
Religious Adherence Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Life here is strict, but to them, this is the purest form of Judaism, practiced to the letter of the Torah."
"We have to start fresh, we have to start keeping God's Commandments in sincerity and Truth."
"Do you want a friendship that's just halal people around you that simply don't make you do haram?"
"Every Catholic should surrender to this truth and adhere to this truth because the Church is our mother."
"One reason why it can be explained that a lot of people stay in high control religions or false religions that they know are false is because of cognitive dissonance."
"If you don't do it like the Bible, you're not in the church."
"Mary had a vision of the Lord in which he said to her, 'Observe all the laws of a spouse and holiness, purity, and all perfection.'"
"Calling Sin Sin and calling error error is a good and godly and spiritual and biblical practice and we must do so as God's people."
"When you visualize your success, you'll start to accelerate."
"When God bring order, he comes to put everything in order."
"He did exactly what the prophet saws told him to do."
"Stick to the word of God, stick to the gospel of Jesus."
"If you love Allah and you love the messenger then follow what Allah said in the Quran."
"We have to stick with the apostles' doctrine, we have to stick with the word of God."
"Let's be sure we're not being conformed to the image of this world, but rather making every thought obedient to Christ."
"I fulfilled the law by walking in the spirit."
"I will never ever repeat a verse from the Quran or hadith of the Prophet until I first see it in Arabic."
"I think it just... simply means that if God calls it a sin you have to echo that because you're not God."
"Stay within the parameters of biblically defined sin, not personal opinion."
"We've got to get back to standing on God's word and not man's word in this culture."
"Compromising the word of Allah leads to calamity."
"Teach you to observe everything that the Lord says, that you may Prosper and have good success."
"Rigidity keeps getting denounced over and over and over again."
"Perform your morning prayers...or freeing yourself from The Whispers And Temptations of shaitan."
"Understanding the true way of the Salaf and following the Quran and Sunnah is your victory."
"It behooves Christians to keep close to the Word of God."
"Don't let people deceive you like that. Don't let don't this is a time of great deception that we are in all this disinformation out here you stick to the words of Jesus you stick to the words of this Bible as truth."
"The only way that we will rip that veil off is to go back to the Word of God and once we do that, we're going to have to be willing to believe the Word of God even if it makes us unpopular."
"The temptation to adapt the gospel to the current trends of the world was warned against by St Paul."
"We have to return to law statutes and commandments of the Most High Yah."
"The Sabbath commandment shows that you're a worshiper of Jesus Christ as creator and Redeemer."
"Stick with Jesus, stick with the scripture, the original Bible."
"Trust Jesus' gospel; don't be deceived by false teachings."
"Break it you'll reap the consequences because this is God's word."
"The grace thing will give him extra credit because he just keeps the Lord's commandments."
"Obedience to Allah and His Messenger is absolute."
"So long as God is on our side, we must be sure everything we do and say lines up with Scripture and tradition."
"Everybody must organize themselves under the Bible. When you organize yourself under the Bible, it'll do you well."
"Our faith, our belief must be according to what's written."
"Stay behind the scriptures, don't run ahead, let God lead you."
"All Catholics deserve to be given unadulterated Catholicism because it's only unadulterated Catholicism that is going to bring you to heaven, period."
"I'm not teaching you something outside of the Bible."
"You must live holy. It's not only a command, it is a privilege."
"Jehovah's Witnesses are here being overtly told to stay loyal even to death."
"If someone tells us to do something which goes against the Quran and which goes against the Sunnah, we will reject it."
"If you want freedom in life... you have to go to your Creator. He's the one that's in control of everything."
"The true Christian will not follow Gog and Magog."
"Hold on to your dean, your way of life, Islam, submission to the creator not the creation."
"Stay with the last thing God told you and obey the last thing He told you."
"We have to do what we can to adhere to the scriptures and to avoid heresy."
"I think following the commandments is a minimum."
"Prophets of the Bible called for obedience, for a return to keeping God's commandments."
"Stick with the doctrine of Jesus, the true doctrine."
"Is it wrong to do and say exactly what Jesus said?"
"Despite the penalty of death that would be incurred... I'm gonna stay faithful and true to the laws of God."
"We want to follow God as closely to the Bible as we feel like what it says."
"Indeed we speak with the sayings of Abu Abdullah Ahmed for he is our imam, and we do not oppose him, and we are well pleased with him as an imam."
"The real Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah, those who follow the footsteps of the Prophet."
"No enchantment will work if you keep in the commandments."
"If it is clear in the Quran, I abandon everything else and follow the Quran."
"Some will even say that the FLDS follow the Bible, their holy books, as they were written really closely."