.m., well ahead of most other stores in the area."
"Holy snails! What are you doing up so early?"
"Good morning everybody, it's like really early."
"Yes, the clock on my phone does say 4:17 a.m., because I have bumped up my wake-up time just a little bit to accommodate some new additions to my morning routine."
"I woke up at 5:30 AM. It's now 9:30 AM. It's nice to have my day started before the sun even comes up."
"I typically wake up around like six or something, and sometimes even before the sun even rises, like five."
"I woke up at like 5:00 in the morning."
"Janus was the first to awaken before the sun had even risen."
"I'm naturally not a morning person... but I love when I am up and awake early because it just means that you can get so much more done before your working day begins."
"Look at the sunrise, man. I'll never be at any of these stores this early ever again unless I go to another Black Friday event."
"I am a night owl, and for the past month, I have forced myself to wake up every single day at 5:00 a.m."
"I feel in a really good mood because I woke up so early this morning."
"I've been waking up so early lately, I just love it."
"We love to be early birds so this is why, because you get to see things with no one around."
"I've been waking up really early lately just because I am my best self in the morning."
"It's always nice to get up really early, I kind of forget how good early mornings are."
"Waking up early allows me to be the most productive as possible."