
Nationhood Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"Until we give back their nationhood, we can never claim our own."
"Moral framework is what unites a people. I mean I think if no culture you have no country."
"If there are no shared laws, there is no nation."
"Shall a nation be born in one day shall a nation come back to life in a day and everybody would read that and go what does that mean and then on May 14th 1948 for the first time in human history the church in Israel existed the exact."
"Israel is the only country in the history of mankind that has had a second birth."
"After 25 centuries of slumbering, becoming a nation is something that has never happened to any group of people in the history of mankind."
"There is no tribe that will make a country."
"A nation, as in a people, can only exist if the people within that group consent to being considered an ethnicity."
"That permanent Capital would be a physical symbol of unity for these 13 fractious states that comprise the United States."
"This country is an idea come to being."
"...a country that cannot defend itself does not have true sovereignty."
"...ultimately, a country that cannot defend itself does not have true sovereignty."
"In a lot of ways, our country wasn't founded in 1776. It was founded when John Bingham and the Congress passes the 14th Amendment because that's the modern Constitution."
"Here's the premise: if God's plan of redemption require the existence of a nation and the continuance of that nation if you can destroy that nation you will destroy God's plan for the world."
"The Civil War took us from a collection of states to a one thing, a nation."
"The nation state is a post-Enlightenment phenomena. It's not an ancient phenomena."
"God had a particular plan for [Israel]. It's the only nation in the history of the world that God tells us these are their borders and boundaries."
"There would be no nation without George Washington."
"Israel will be refounded, the Davidic crown will return, the messianic dynasty, and Israel will resume its place as a great nation among the world."
"Canada is personified by the sovereign, just as the sovereign is personified by Canada."
"Because helping people is what great nations and great people do."
"Birthright citizenship is actually crucial to this kind of universal creedal liberal national identity."
"The great undertaking of American nationhood bloated with turmoil."
"The nation is still the custodian of force, represented by things like armies and police forces. We need these in order to protect ourselves from external and internal security threats, but also to basically deliver services, to enforce laws and the like."
"Citizenship in these states was extended initially to members of all ethnicities in expressions of civic conceptions of nationhood."
"It is the idea that now that the United States is its own country and it's a republic with its citizens playing a vital role."
"This continent of ours is a very old patch of dirt, but as a nation, we're brand new."
"What makes a nation good? It's not an answer that can easily be found, but at the very least, it's somewhere people can express themselves, or one can sing freely."
"More than 200 years on, the diverse Australian community celebrates this bumbling start as the birth of nationhood."
"If it wasn't for this battle, I'm not sure we would have a United States of America."
"Jews, by preserving their connectedness and their difference in diaspora, had evolved as the highest form of nation."
"There's a place where Nations are born. Nations are not born in Parliament, nations are born in the heavens."
"The idea of the Modern Nation is really a very modern idea."
"In the name of all Italy, which thanks to their cooperation, had at last become a nation."
"The narrative of the nation... holds us together."
"Regardless of the political territory, the nation first exists in the imagination."
"Singapore will always be an improbable and unlikely Nation forged out of the collective will of our people."
"The fact that we came back to our homeland and that we do have a country and a government here, for me, it does feel like a miracle."
"Nature's decree that this continent be the domain of this great Free People."
"The story is about the birth of a new God and the birth of a new nation."
"A nation will not exist without the language and without a land."
"The only way to unite the people, to bring one culture, one nation, is by having one language."
"The Birth of a Nation is never simple."
"It's kind of a miracle that we have our nation, our religion, everything."
"It was important for the United States, this new United States, if it was going to succeed not just to be recognized as no longer part of Britain but to be recognized as a country in its own right."
"It was going to help them further establish themselves as an independent nation."
"America is a nation of immigrants but it's also a nation of laws."
"The British Empire gave to almost all of the Asian and African countries it ruled some of the foundations of modern nationhood."
"Christianity must unite us as a nation, otherwise we shall lose our ego and with it all possibility of being a people."
"It was a sort of a manifestation of nationhood; it was something that was essential to us that we were able to do something which the people of Wales could feel proud of."
"It is about integrity, morality, values, and the rule of law that defines the character of a nation and its people."
"We're the most unique Nation in the history of the world because we're the only one of the product of an idea."
"Mashantucket is not a town or a city or state; it is the territory of a nation."
"America was established as the first truly modern nation, consciously the first to dissociate its constitutional order from the political mythologies of a long disintegrating Christendom."
"Nation means a place where people can live together with oneness and some sense of trust."
"I will make thee a great nation, and I will bless thee."
"Newborn means a brand new country."
"A nation is not just a flag; it's an imagined community."
"The Federation of Australia was proclaimed; the six colonies became six states of a unified nation."
"We are one because we are one nation and we have one God and we have one Torah."
"Exodus explains in detail how God transformed a large group of people into a single nation held together by their faith in the one true and living God."
"Being friendly then, being one, being a country, and being together."
"The Queen is the embodiment of nationhood."
"We're the only nation based on an idea that all of us, every one of us, is created equal in the image of God."
"America is more than a place; it's a people."
"A stateless nation is a nation that wants their own state but doesn't have it."
"Independence had come, and a new Sovereign Nation was born."
"Somaliland is its own country, it's an independent country for the last 31 years."
"The Somali people earned their independence and elected a democratic government for themselves."
"This nation has always been a nation of immigrants."
"The idea of a Nation... it may surprise you that the Chinese never had a notion of nationhood."
"Join us on this breathtaking journey and discover why Grenada isn't just marking 50 years of independence; it's redefining what it means to be a vibrant, thriving nation in the heart of the Caribbean."
"For I will bless you both, and I will multiply your seed after you, that you shall become a great nation, and kings shall come forth from you."
"We have another reason to be involved since 1948: our nation has recognized and accepted a moral obligation to assure the continued existence of Israel as a nation."
"The photo op... produced one more iconic image of Canada achieving nationhood."
"Let's choose to be for one another, to fulfill the promise of one nation."
"It's a representation of the rebirth of a nation."
"His story opens up with the immediate promise of a land that God will show him, and that he will be a great nation."
"In the 21st Century, DNA and treaties made by medieval kings don't decide nationhood, democracy does."
"We have a Vatican to Mi'kmaq recognition of nationhood in North America; it was the first of its kind."
"We were a nation in 1610, over 250 years before the Canadian Constitution was even signed."
"The moment they walk through the waters, they were no longer slaves but became a nation birthed out of God's victorious Redemption."
"I want to get away from the idea that Britain is one nation; it belongs to us all, and we all belong to it."
"Nations are formed by that which they forget, not which they remember."
"We're a nation; we're going to do it."
"The rebirth of the state of Israel, the rebirth of the Kingdom of Israel."
"All sense of nationhood has narrativized through the possibility of narratives."
"We are in fact one nation, indivisible."
"We're going to decide for our children and our grandchildren what kind of nation we will be."
"My son will have the hum of a front doorbell in his throat; he will sound like home for the wandering souls longing for the shelter of their nation."
"God's most modern day miracle right now is the restoration of the nation of Israel."
"The whole point of this Constitution is we agree to be one nation."
"Everything that you do, you have to have order to be respected as a people, to be respected as a nation."
"It's regenerating, it's strengthening, it's reestablishing the unique and diverse indigenous nationhoods."
"Our nationhood doesn't just radiate outwards, it also radiates inwards."
"Every time a woman gets delivered, a nation is born."
"I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you."
"Never had a decimated ancient people managed to retain their individual identity through 20 centuries and then reestablish their nation in their original homeland."
"Nation building with the heart and mind is also important."
"He was talking about the things that make a country a country and a man a man."
"Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation."
"America isn't what it is; it's what we make of it."
"Global cooperation between strong and accountable states based on open economies and inclusive societies ensures that strong nation states provide the bonds that bring citizens together."
"Ultimately a great nation is a compassionate nation."
"The day was May 14th, 1948, the very day of Israel's Resurrection."
"To build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of nations."
"For 2000 years, Israel hasn't had a nation."
"The fact that there's a nation of Israel says much to God's faithfulness."
"Federation took place in 1901 on the 1st of January. And this was effectively where the six different self-governing colonies... all got together and agreed to unite and become the Commonwealth of Australia."
"Countries have a right to national sovereignty."
"On November 3rd, 1978, Dominica became a fully sovereign country."
"People who not only consider themselves to be and identify themselves as members of a nation and a culture but also are claimed by and acknowledged by the people of that nation and culture."
"It was a massive nation whose full territory couldn't even be captured in a singular frame."
"What makes a nation a nation? A flag, an army, a parliament with democratic elections, and peaceful transfers of power."
"The United States of America was not yet a century old when in 1861 its very existence was in jeopardy."
"Let's work together to become one of the best nations in the world."
"...I will also make a nation from the son of the slave girl, since he is descended from you."
"In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people."
"In the third century, the American nation came of age, affirmed its leadership of free men and women serving selflessly a vision of man with God, government for people, and humanity at peace."
"They would be citizens of a new nation."
"We're not nothing. We're something. We're a nation."
"Canada is now a nation which stretches from Atlantic to Pacific."
"Nations are communities of strangers. You don't know most other people in your nation."
"Countries don't... live for you know 50, 60 years... A country sort of is an ongoing enterprise; it kind of lives forever."
"It only happened right after Israel became a nation and right after Jerusalem came back under the control of the Jewish people."
"The nation of Israel is an unprecedented moment in history."
"The fact that Indonesia can exist as a country is one of those incredibly important impressive things."
"We are a nation of immigrants, number one."
"Only if these decrees vanish from my sight," declares the Lord, "will Israel ever cease to be a nation before me."
"I will cause you to become a great nation, I will bless you and make your name famous, and you will be a blessing to many others."
"The Kemalist view of nationalism rested heavily on civic nationhood."
"When a nation starts, they're strong because they have to."
"Masada... for thousands of years, it's been a symbol of a people's struggle for nationhood."
"Hey, we're an independent nation now. Couldn't have done it without you."
"Without righteousness, a nation is nothing, and sin is a reproach to any people."
"Australia's challenge is to face itself and ask if it is a nation big enough to hold us all."
"We are one people, we are one nation, we are one destiny."
"We understand that now because Israel is a nation again."
"Identity can be quite complicated, as it's based on a balance between different elements that might be more important for some nations than they will be for others."
"Passover is regarded as the birth of the nation."
"What makes a nation a nation is not a government; what makes the nation a nation is law."
"This book declares that the nation which shall be henceforth known as L'Manberg is separate, emancipated, and independent from the nation of Dream SMP."
"Germany finally becoming no longer just a nation but a state."
"I have taken good care of you since your life began. I have carried you since you were born as a nation."
"The modern idea of nation comes from the Bible."
"You will be a wise nation; you wouldn't need to say that we are the greatest nation because all the neighbors will say that you're a great nation, you're a wise nation."
"Israel, the super sign in 1948, the rebirth of the nation, that was our sign."
"You can't build your nation if you don't know who you are."
"The actual Jewish idea is not that Jews are a race, but rather that Jews are a nation and a people with a long common history."
"Canada became a country on July 1st, 1867."
"Nations are only the morality that they have, and when their morality goes, the nations go with it."
"We have made you a balanced nation."
"We can aspire to sovereignty; that's what nationhood represents."
"Ours is the nation, so rare in human history, of self-determination; a theoretical experiment in newness, exploration, discovery."
"A nation is nothing without its people."
"The nation is still in a process of becoming, of drawing itself together, of discovering itself."
"The young Jewish nation, to the surprise of analysts, had defeated the armies of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt."
"Come, let us cut them off from being a nation."
"The history of any given nation is potentially just as complicated and involves all sorts of back and forth as Israel's history does."
"We're not a nation; we're an idea."
"Nationhood springs into being upon the creation of the first government and the election of a head of state."
"What distinguishes a nation from an ethnic group or any other collectivity has to be the nation's self-drive desire to achieve political sovereignty within a recognized territory."
"A nation is the sum of its citizens, their hopes, their dreams, their values, and their prayers."
"The essence of a nation is that all of its individual members have a great deal in common and also that they have forgotten many things."
"Ishmael did become a great nation through Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"It's time to accept that we are all part of the fabric of this nation."
"The founders wanted a country that was better than anything in Europe or anywhere else in the world."
"In the course of time, they became a very powerful nation."
"Every generation of Americans has to decide what kind of people will we be, what kind of nation will we have."
"India is united today because we are a democracy."
"Now, it was not Moscow Rus, and not Moscovia, but Russia."
"Nations define who we are; it defines our destiny."
"This is the birth of a nation moment."
"American citizenship is the most precious gift our nation has to offer."
"As long as the fixed order of Sun, Moon, and stars exists, Israel will always be a nation before Him."
"This nation at its best is that as best only when we see ourselves, all of us, as one family."
"Canada took a major step towards nationhood and subsequently united from sea to sea."
"Israel has to be restored as a nation, did that happen when? 1948 May 14th, they announced Israel was restored as a nation."
"It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and at no distant period, a great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence."
"Past this gateway stirs a new nation waiting to be born."