
Office Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"The most famous office in the world... it's very smart, it's very tasteful."
"Ergonomics are vital and often overlooked in home offices."
"This thing has revolutionized the look of the office... it has everything that you could want."
"It's hard to argue that it has had a tremendous impact not only in just computing, but the digital office space as a whole."
"Nobody could in fact remain in office after doing that."
"A desk will probably be the most used accessory out of everything in this video."
"Every single day that this guy continues to remain in office once he's sworn in does damage to the Republican party."
"Stanley was happy to realize that all of his co-workers his boss no one in the building had suddenly vanished off the face of the earth."
"This is amazing, oh a hideaway office, the kids couldn't see me back here."
"It's glowing in here, this office in the mornings."
"Nice spacious office kind of tucked away from everything."
"The office is more or less the heart of the business."
"My office right now is an amazing depiction of my mental state."
"The higher the office, the more arrogant the people are."
"An access point and router provide wireless internet access across an office space."
"A bad day at Sea beats a good day at the office" – That's not true. One, a bad day at Sea is really scary. And two, a good day at the office kicks ass. I mean, it's just fabulous. It's exciting and you're watching things come together."
"A bad day at Sea is really scary and a good day at the office kicks ass."
"Each audit was always done in a small office that could barely fit a desk and a few chairs in."
"People are going in to the office for different reasons than they were pre-pandemic."
"Remember when they used to say that water cooler talk you have to go into an office to do that? No one wants to work in an office anymore."
"It's also just like such a flex to have your own office."
"Make your office your own, make it as cool as you can possibly make it, if you can. But if you can't right now, don't let it be an excuse to not go make the things that you need to make."
"A desk setup begins with two foundational pieces: the desk and the chair. The chair, in my opinion, is the most important part of any desk or home office setup."
"This is gonna be my first-ever office, my first-ever beauty filming room. Whatever you want to call it."
"We're gonna have to show you the greatest hits of office hours today."
"I work from home, but they're making me go back in the office in one week."
"The floating dollar trick - imagine getting away with this type of conduct in an office setting."
"Nice we've been out the office literally 5 minutes look at the queue."
"My vision for this office was for it to be warm and cozy and inviting when you first walk in."
"I was a tough six months, you know. But I was so wrapped up in my office in Miami."
"He's gonna be like shadowboxing around the office for a little be shadowboxing."
"What a great idea! An actual office. That would mean you'd had a real job."
"A fantastic office scent, polished and chic."
"It's just office buildings, often strung up with big banners."
"We believe that the function in the office are one."
"Last video in this office we're gonna move to a new one and get some more stuff going sorry you didn't get to see the tear down and build up."
"...I hope you enjoyed this vlog and I hope you enjoyed the changes to my office and all of that stuff."
"And then Mike Meyer popping the question right here at the office in Madonna Beach in Cabo is pretty unbelievable."
"This is the coolest office I've ever seen."
"Not a bad day's work... not a bad day in the office really."
"My office is going to be beautiful."
"This is just the beginning of a beautiful office."
"I'm gonna do like a fish eye so you guys can see it. This is the final look at our updated offices. We are bosses."
"There was always such respect for the office, even if you didn't like the particular occupant."
"I miss the camaraderie of an office."
"The vast majority of office workers do not want to be in an office five days a week. This is having devastating effects on the office market."
"So, I filled up an Amazon box with purple rain powder that was ordered to my office. A dry dye that gets darker and spreads when it comes into contact with your sweat that lasts a week on your skin."
"Michael did not need an office, because we built this when we first married, and I didn't realize with him being a harbor pilot, his office is the river."
"May we never forget about the many years of entertainment this office gave us with just one play button."
"I love my office. It is so exactly what I want. It feels so welcoming."
"The joy of getting seventy dollars to masturbate in an office, yeah."
"There's obviously an office environment. I think you should have different accounts like different departments."
"It's not the kind of feeling you get working in an office."
"I'm finally in my office, y'all, I haven't been in my office in over a week and a half."
"Mayhem, really good office set kind of virus film."
"PFT is the best jumper in the office by far."
"This is my new office... so welcome to my office."
"Trump's like someone who draws out the 'Happy Birthday' song with lots of trills and 'ayyyys' when the rest of the office wants to get back to work and the Carvel cake is like, 'I'm melting over here.'"
"Our experience here in Philadelphia is that we have seen a decreased willingness for people to work in an office."
"But yeah, that is basically my office space."
"I've had such a... how exciting, sorry, you're getting your office done."
"Everyone likes to win and then some people don't win and some people do me they're like really good because I just I want to office."
"It's a perfect scent, totally the kind of fragrance you would wear at office settings."
"Your ambition to be great will lead to an awful blunder if influenced solely by holding office."
"My greatness will not be recognized till I'm out of office."
"It was the night before elections and I was sitting in the office, scratching married women out of an old date book when Sam Toliver showed up."
"Before we moved into the office space, I got all this crinkle paper and like bubble wrap and all this stuff delivered because I was planning on coming back out with the colored surprise boxes."
"It's always fun kind of reorganizing the office cuz it's a fresh start every time."
"You have a four port switch to hook up your printer maybe a desktop computer scanner what other stuff may be in your office without having to run all the extra cables."
"...you actually fell on the floor in office out of the chair laughing it was the most extended period of laughter I've seen you do..."
"I hope I hope I don't accidentally take that to the office too."
"That was just illogical to me because Benoit just had not yet quite gained the confidence from the office."
"...every building had a sign that said Vince's office."
"I'm already in the office, already. I'm worried about my teammates."
"This meant no more going home at 2PM and no more lunch for the office everyone was angry."
"It's so pretty when I used to go into the office, I used to wear this one all the time."
"Comment down below if you guys want me to do like a full redecorating our office because we literally have like a blank office, like nothing there."
"You get into you have an office can you tell us a little bit about how you do this thing that you do you have an office outside of the house yeah."
"An office which is a great office as well."
"She was very sweet, we would go to her office and she would take us down the hall to like the DVD room."
"But now she's mad because it's hot in the office when she's in there."
"Let's get started. I've got some things in my office."
"This office really became just like an extension of my home."
"It's about hate. It's about competition and going to the office with bragging rights."
"Prada L'Homme, one of the best office fragrances for men that you can buy on the market."
"It's not a dangerous procedure. We do it right in the office."
"Everything that you guys could dream, everything that you guys are gonna see in this office I have either obtained from childhood up until adulthood up until now."
"I'm very thankful to have this office where I can edit my videos, go through emails, have like a space to work which is really, really nice."
"That's what's gonna look like inside of our office when we get one, smokestacks."
"Armani Code's Eau de Parfum, perfect for the office, very mass-appealing dark elegant mature DNA of Armani Code."
"Welcome back everyone to some more office trivia."
"I'll be honest, this office looks better than even it did in that Mega viral video."
"I'm really loving my makeup today. I'm ready for the day. I'm actually about to go into the office today and it's the first time that I've seen everyone in like 10 days, so I'm super excited about that."
"Zach wasn't working at the maravon offices in fact he had never once spoken to his supposed Mentor Howard Schultz."
"I'm happy to have shuffleboard in the third round, right? Yeah, we are building our office and like, 'What do you guys want?' and we all looked around, we're like, 'I think shuffleboard would be the play.'"
"If the company nurse drops by, tell her I said never mind. Thank you."
"Return to office is a clear thing now, a lot of places are returning to office or hybrid."
"Every day you come into the office, you've got these girls working for you."
"I'm not remodeling my office until I've hit my personal goals."
"Perfect minimalist office safe fragrance."
"A great fragrance that's very minimalist and office safe."
"One of the best office fragrances ever made."
"...we spend one day following those drafts being done in the office."
"This is my office where I see the sea. I've got the best office in the world."
"Mega desk, mega desk is far more powerful than a tambourine or a ladder, I don't care what you say."
"We just function much better in the office, people can collaborate better."
"Collectively we are the office bloke all three of us together in a room."
"We need to go back to the office and we need to start putting together a list of the tournament that we're gonna put together to find out who is the worst band in the world."
"It's gonna be hard to get used to going back into an office. I've been working remotely. I've had a day job you know as a patent paralegal for a long time but I've worked from home so it's gonna be, that was a bit of an adjustment."
"This is the mess I left in my office last night."
"None of us will go to our graves saying we wish we'd spent more time in the office."
"I heard my front door open and I heard footsteps coming toward my officer station. After about two minutes I still heard walking around and I heard the distinct jingling of keys which again no inmates have access to obviously."
"I ended up getting this picture for my office."
"I feel like I'm in an office, I work at an office."
"I absolutely love having these three photos hung up in my office."
"I think I love this office actually."
"I just felt like the office, I related more to the office because I worked in offices."
"Honor the office if we can't honor the person."
"I've got to say that is some view from the office."
"I think I'm going to use mine in my office."
"The Neptune Plus has earned its place in my office."
"I think we should be respectful of the office and the mechanism of government."
"This is a great office to get things done."
"I think the office area is a good idea, it's something which you don't normally find."
"You can roll it around on your desk."
"There will be plenty of space left on your desk after using this case."
"Welcome to my new office space, super excited, super cool."
"Office space with the ability to use it as a guest room, wardrobe done easy."
"If you're not taking advantage of being in the office to learn from the people who are in this room, you as a starting professional are hurting yourself."
"Tom Ford's White Patchouli is a fabulous fragrance, it wears really well to the office."
"It's my office, isn't it? It's the best job in the world."
"Hello and welcome to my new office that isn't quite complete yet but will be soon hopefully."
"I bring a mischievous vibe to the office that's usually absent."
"The two ladies that work in that front office are so sweet and so accommodating and helpful."
"I've been lifted by the Positive Vibes here in the office this week."
"I'm actually heading to the office an hour earlier than usual."
"I might turn that into an office or my getaway time where I can lock the door and ignore the world and just chill out."
"It's already quickly become one of our favorites around the office."
"I finally got an office; it feels so good to have a private space where I can film videos for you guys."
"Assistant to the regional manager."
"Hallelujah, the office looks so amazing."
"This office space just was meant for a boss, it was meant for doing work."
"Of all the machines in the office, the computer is probably the most awe-inspiring."
"The flat air in my office is washed in with the green scent of the sea, and the dust in the air is blown away."
"Oh my God, the view of my house from this way, guys, this is gonna be my office. Oh, how exciting is this!"
"I work from home as a games developer, so it was really important to me to have a functioning office space."
"Office plant fair is the place to be because you can get beauties like this for such a good deal."
"The best thing is that it can run in Office across multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac, iPad, and in the browser."
"I can work with charts, conditional formatting, custom functions, and much more."
"We are going to be pulling my office out of the modern farmhouse feel and giving it a completely new vibe."
"I'm going to have a nice office like this, beautiful."
"I could even see using this as a little office space maybe."
"The Epson Paper Lab is a space-saving paper recycler that is installed right in offices."
"This is a great piece of equipment for your desk."
"We're going to have an actual office that's just an office."
"Now that we've settled into the office space, we're finally going to be able to get it going."
"What a great opportunity to use a desk view."
"It's like Snap's office in Harry Potter."
"I'm gonna need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow. So if you could be here around nine, that would be great, okay?"
"This is a nice little room which I'm going to use as an office."
"A living room and a classic style office with wooden walls."
"It's this mug warmer that you can actually keep in your office or your room, and it actually keeps your drink warm."
"I wanted something that brought a little bit of nature into my Moody office just to lighten it up a little."
"The Guardians continue to think they can just barge into my office whenever they please."
"I'm super happy, especially with this new calendar for my desk."
"Now I've got two rooms; this room here is actually my main office."
"Everybody needs one of these in their office."
"It's a little pinball machine for your desktop; that's cool, super cool."
"I love being in an office; it's one of my favorite places to be."
"It's very convenient, you can really place this anywhere in your house, maybe even at an office."
"The real you is not defined by the size of your office."
"I hope that redoing this office space allows me to move a little bit quicker with less distractions."
"The office transcends the person who occupies the position."
"Good morning you guys from my new office."
"Something spooky is going on at the office."
"In the office, she is really sort of the glue that holds everybody together."
"On one side we'll have the pantry and then on the other side we'll create an office."
"Nobody looks at office automation quite like Isaac."
"I'm so, so happy with it, and I just couldn't be more excited about this office."
"Trust me when I say this, the Steelcase Carmen is the best mesh chair hands down."
"You served the office with great dignity."
"You're going to love having air conditioning and heating capabilities in your workspace."
"I also dreamed about my personal office, but my dream remained unfulfilled."
"This was probably an empowering kind of technology for the office secretary."
"It's the story of when somebody tried to steal Dunder Mifflin."
"It's been sitting on my office door and it just is such a nice thing to look at every time I walk by."
"My money tree that was in his office was smoking from the soil."
"Over the weekend, I planned the best routes to my new office."
"I'm so excited about that, I'm probably going to hang it up somewhere in the new office."
"Good morning from the new office space."
"I'm gonna make the office like a restaurant."
"If you want your office to look good, you want to feel good in it."
"It could also be used as always on intercom system for your office. Let's get started."
"It's better in the office where it can be done in seven seconds. That's all it takes to erase an event."
"It's like I'm calling my craft room slash office just my office now."
"I'm gonna make this office is gonna be so cool; I've so many ideas."
"Head office have really taken a shine to you, haven't they?"
"Well hello, and welcome to this English lesson about the things you'll find if you work in an office."
"You're listening to Office Hours."
"Welcome to my new office, which I had big plans for. I was pretty excited about it."