
Infiltration Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinal opposing cardinal, bishops against bishops."
"We cannot forfeit that capacity... by allowing the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate our research institutions."
"Law enforcement has been infiltrated by these white supremacists."
"The devil infiltrates books and ideologies to infiltrate churches, causing spiritual death within lying letters and heresies."
"There's no criminal organization that he cannot penetrate"
"China is really good at infiltrating and placing people in high up positions."
"Eren made the decision to infiltrate Liberio and carry out the attack on his own without prior approval from his superiors in the Survey Corps."
"Ivankov's case is a major case, because it demonstrated the ease with which members of Russian organized crime families have been able to infiltrate US communities."
"China has apparently been infiltrating US companies with a tiny spy chip."
"People can act out fear creatures as they want, but the only way you can bring down certain organization is to get somebody who is in the organization."
"The game's still impressive level design allows for a number of fun ways to infiltrate buildings."
"I've decided to do something about this myself and sneak a modern painting into the most secure, most respected, and most famous gallery in the world."
"Dude, we actually snuck into the Avengers tower, made it through all of the sections."
"They want to join our movements to neutralize us."
"The anti-church, infiltrating into the Catholic Church."
"We're gonna shut down the squid game from the inside."
"You cannot trust these intelligence agencies whether it's in the UK the U.S Germany you know they they've really uh proven multiple times that they not only infiltrate the groups um they even end up leading them."
"Members of the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most powerful cartels in North America, told The Daily Beast that it planned to infiltrate the legal pot market."
"Once the protestors began to realize that particular groups of people were causing their allies to be negated by these mysterious people's actions, a few of the protesters captured some of the infiltrations live using their cell phones."
"Some of those lodges have been infiltrated, for example, by Adam Weishaupt."
"The ability to hide within darkness and move from place to place unseen makes the shadow monk one of the best options for infiltration and scouting."
"Shadow Walk: provides a wonderful amount of mobility and infiltration."
"Beijing infiltrated the United Nations over decades."
"The essence of espionage is access... you need to get an agent or some kind of device close enough to the target."
"The changelings have infiltrated the very high levels of Starfleet."
"Forget trying to infiltrate these newsrooms like we did in the 1970s right now they're actively on the payroll of mainstream media."
"It was also done by very highly organized criminals."
"Having created an atmosphere of paranoia in his enemy’s ranks, Thrawn sent Imperial intelligence to break into the central bank on Coruscant."
"Sy's plan is for us to infiltrate Jellyfish Fields and destroy all of the jellyfish Harvesters."
"The demonic wants to infiltrate people's minds with the whole goal of taking them over."
"In 1943, his fake network was infiltrated by a Nazi collaborator named Charles Beretta."
"So the last thing to do is to infiltrate the capital, and Joanna and Katniss are a bit rough."
"Slowly but surely, these special interests engulfed our Supreme Court."
"Somehow the investigators had to get inside the Bounty Hunter's shadowy world."
"Colonel blood disguised himself as a reverend and enlisted a female accomplice who pretended to be his wife."
"Deciding to become a hero instead, Dane infiltrated the Masters of Evil from within in order to help out the Avengers, eventually earning their trust and becoming a full-fledged Avenger after helping them defeat King the Conqueror."
"We have already infiltrated your governments, your institutions... We know your every weakness, your every flaw."
"The only smart way to do this without killing most of us is to do it from the inside."
"The strategy employed by these individuals was straightforward: infiltrate, seize, and make a swift getaway."
"We got Bandits coming through the front door, Bandits making a back door."
"Corruption is one of my favorite activities. I think you know infiltration corruption when it's coming from the right place it almost feels like the good cancer it's almost eating from the inside out."
"What makes gene Stealers especially deadly is their extraordinary intelligence; they are not designed for brute conflict but rather for infiltration and reproduction."
"Also my brain explodes thinking about how Ethan infiltrated this place and made them believe they needed him as a security engineer and he did this in 48 hours."
"God is outside of your intellect, he's into wisdom, and if all things are possible, which he says they are, that means all things are possible."
"One of the agendas of the enemy in our time is how to infiltrate your mind."
"...the panther party nationally had a reputation for confronting police officers. So why was the panther party important or priority to infiltrate and not the Ku Klux Klan who had been proven to do hate crimes?"
"We need to find a group of hackers so we can take their suits and blend in."
"She infiltrated the country to save him. In order to bring back Chloe, they need his memories of her."
"It is kind of sneaking in because they don't know."
"Our plan is still to take her and get inside from the second level."
"He's like, literally armpit warmed a little thing, swiped in, get right into the lobby, got some brownie points."
"We attacked the bunkers dressed as Adam, naked."
"The League of Shadows has made its way to the summit unbeknownst to security or authorities."
"You sort of started a war by coming in the back way, Sergeant."
"Conversion is achieved more easily and rapidly by unsuspected infiltration of a different idea."
"The Doctor and his companions arrive on what seems to be a happy and carefree colony in the far future, but behind this cheerful exterior, the colony has been secretly infiltrated by a race of giant parasitic creatures called the Macra."
"Let's freaking infiltrate it and see what's really going on here."
"Julian suggests that there might be a mole in his team."
"By infiltrating these organizations, organized crime syndicates gained access to a massive workforce and, by extension, the entire Hollywood production process."
"GhostNet was a nefarious entity with unprecedented reach, infiltrating 1,295 computers in 103 countries, including those belonging to embassies, foreign ministries, government offices, and the Dalai Lama’s Tibetan exile centres in India, Brussels, London, and New York City."
"The CCG begins their assault by infiltrating the lab."
"Racism has the uncanny ability to just find its way into any space."
"We used the Nightshade's stealth to infiltrate their empire, to make contact with the resistance movements."
"Zero issues with water infiltration."
"It was really, really cool seeing the Ministry of Magic kind of operating and then infiltrating it."
"Operation Snow White is crazy too. Absolutely the biggest infiltration of the US government I think ever."
"They realized that we might have some agents inside there."
"The enemy has crept into churches, pretending to prophesy."
"We spy ninjas are putting these inside of Target stores."
"Sanji calls crocodile on the transponder snail, lures him outside, tells him to call him Mr. Prince, and then has Chopper lead him on a wild reindeer chase as he sneaks into Rain Base and frees everyone. Classic Sanji behind-the-scenes work."
"The Tasmanian devil of bugs, I'll leave through plaster, through wood."
"Suddenly alarms go off and they realize that Nikaido has infiltrated their headquarters."
"Zam Fam, so we are in front of our house about to sneak into their giant summer and Christmas masquerade ball with the invitations that they don't know we have."
"The decision to go undercover and try to infiltrate an extremist self."
"I didn't even realize that Me Too times up movement had been infiltrated by these [ __ ]."
"All my firewall is going to protect me? Not really. We can reach deep into the guts of your organization to get those password hashes."
"Malloy and Mercer take the shuttle into Krill space and disguise themselves as Krill soldiers."
"An entire team of mole hunters had to be sent into the facility."
"The Rangers will often try to infiltrate their enemy bases, sometimes just to spy on them, other times to sabotage their plans."
"There's something wrong inside the church. Certain men have crept in unawares."
"Nightwing infiltrates a meta-human trafficking lab, knocking down the guards and destroying its equipment."
"Super Skrulls are an alien race with the ability to shapeshift, allowing them to infiltrate the ruling government and military forces of a planet."
"It's one thing for us to be in the world, it's another thing for the world to get into us, to get into the churches."
"Moving into their house did not work out, but we have to figure out a way to get in without them knowing."
"Imagine you could go and infiltrate Facebook groups and Facebook pages with hundreds of thousands of members in any different niche and go and target these pages in these groups with your Facebook Ads."
"If the devil could infiltrate a church in 60 years to think he couldn't after 2000 you're kidding yourself."
"Trojan Horse represents somebody being taken out from the inside, they have some type of inside connection."
"Redmond's law says that it is an Actuarial certainty that there is a spy in your organization."
"When it comes to criminal organizations, it's not uncommon to have members within the group who flipped to becoming informants for the police."
"They're all trying to sneak into the Stone of Tear, no wonder why it fell half the population of the city was like it's a good time to go into the Stone of Tears."
"CIA agents were sent to infiltrate universities across America, targeting various civil rights and anti-war groups, learning the culture and even the different slang used by the groups they targeted."
"Jiraiya's infiltration of Amegakure: the creepiest and most tense part of the entire series."
"Going in to meet a trafficker with polite manners and tea will not save a child. You have to speak their language, tattooed and look like, and get in their head."
"I can't believe they could get that thing onto this planet without leaving a trace."
"The Rangers infiltrate the ritual and fight the demons."
"I really want to see like starlight joining the group... It's such a cool concept to think about like oh how could she help infiltrate if she's in there already?"
"The upgraded synthetic human flesh covered T-800s became the ideal infiltration weapon."
"The big reveal in this movie that Hydra has kind of ran its tentacles throughout the entire government."
"Shu uses a bicycle to break into the Viper headquarters."
"This action exposes one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the US government by a foreign agent."
"Incredibly, we had surfaced inside the security cordon."
"The federal government had infiltrated all of the organizations."
"The 3 bolts of lightning symbolize air, land, and sea, and they have mastered all methods of infiltration."
"Chad, we're in," she said. "Gonna take us a bit to climb up, so you have some time to think of a brilliant plan to get your boys to safety."
"White's plan here is just to activate my rooks and just infiltrate the back ranks."
"A caledus assassin weaves through the Labyrinth of Lies, infiltration, deception, and treachery."
"Master impersonators and experts in the art of Disguise, caledus assassins are taught to infiltrate adversary organizations or specific places."
"In the feudal period, ninjutsu just meant the art of infiltration, the art of stealth."
"Infiltration using superior knowledge of the terrain permits attacking the enemy throughout the depth of its formations."
"Now let me think carefully," he said to himself, "if I could get up on the wash house roof and then up to that window, I'd be inside the castle at once and could look for the others."
"He jumped quietly down inside the window and crouched there waiting."
"The moonlight maze, one of the earliest forms of major infiltration where hackers penetrated American computer systems."
"Titan rain, hackers were able to infiltrate several computer networks including those at NASA and Lockheed Martin."
"The McCarthy era was defined in large part by a paranoid fixation on the possibility that there were communists that had infiltrated every level of government."
"I'm going to work for this company; I'm going to find an ally; I'm going to find a crack; I'm going to make my way into this organization."
"We need to be silent, stealthy, and infiltrate the castle."
"I have not come as a tourist; on the contrary, I have come to infiltrate and get to know one of the most lucrative indigenous monopolies on the continent."
"Garp even seemed to find it amusing when he learned that Luffy had managed to infiltrate Impel Down."
"Oliver Queen was working to infiltrate a team of eco-terrorists... he finds himself tangled up in one of their plots."
"With that access, Soundwave raids their processors completely undetected and steals a constant stream of information."
"Undercover investigations are nothing more than placement of a properly trained and skilled investigator into an unsuspecting workforce."
"Elk Cloner: the program with personality. It will get on all your disks, it will infiltrate all your chips."
"Chrysalis proves her capabilities from the get-go, being able to infiltrate Canterlot under the guise of Princess Cadence without anyone realizing it."
"If anyone stands a chance of infiltrating CyberLife, it's me."
"He was a fearless infiltrator of enemy lines who stuck to the shadows and faded into the background despite his bright yellow armor."
"We can change that according to how good our infiltration is, whether it's a very leaky building or whether it's an airtight building."
"Infiltration is when water enters the Earth's surface."
"The water moves down through the biggest pores first."
"He was really the first informant who penetrated the cartel's inner sanctum."
"It's day 100, and they have still not figured out that I am not one of them."
"It's the thrill of breaking what they say can't be broken, knowing there's no safe I can't crack, no fortress I can't infiltrate."
"Ravengard can infiltrate in directly on objectives in turn one because that's what Ravengard do."
"...word was that Inquisitor Big Hat had rolled in with an infiltration force, got caught, and got shot."