
Life Reality Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"We can't always get what we want, now can we?"
"It's never ever going to go the way that you want it to, or the way it's supposed to go."
"Real life is kinda the same. No matter what happens today, you'll wake up the same person tomorrow."
"Life is not a kindergarten soccer game where everybody gets to shoot a goal... everybody can be on the pitch and try out for the team."
"I had goals, dreams, ambitions. It was not supposed to play out this way."
"When everything is going smooth, there's going to be unexpected things that are going to happen in your life, and you have to deal with that."
"There is no picture perfect life and that is not true so um it's just that you got to remember to work your way towards the life you want to live."
"We're either failing to achieve goals or we're failing to adapt to the environment... but that's life."
"Life isn't found on the pages of a magazine; life is found in the glass of spilled milk and in the long narrow hallway filled with socks and soccer balls."
"Nobody owes you shit. Everyone has their own shit going on."
"I spend all day on a couch right look at that making money is like I wish it was that easy I wish."
"As much as I'd love for this to be productive as well, you know, you can't always get what you want."
"Not every moment is a big crescendo, sometimes it's just the nitty-gritty in between."
"You have to accept reality as it is and realize life ain't fair sometimes."
"The reality is that it doesn't last forever."
"Life is never going to turn out the way you want all the time, and you gotta be able to push through."
"Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. The journey is the end."
"Oh yeah dude I don't even get to do any of this cool stuff."
"Life is painful, life is hard, life isn't fair."
"Life didn't turn out the way you thought it would when you were younger."
"Understand that base level of life [ __ ] blows and so if you can walk out at the end of the day with a good group of people you could say you love yourself, you're winning."
"Post-apocalypse world is harsh, and people die. Don't let it demoralize you. It's fine, people die all the time."
"This world of course is full of no guarantees other than death, taxes, and suffering."
"Nobody gave bet you and nobody ever gave you anything for nothing."
"Life is not fair, all that's guaranteed: death and taxes."
"At the end of the day, all you got is yourself."
"Nothing is free out here, nothing is perfect out here."
"Life couldn't be better, but as always, that's a front. Their life is not better."
"Whatever you do in life, your start gonna be ugly. You can't start balling on the first date. That's the dream that we were sold."
"Nothing's there, life sucks, get used to it."
"The truth shall set you free - all right, free to find another job."
"Adulting is not as great as it is cracked up to be."
"That's just life. It's not fair but it's life."
"Accountability is a regular part of life that's impossible to avoid."
"Life is not a fairy tale, but for a lucky few, it does get pretty darn close."
"Money is not the route to everything, but you need it to survive."
"Challenges are a part of life. We're always going to have them if you're here. Unless you live in la la land and you're not paying attention."
"That's life, you win some, you lose some."
"We all mess up, we all make mistakes."
"You don't know what life is like until you have sat down on a bed in front of your husband wearing premenopausal high-waisted panties."
"Nobody in this world is perfect, nobody has a perfect life, money or without money, everybody has sadness."
"Not all stories have happy endings, and not all plans turn out the way that you would want them to."
"It's just life. It's a part of life I've always known that death was a part of life but it's just an impossible concept to wrap my head around."
"We're too busy living and often times we subconsciously think everything will work out for the best; it never goes that way, though, does it?"
"It's interesting that none of us have a free ride."
"You can't make things happen all the time."
"Nothing is certain in life except for death and taxes."
"How quickly one's dreams bloom; how quickly they wither."
"At the end of the day, man, it's everybody for themselves."
"What would it look like if we embraced the reality of loss in our lives?"
"You're the brightest star in my sky, I wish you could stay, that's life."
"Life is messy and dirty and imperfect."
"Every story does not have a happy ending and our tomorrows are never ever guaranteed."
"Welcome to the reality of what life really is."
"Such is life, the bad guys always win, don't they, folks?"
"Perpetual sunshine is not usual in this world, even to God's true saints."
"Life does have problems and trouble; it doesn't mean your life needs to be full of trouble, but you will have trouble."
"I guess life happened. I do think that sometimes a lot of us have unrealistic expectations what to expect from life, from relationships, from all kinds of stuff, just very unrealistic expectations."
"Nobody is happy or content every single day of their life; it's impossible."
"You can't rewind and you can't go back."
"The world owes us nothing; we all leave this thing in a box."
"Life isn't bliss, life is just this, it's living."
"For every single living creature, friendship is something that is real."
"Life is not always perfection, and it's good that that's the case."
"Life is painful, so if you want to live life, you're going to experience pain."
"When you just grow up in struggle, it's hectic because you know you can't keep strong forever, but it's just how it is. That's life."
"Life is not always perfect and beautiful and amazing, and every twist and turn and that you can't control everything in your life at all times."
"Life ain't like that you know, it's not linear like you have your ups and downs."
"It's good, the bad, the ugly, just the way it is, it's life."
"Life isn't perfect, it never will be."
"The reality of life is, you know, it comes with the roses; you have the lovely rose and you have the thorns as well."
"Nobody in this world is perfect, nobody got their stuff all the way together in life."
"Life is rugged and messy and full of pain even when it's going relatively well."
"Life is not necessarily what we imagine, but it's what happened to us and what we make out of what happens to us."
"Life is messy, sometimes it's tough, some days you just don't feel good."
"Life doesn't turn out the way you thought it would when you were 14 years old."
"I think the truth is that we are all struggling and we're struggling even when we're happy."
"The happiness that Patricia had expected to feel as she assembled these building blocks of a good life had slowly faded."
"Life isn't perfect here, never will be."
"Shipping is one of those things that I never really understood... it's just something that I came to the conclusion that is just a part of life."
"Reality doesn't always progress like a fairy tale."
"Life is never going to be perfect, and that's just how it is, but it's like learning how to work with it and go with the flow and be patient with yourself and others."
"I am what I am, my life is what it is."
"You don't always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need."
"It's impossible to make everybody happy."
"Every day can't have a happy ending, right? You win some, you lose some."
"Life is so much lived in the gray area, not just black or white."