
Religious Warning Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"It is a message of loving warning that you don't want to die without Christ."
"Be careful about being lukewarm or apathetic about God. That is dangerous."
"The hour is in preparation when the man of iniquity who wants to put himself in the place of God to have himself adored as God is about to manifest himself in all power."
"The worst form of shirk was worship of the self."
"Jesus gives a warning to the disciples...for all time...because this is going to be a pervasive issue...throughout all of our generations."
"The shaytan promises you only delusion, misguidedness, kind of a vain dream."
"Stop playing church, stop wasting your time over social media. Listen at these men that's trying to lead you to hell."
"God is sending us warnings for us to take heed to them. Don't be like the people of Noah's days."
"This message is designed to keep us out of hell."
"False christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect."
"A day of deception is coming that was so intoxicating even God's children would succumb without His intervention."
"Many false prophets will rise up and mislead many people."
"If you do not believe upon Jesus Christ, there is coming a final judgment."
"Repent or you will likewise perish. Believe the gospel, receive salvation."
"Remember that Jesus himself gave us two warnings about the last days."
"God's warnings in the Quran are combined with scientific facts as a stark reminder to those who reject faith."
"We then realized that Satan has been guiding this world into worship of him and we must be stricter in our faith and adherence to Ellen's words."
"The spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons."
"The church is clearly warned... Satan's attack will come from within." - Angela Greenig
"That was a clear sign from God saying do not twist my word or mock my name."
"Heaven is telling us this time of mercy is now over."
"Knowledge is of the true aspects of reality."
"God wants us to know that the lack of seeking his wisdom will be the downfall of many people."
"The day of the Lord will be a day of wrath, trouble, destruction, and desolation."
"The Antichrist Spirit has already possessed many."
"I couldn't stand the thought of you ending up in hell."
"What stronger warning can I give you than that which my text contains? Except you repent, you will all likewise perish."
"I'm begging you to repent and be baptized in the water in the name of Jesus Christ, free of charge. You can give this free. So beware of the crooks getting my necessary permits for the temple."
"When you're a false prophet, you're the sands man. That's right."
"Don't let anyone deceive you, for many will come in my name."
"The scriptures have long forewarned us of such deceivers, Jesus himself cautioned us."
"The quran issues the severe warning that it is at the cost of one's hereafter, the magician quite literally has to sell their soul in order for the jinn to comply."
"Apostasy is at the doorstep, ladies and gentlemen."
"Many will believe in him because he will claim to have come from heaven but woe to them."
"You do not want to be one of those people to whom Jesus says depart from me for I never knew you."
"Jesus is coming and you do not want to experience his wrath... embrace the Blessed hope known as The Rapture of the church."
"The Rapture is coming... y'all need to wake up."
"The Lord is shouting out right now: 'Danger, heads up!'"
"Beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the mutilation beware of those who say that circumcision for example is the way to righteousness."
"In the last days, perilous times will come. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, proud, blasphemers, haters of God..."
"Do you not know that God will give people up if they do not turn from their wickedness?"
"False Christ's and false prophets will arise... to deceive if possible even the elect."
"Dangers Jesus warned of: religious deception."
"These are lies from the devil and they'll lead you to hell if you open your heart to these lies."
"If you ever have any spirit in your life that you can use, it isn't the Holy Spirit."
"Those who consume RIBA are going to live like a people driven to madness."
"You are walking around with a death sentence because the wages of sin is death."
"Their spiritual pipe-hypers and their decrees lead only to perdition."
"Man's way produces false converts, and they could hear the most terrifying words from Jesus: 'Depart from me, I never knew you.'"
"Jesus did this when he warned of hell. Jesus warning of hell was Jesus saying, 'This is where you're headed if you don't repent and put your faith in me.'"
"Why turn away from obeying Allah's instruction? He will replace you with others."
"Every human being that has not received Jesus is walking with death."
"Be careful who you listen to," he warned. "Just because they're doing signs and wonders does not mean it's from God."
"You want to end up in the lake of fire folks I don't I don't that's right you want to go there."
"Those that are living in sin will end up in hell unless you repent. Jesus Christ loves you and he's giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him."
"I am your last chance, too, Jews."
"This little black boy is your last chance."
"Allah has warned us through the heat of summer, but instead of heeding the warning, we walk face-first into disobedience, further away from paradise and into the scolding fire."
"Every human being that says to themselves 'I will do things my way, not God's way,' you become the 'I am,' but your 'I am' is the false god."
"There's a punishment coming on sin for people that deny Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior."
"Disobedience and sins are corridors that may lead you to disbelief and worshipping other than Allah, and stripping Allah of His lordship."
"Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed."
"Fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgement is come."
"Whosoever believeth not shall be condemned."
"We are trying to warn you of the coming wrath of God, and warn you to flee into the loving arms of our Savior."
"For false messiahs and prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
"God is watching you. You better get it together."
"You all better repent because the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."