
Pause Quotes

There are 548 quotes

"This is the pause, this is the opportunity to integrate, to recalibrate, and change before it blossoms into something better."
"Putting a project down does not mean it's gone forever."
"All January 6 prosecutions should now be paused for evidentiary hearings and investigations."
"It's time for a sacred pause. Stillness grants perspective."
"But you could definitely pause this show at a lot of moments to grab a new deck design."
"Retrogrades are a time for reflection. It's a time to take a pause in something and reflect on it."
"I'm going to stop time today... why is he so handsome? Dreamboat, dreamboat."
"He literally put his life on pause to get better at this."
"Just pause the video there... I mean personally I think just this image alone is absolutely mind-blowing."
"This is more of an extended pause... versus a reversal." - Mike Larson
"Maybe things have been progressing along and all of a sudden you're at like a stopping point. Um, you need to pause to think about things."
"I'm very enthusiastic about showcase. I'm I okay I'll pause it there."
"But it's not dead. I can't say it's dead because it's really just one of those things that's on pause right now."
"Tech was always going to take a bit of a breather there's also the question of whether or not we can carry anything forward for products that have not been operationalized yet."
"Stop having kids before you get your act together, right? Yeah, we're done for a while."
"Destiny is intervening, I feel some of you are in the stages of a pause on something."
"Sometimes we need to press the pause button and take care of our inner selves."
"...but life comes in and just puts everything on pause it makes you slow down and recognize how grateful I am for the life and the things I do have..."
"Pause, there's a pause that's going on here, this message is a sign to pause and reassess your thinking."
"We have to take a little bit of a break from getting stuff and things going here."
"It's like the world paused for a second, everyone felt grateful to have heard her sing."
"The expansion of time stops the story... we keep telling the story but we drop down inside the character to really explore what's going on in that moment of time."
"Everybody breathe, take a moment."
"Learning to pause creates a space for reason to come in."
"A good pause, a good stop gets you back in touch with that driving force."
"This pause is giving you an opportunity to really check in with yourself, implement self-care routines."
"An Armistice is not an end to fighting but rather a pause."
"I think we're gonna leave it at that for today."
"They did say that they were going to take a break."
"It's like a domino effect; things are set into motion yet finding yourself in a pause."
"Sometimes the pause is wonderful. It's a moment to breathe, to reflect, to heal, to grow."
"We are definitely stopping right there."
"Everyone needs to stop some time, Stan. Can't keep walking indefinitely."
"Sometimes we need to pull back, ground ourselves, and reflect."
"Sometimes divine intervention takes place in our relationships because Spirit wants us to just take a pause."
"A long pause is often seen before a lie."
"It's been a lot of what I did last year, my boy. I literally took a pause of everything, bro."
"That was a break, that was a good break."
"We're going to pause the install of these cables."
"I just need to sit with myself for a second. I'm being real. I just need... I just need to sit with myself for a second."
"The Hanged Man is kind of like you withdrawing and kind of taking a step back, and through that reflection and taking a pause, is where we gain insight, where we gain enlightenment."
"Remember, this step isn't about running away, it's about pressing pause to find a quiet space in the middle of life's noise."
"Let's pause today's video just for a second to talk about something very important your mental health."
"Whoa, girl, we need a moment to breathe."
"I think we need to let this moment breathe."
"This is a really good place to stop, and we'll be back soon."
"There's a slight feeling of needing to stop and sort of fill up or recharge."
"In the swift current of daily life, our reactions to situations often come automatically without much thought. However, the power of pause, a deliberate moment of stillness before reacting, can be a transformative tool in enhancing your emotional intelligence."
"Honestly, honey, I know we gotta keep scoping the house out, but let me just take a second."
"If you need to, you can pause this video here, take all the time that you need."
"I just want to pause the video for 15 seconds to tell you about today's sponsor."
"Sometimes you get in those moments and everything's so perfect I just want to hit pause."
"But I think I'm going to pause the roads for now."
"It's okay to take whatever is going on in your life, if you need to slow down before you burn out, it's okay to stop and slow down and take a break."
"Now we have reconsider and don't stop like what is this about reconsider?"
"Sometimes you just have to take a pause and enjoy a photogenic baby sloth."
"Nothing to lose, just a little pause of this video for a slightly serious topic."
"Your story with your person is not over, but right now you're having a temporary pause to heal and reflect."
"Sometimes you need to just regroup."
"We don't fail at anything in labor you can't fail at labor but sometimes we need to pause and reset."
"One of my favorite verses in the entire Gospel of Mark is there at the beginning of verse 41 in Mark chapter 10. It says, 'And Jesus stopped.' And Jesus stopped."
"I don't have to fix it in the moment. I can say, 'Wow, this is feeling too big for me to handle. I'm gonna take a break.'"
"Pausing is an important skill that is highly undervalued."
"It is a dramatic pause that heightens the sense of expectation and solemnity."
"Everybody catching their breath a little bit."
"I think that's a good stopping point."
"Yo guys sorry I was I need an intermission bro."
"We're kind of putting a bit of a pause on the 50 state road trip."
"If we hit though pause, yo this is insane."
"Can you just take a minute to do nothing at all?"
"Just needed to stop for a second just to take in this view."
"I feel like I'm in a growth spurt right now where I'm like learning to take a pause."
"A break is fine but stopping completely is not."
"Let's just go back really quick and let's just say I'm looking at this and I pause it on this Frame right here, okay?"
"I love it; that was the longest pause."
"'Impossible, yes.' And then a long pause."
"We need to pause our striving and take in the beauty of who God is."
"Maybe just take a moment to stop and think."
"Before you say a word, take a deep breath."
"Stop, stop, stop, stop, this is too big."
"Just stop and enjoy this right here."
"It's a great pause that life has been asking us to take again for a long time, and Mother Earth is almost yelling at us to begin to slow down."
"It is totally normal to leave your artwork aside when you feel stuck."
"How did you guys get through that I mean cuz you're on the road like you said you have obligations that you have to do for work did you stop everything to do absolutely everything just stopped for three to four months everything just stopped"
"I just like for those 15 seconds you didn't move."
"Sometimes I just want to put a pause on the dark [__]."
"I didn't even know we had stopped."
"Just push the pause button until you catch up, and then press play again."
"I stood there, looking at my phone."
"I'm just gonna stop for now because I don't need to read it all right now."
"Sometimes it's important to just stop, reset, and start over, it is okay."
"Not quite ready to let it all go, I stopped in the nearby town of Preston to fill up at Big Ed's Gas Farm."
"I put my long-term goals on halt for a bit because I think she's gonna get out of the rut that she's in."
"If you've got this far, take a minute to reflect and refine."
"Give yourself a little bit of time maybe pause this video and give yourself 10 to 20 seconds to do the calculations."
"All in all that might be a good place for us to stop for the day, I'll see you at part two, keep on hunting."
"It's not a goodbye. It's a Hiatus."
"Luke Wilson needs to pause and let Luke or maybe they could just both. I miss you, Luke. The best."
"He suddenly came to an erupt halt his cute little face becoming overwhelmed with confusion."
"The closure of international borders has caused our circumnavigation of the world to pause."
"I screamed for her to stop, the mangled woman paused only for a moment."
"Just pull the car over, stop driving in a direction that you think you should go in because you're directionless right now. Stop, let all the cars drive past you, and enjoy the fact that you're actually stopping."
"The stoic pause is essential in moments of stress, anger, or frustration."
"Pause here. Stay for a couple breaths."
"The world seemed to hit the pause button and an eerie silence fell."
"Let me just pause for a second and show you something that will absolutely blow your mind."
"It's the entry point to contemplation, is the art of pausing, and it's very poetic."
"The initial reaction is human. The difference comes down to: Can you pause?"
"As the words left my mouth I could feel everything in the room come to a stop, the gravy stopped bubbling, the molecules of air stopped orbiting, even Nina Simone seemed to pause."
"We're taking a little pause. We just got stuck in the elevator."
"This pause won't last, embrace it to rethink your plans."
"Let's stop and smell the 30-year-old oil, grease, and coolant soaked flowers."
"Now and then, it's good to pause in your pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
"We're not giving up on this if I was gonna quit if I was gonna quit it would be I would do it right now this has to be a pause this is a pause button."
"Every pause is also an opportunity to check the compass from my survival kit to ensure that I'm still heading in the right direction."
"Take a pause, observe your emotions, and find balance."
"There's this unresolved punctuation mark. It really feels like there's a breath, there's a pause, but we want more."
"If you have a second to just stop and breathe, do it."
"You gotta maybe stop and consider."
"Let's take a break. But I'm not done!"
"We shall rest here a moment before we descend into the valley."
"Stick around, kick back, pull over, put it in park."
"...what gave me pause and what I really like about the guitar."
"When you take time to pause, use your eyes."
"In the midst of a ridiculously busy day, you have somehow decided to pull out of the traffic for a while."
"They're hoping time will bring things together, but they've hit the pause button."
"We'll continue to wait until play resumes."
"Coffee, okay I'm good, just sit tight for a moment."
"Using this as an opportunity to catch our breath, to slow our heart rates."
"We ended up taking a little break from the garage."
"We just made it to a hotel, we really didn't stop much."
"Get ready with the pause button, there's a lot to take in here."
"Maybe there's one spot that you just want to stay and take a deep breath or two."
"But in forgetting to pause, we miss the opportunity to put practice into action."
"It was as though time around him had frozen for a moment, allowing him to just be without anyone else around."
"Time in this game only moves when you're moving or fishing, which is nice because it means we can pause like this and the clock up top stops moving for us."
"So now we're just gonna take a little 10-second break."
"Pausing is something that actually promotes change."
"Stop the clock so we can slow it down."
"This is a time to pause, it's a time to breathe, and perhaps most importantly, a time to reflect."
"There's a pause button on YouTube too so if you need extra breaks go for it."
"I'm gonna stop here, you're on Deck 11."
"It's a moment for a nice little timeout."
"Birthdays are a time for you to pause and reflect."
"I'm going to set that aside real quick."
"The world seemed to slow down, offering a gentle pause to the frantic rhythm of existence."
"Feel free to press pause any time. Remember there's no rush."
"If we could pause just a little and take it in, it actually changes our biochemistry."
"A place that leaves you with no alternative than to stop and breathe."
"It felt like the whole world stopped for a few moments."
"Cardi just put all the momentum that he had for himself after those five songs on hold."
"Oh my god, let's pause for a second and try the bowl."
"I just had a moment where I needed to shut up and sit down because all the energy was sucked out of me."
"It's like this massive machine that once it gets going forget it you're gonna get bowled over so this is the moment at which everybody can stop and say wait a minute something is going on here something important."
"Stopping and standing is really the hardest and most important part."
"If you're feeling good here and you have nowhere to be next you might pause the video and stay here for a little bit longer."
"I just need a second, please. I need a second."
"My heart kind of stopped for a minute there."
"Life is so fast-paced, so immediate satisfaction, so on demand sometimes you just gotta take a breather."
"let's just stop the Titanic for a bit and you know what it kind of rumbles so see everyone a real peaceful night sleeps we can look at the stars and then start again in the morning exactly"
"When everything stops, that's the moment you realize."
"'Safe place.' That's their code word to each other that we need to pause and we need to reschedule this because I'm not ready to have it."
"Pivotal moments occur in those pauses. They're really powerful."
"Pausing creates the conditions for breakthroughs and genius to emerge."
"Pausing in your everyday life creates more efficiency. It's a paradox."
"The foundation of the art of contemplation is pausing: the ability to pause."
"Hermione, I'm like, 'Alright, let's hold on here a second.'"
"The world stopped spinning just long enough."
"Suddenly I wasn't traveling, I wasn't going to meetings, and I had this wonderful, more contemplative time."
"For some, sickness is not always what we call sickness. Sometimes it's God's way of allowing a person to slow down, to pause for a second and become in tune with their life."
"It's like the world stops spinning and everything comes to a halt."
"The bombing of the Cradle grounds to a halt, at least as if the ship was drawn away to address the vicious humans."
"I definitely think you should take a break."
"Do me a favor, can you stop the car just for a second?"
"Your pause is your power, your ability to pause and exchange gives you the power to Think Through what's happening."
"now and then it is good to pause in your pursuit of happiness and just be happy"
"Sometimes you just gotta sit back, take a minute, reassess everything."
"I need a little break to figure out who I am outside of all that."
"Hold on, pause everything you're doing. Let's have this conversation here first."
"Let's pause everything, reassess."
"We need to stop, just stop, stop for a moment before anybody says or does anything that may hurt anyone else."
"I'm going to actually stop there, okay?"
"Before we get into everybody's favorite segment, let's take a break."
"So feel free to pause the video if you want to go ahead and download that."
"Maybe that's a good place to stop."
"Everybody's life is on hold right now."
"You can pause and read as needed, so then it's here for posterity forever on this video, which is really nice."
"It was literally making me go insane, so it's on hold. I don't know when I'll get back to it."
"So now we can all take a deep. Breath I can take a break here. Maybe I'll just take a quick drink of water."
"And it's just going to add some G-Code where it pauses the print."
"Let's put the rods right here for a second."
"Oh no, no, we already have to stop."
"The pause makes all the difference."
"Invite stillness, step into the pause."
"There was nothing negative, nothing that would bring me pause."
"Take time, take a moment, take a day."
"Can we get a moment to breathe with the news?"
"Alright, pause from the video guys."
"Just put it down, walk away a few hours or come back."
"I'm sorry, but right back. [ __ ] break."