
Historical Fact Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Kelly's next sentence is, 'You do know they tried to kill Hitler three times.'"
"The U.S Marine Corps is actually older than the USA itself."
"After World War II, the United States is by far the richest nation in the world."
"In February 1945, President Walter Funk orchestrated the transfer of gold reserves valued at 238 million dollars to the Merkers mine for safekeeping, shielding Germany's financial lifeline from the ravages of war."
"Writing was invented in Uruk in the 32nd century BC."
"Debates among presidential candidates were not common until the mid-20th century."
"No cell mates also the food at Alcatraz was renowned as the best prison food in the country and the guards and inmates actually ate the same meals."
"Only one-third of Americans actually supported independence back then."
"For every British soldier, there were ten Italians taken prisoner."
"This is a slave trader responsible for the trafficking of 84,000 Africans for the Americas to be sold into slavery. 19,000 died on the journey."
"More civilians died as a result of the war than people in uniform."
"He was the tallest ever member of the United States Senate. 6’9"."
"The first vending machine dispensed holy water."
"The first legal slave owner in history was a black man."
"The administrative state has been a fact of our lives and our government."
"What is older than we think? The first carbonated drink to be sold to the public was invented by Swiss watchmaker and amateur scientist JJ Schwepp in 1783."
"The shortest War was between Britain and Zanzibar."
"The first capital of our great nation was actually New York City."
"In many times in history, beer was safer to drink than water because the production process includes boiling. Boiling eliminates parasites, viruses, and bacteria that can cause illness."
"There is no historical doubt that Jesus was crucified."
"Perhaps the first documented water slide in the United States was in 1923."
"Not a single one of these ships ever sailed to Europe."
"A black man had the legal right to vote before a white woman."
"The Rockefeller Standard Oil Company was selling more oil to Hitler's war effort than to the Allies."
"History is history, and you can't change it."
"Rio was actually the capital of Brazil from 1763 until 1960."
"Germany's army, it was claimed, was four times the size allowed by the Treaty of Versailles."
"The introduction of refined sugar started rotting people's teeth in medieval Europe. Dental diseases became such a big issue that people were actually asking their barbers to pull out bad teeth for them."
"The majority of human beings did not have writing even up until the year 1900."
"Gold is never going to zero, that is a fact, that is a 5,000 year fact."
"Essentially, Normandy was given to Northmen."
"Thomas Jefferson owned over 500 slaves on his plantation."
"Over a hundred years ago without any government mandates or minimum wage laws, Henry Ford paid his factory line workers 52 ounces of gold per year."
"During World War II, fresh lobster was considered a delicacy and therefore was not rationed."
"The Statue of Liberty was not a product of the United States but it was actually a gift from the French in 1886."
"In 1899, 90% of all taxis in New York City were electric cars..."
"That's not debated. It's just a factual thing that happened, a part of American History."
"The dollar was defined as specie gold and silver."
"Free men of African descent could own servants or slaves... they could vote and they did."
"During World War Two, French people cut the lift cables in the Eiffel Tower so when Hitler visited he had to take the stairs."
"Jesus' death as a consequence of crucifixion is indisputable."
"The worst year in human history was the year 536 AD."
"The price of a ticket in third-class on Titanic was just over seven pounds sterling."
"Did you know the earliest fart joke was started in 1900 BC? Now that's a long fart."
"was he crucified I think this is probably the one we can say 100% yes to it seems a very odd story for um the early Christians to to make up if if Jesus wasn't crucified why on Earth would you say that"
"In all, 97% of the nearly 15,000 poles in various camps were put to death."
"The Great Wall of China and many other historic Chinese structures are held together using sticky rice mortar."
"We can sum up what we know about them in one sentence: They were made about 2,200 years ago."
"The first reference to Mecca is not till 741. That's the huge one, that's the one that's disturbing everybody."
"The drainage work under Cromwell took four years in 1653 parts of the fen were declared dry."
"An usm2 machine gun mounted on a U.S World War II fighter could fire a 20 second burst."
"Wait, so that someone did die to a spider bite in 1979."
"The Queen Mary is 1019 and a half feet long from her bow back to her aft."
"Napoleon's penis was sold at auction it was reportedly severed at his autopsy and perineum and in 1969 it was sold to an American urologist at the auction."
"Unlike any other religion in the world, Christianity grounds itself in a singular historical fact."
"The 98 Indiana Pacers were the only team to take the Chicago Bulls to seven games during their second three-peat."
"Ronald Reagan saved 77 people from drowning as a lifeguard."
"Abraham Lincoln was a champion wrestler."
"Knowing that it's the longest continuously operated anthracite coal mine in the world, no one else could say that except these guys."
"Antietam was the single bloodiest day in American history. Twice as many people were killed on September 17, 1862, as were killed on September 11, 2001."
"Jesus died by crucifixion... Jesus died by crucifixion... the evidence is present... Jesus died... the most solid fact of ancient history."
"Did you know that George Washington didn't even want to be president until he found out that he could throw out the first ball of the season?"
"The high watermark of his reign seems to be the year 802."
"Philadelphia, of course, was the biggest city in America."
"The textual and archaeological evidence places the birthplace of Jesus at Bethlehem into the category of historical fact."
"Genghis Khan wrote a code of laws known as the Great Yassa declaring all peoples, religions, and cultures equal."
"one of those first 36t long leopards with the synchromesh gearbox buses was actually delivered to Edinburgh Corporation"
"Did you know that in 1928, 12807 passenger tickets were issued at Yofford station and 240 lavatory pennies collected from the station toilets?"
"There was a being called Jesus of Nazareth as a matter of historical fact."
"Had the ship hit the iceberg head-on, it would have most likely survived the damages."
"JD Rockefeller rigged explosives in mines and shot miners as they ran out."
"Henry Cornet, the winner of the 1904 Tour de France, his daily diet consisted of 1.5 kilos of rice pudding and 11 liters of hot chocolate."
"World Trade Center 1 and 2 had two fireproofing systems."
"The US embassy at the time was the largest American Embassy in the world."
"Dolly Madison died in Washington on July 12th 18-49 at the age of 81."
"I found out that he died in Australia in 1974."
"So, yeah, I did do some math on it. So, a 300-pound TNT depth charge, which would have been the most common type of depth charge used at the time, has a kill radius for submarines at less than 100 feet or 30 meters."
"It was actually the best-selling cookbook in the colonies in 1776."
"Moat was eventually filled in in the 17th century."
"He put that up, the basketball clinic, yes. And it came out that in 1979, Magic Johnson turned down a stock option deal with Nike over a cash offer from Converse. His position in Nike today would be worth 5.2 billion."
"The 16 million Americans who served in the armed forces during the 1940s, that's 80% of American men who were born during the 20s."
"The ruins of Noah's Ark are lying on the slope in the mountains of Ararat. It's not a myth, it really happened."
"The resurrection is a historical fact, as the Lord Jesus was a historical person, died an actual historical death, rose from the dead in real history and in physical form, though a glorified physical form."
"According to their daughter, Rosetta, Anna helped to fund Frederick Douglass's escape from slavery by selling which of her possessions?"
"To make sure no one would ever attempt to restore the direction determining functions of the pyramid, ninerta also ordered the three port culluses removed."
"I read this story and went, just when you think you know con men and [ __ ] artists, there's a medieval woman who made a living pretending to be Joan of Arc!"
"This was the only laundry that was actually done on Titanic because there were only three laundry stewards."
"The scholarly consensus on Jesus' death arises from having a variety of ancient sources."
"Death was not always instant. Some only suffered broken bones."
"The first person who died building the Hoover Dam was the father of the last person who died building the Hoover Dam."
"Fish and chips are the only food not to be rationed during the war."
"Salem was the birthplace of the National Guard in 1636. I did not know that. Well, it is."
"Literacy rates among pirates were substantially higher than the rest of the population."
"Interesting little fact: the town I live in has the last standing prisoner of war camp in all of North America."
"OMG," the first documented instance of the initialism was sent from a British naval officer to Winston Churchill.
"The Guinness world record for highest IQ ever recorded was given to Marilyn vos Savant," the record has since been retired by Guinness because IQ tests were deemed too unreliable.
"Britain was the dominant maritime power of the period, that is beyond dispute."
"I think it's certain that Jesus was crucified."
"It is a historical fact that some of Jesus' followers came to believe that he had been raised from the dead soon after his execution."
"Interesting fact: the completion of Lake Hilton was in 1956 and at full capacity, it is six times the size of Sydney Harbour."
"Remember how Thomas Andrews had told some passengers on the Titanic that the ship could be cut into three individual pieces and each piece would float?"
"Cleopatra is closer in time to the invention of the iPhone than the building of the great pyramid at Giza."
"Henry III was born on the 1st of October 1207 in Winchester Castle."
"The workers who built the pyramids were paid in beer."
"Jesus coming into the world is not a story; it's a fact and it's a reality."
"France was still executing people by guillotine when the first Star Wars movie came out."
"It stands as proof that cars did not run on gasoline from the beginning."
"They were actually discriminated against under the system during the Holocaust."
"Given all these testimonies, Christ's Resurrection cannot be interpreted as something outside the physical order, and it is impossible not to acknowledge it as an historical fact."
"Oxford University is actually older than the Aztecs."
"Tomato ketchup was sold in pharmacies back in the day as a medicine that could cure ailments like diarrhea, indigestion, and jaundice."
"John Hanson was president before George Washington."
"Every single polar bear alive is a descendant of one female brown bear who lived approximately 50,000 years ago in Ireland."
"Ethiopia has never been colonized by Europe."
"The United States of America is in no sense founded on the Christian religion."
"They stopped making Cutlery out of pewter in the early 1800s, like 1820 or so, when they realized the lead isn't the best thing to go in your mouth."